Presentation :
Valentini Erika
Professional Translations from English, French, Spanish, German and Portuguese into Italian.
Via Meucci 22, San Prospero (MODENA) ITALY
Home Telephone and Fax: +39 (0)59-31-56-35 Mobile: +39 (0)347-1640961
[email protected] [email protected]
Accurate and reliable freelance translator. Almost 5 years of experience in the translation of software products, technical documents and websites.
Main subjects: legal, automation, software, hardware, IT, patents, Users’ manual.
Languages – Italian (native) and English, French, Spanish, German and Portuguese and Italian into English, Spanish and French.
E-translator - Translation of updated part of technical manual for E-translator from English into Italian.
Einaudi: Working in team with another translator for translation of historical novel: Il priogioniero di Roma
SOGET: Translation of laptop, computer, and software manual: ACER, FUJITSU, INTEL
COMUNICARE: Translation of legal texts, and corporations acts and patents. Over 500.000 words translated from English into Italian.
FLAG AGENCY: Translation of Financial documentation about HYPO BANK GROUP: stock exchange, capital risk, balance sheets.
TECH: Translation of Olivetti printer manuals.
OKU STUDIO: Translation of games: Medievel Lords, Pacman, Seven Sins, Nemo, Stars Wars.
Milano (Italie)
DL MULTIMEDIA: Translation of videogames for PC, PSP, Xbox and phones: Rugby, Action, Earthh Empire etc.
SIEMENS AUTOMOTIVE: Translation of manuals and software about automotive (over 10.000 pages). (machines, mechanical, gears, metro).
Technod – Translation of printer manual, and machine tools, legal and marketing documentation for bid and offer of appliances from English and Spanish into italian.
Tecnopogetti – Translation of wood working machines from English into Italian for FABBRI firms.
Equatrad – Translation of anthropology texts about Indian Blackfoot.
Décathlon – Translation of sportswear, free-time brochures and marketing and legal documentation about the sport society and its international branches.
Bernardelli – Medical and pharmaceutical translation about new medicines, drugs, chemical elements.
Cat Technologies – Translation of “Windows Server 2003” manual for MONDADORI editions.
Sudio Godelli - Israeli – Translation of user manual for trainees about weapons.
Jaumann – Translation of technical patents about automation from French and English into Italian.
Seat – Wolksvagen: translation of repair’s manual and technical files from Spanish and English into Italian.
TRADNET: legal translation of contracts, license agreements and legal documents from English and French into Italian.
Cukident – Medical and pharmaceutical translations from English into Italian about orthodontics.
Criss-Cross – Medical translations about surgical mesh appliance.
EUROPEAN COMMISSION – Translation from English and French into Italian of commission’s Act and Rules.
Constant translation of software related documents for the companies that I work for.
Italian degree in foreign languages.
Trados Workbench 7.5
Windows 2000,
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Adobe Illustrator
MS Office 2000
Norton Antivirus 2003
Paint Shop Pro
Printer, scanner, fax, CD-burner.
Internet connection: cable.
Date of Birth: 29 July 1976
Nationality: Italian
Translations samples and more references available on request.