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English to Spanish: From OUTDOORS IN WESTERN MEXICO Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - English THE AGUA FRIA RIVER
The most beautiful route in and out of Guadalajara is, in my humble opinion, the dizzily zigzagging road through the spectacular Cañón de Oblatos.
This highway is probably at the peak of its breathtaking splendor in the months of September and October, when the rugged, towering cliffs are topped with a frosting of lush, dark green vegetation. Far, far below, one can admire the chocolaty brown froth of the Santiago River, swollen with the recent rainfall.
Translation - Spanish EL RIO DE AGUA FRIA
La soledad del río y una playita de arena
Uno de los más bonitos paseos cerca de Guadalajara es, en mi opinión, el zigzagueante y vertiginoso camino por el espectacular Cañón de Oblatos.
La temporada más bonita de este camino, y donde está más esplendoroso, es por los meses de septiembre y octubre, cuando montes y acantilados se empiezan a coronar con el verde oscuro de la hierba ya madura. Lejos, allá abajo, se puede divisar el Río Santiago, de color chocolate espumoso, que toma vigor por la reciente temporada de lluvias.
French to English: Lucky Luke: The Dalton Bros Analyst Detailed field: Slang
Source text - French Je crois que je vais arrêter tous les étrangers de la région, et...
Oui, Mrs. Milkpot?
Shérif! Une vague de criminalité s'est abattue sur cette ville! Venez voir!
Regardez ce qu'ils ont fait à ma vitrine!!
C'est sans dout un garnement qui a fait ça... on vous a volé quelque chose?
Translation - English 'Spose we'll hafta check out every stranger in the...
Yes Mrs. Twaddle?
Sheriff, our fair town's been hit by a crime wave! Just come look!
See what they done to my window?!!
Blame my cats if some kid ain't broke it. Anything missin'?
Spanish to English: from Panduit Certified Installer (PCI) Program
Con la finalidad de lograr el desarrollo conjunto de negocios entre el Integrador PCI Gold y PANDUIT, se ha establecido el desarrollo de un Plan de Negocios conjunto, en el que tanto el Integrador como PANDUIT, logren especificar acciones concretas que al realizarse y monitorearse reporten como resultado el crecimiento de los negocios. Este Plan será constantemente revisado entre el PCI Gold y Panduit para garantizar la Ejecución de las acciones acordadas en tiempo y forma.
In order to achieve joint business development between the Gold PCI integrator and PANDUIT, a Joint Business Plan has been developed so that both the integrator and PANDUIT can specify concrete actions which—after development and monitoring—result in business growth. This Plan will be constantly reviewed by the Gold PCI and PANDUIT to guarantee the implementation of the steps agreed upon in regard to their content and timing.
Translation education
Master's degree - SIT, Brattleboro, VT
Years of experience: 50. Registered at Sep 2006.
TRANSLATIONEnglish to Spanish: Several manuals on Applied Reflectance Spectroscopy (geology) for Spectral International, Inc.
Spanish to English: Most recently an Incentive Program for Systems Integrators
French to English: Ten Lucky Luke albums for Dargaud International
Most recent (2008): Proceedings of the X, XI, and XII International Symposia on Vulcanospeleology
WRITINGTechnical Writing: Many articles on cave exploration and travel for Ahlan Wasahlan (Saudi Arabia Airlines magazine), México Desconocido, Geomundo, The National Speleological Society News, etc. Eight technical and Open-file reports for Saudi Geological Survey.
Eight books in English for students of English as a Foreign Language, published by Encyclopaedia Britannica and Prentice-Hall International. Outdoors in Western Mexico published by Editorial Agata.
Desert Caves of Saudi Arabia by Stacey International.
Two books in Spanish: WordPerfect Para Todos (Compart) and Al Aire Libre en las Cercanías de Guadalajara (in press).
Keywords: caves, speleology, lava tubes, Saudi Arabia, Arabs, hiking, camping, Mexico, Jalisco, geology. See more.caves, speleology, lava tubes, Saudi Arabia, Arabs, hiking, camping, Mexico, Jalisco, geology, exploration, comic books, comics, graphic novels, English as a foreign language, English as a second language, tesl, tefl, toefl,teacher training, pedagogy, spelunking, photography, travel. See less.