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Romanian to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.09 GBP per word / 20 - 25 GBP per hour English to Romanian - Rates: 0.06 - 0.08 GBP per word / 20 - 25 GBP per hour Romanian - Rates: 0.02 - 0.04 GBP per word / 20 - 25 GBP per hour English - Rates: 0.02 - 0.04 GBP per word / 20 - 30 GBP per hour
Translation Volume: 47000 words Completed: Jan 2007 Languages: English to Romanian
Workshop manuals for a large vehicle manufacturer
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Source text - English Here assembled were the prize blooms of the huge tree that was the British Empire. A tree grown strong above the rest of the forest. Two centuries of victory in war had nurtured it, two hundred million persons were its roots that sucked in the treasures of half the world and sent them up along the shipping lanes to that grey city astride the Thames that was its heart. And there this rich sap was digested and transmuted into men. These were the men whose lazy speech and careful nonchalance reflected the smugness and arrogance which made them hated and feared by even the trunk of the great tree that gave them flower. While the lesser trees crowded closer and sent their own roots out to divert a little of its sustenance to themselves, the first disease had already eaten into the wood beneath the bark of the giant. America, India, Afghanistan, and South Africa, had started the dry rot that would shatter its bulk into so many pieces as to prove it not teak but soft pine.
Translation - Romanian Se adunaseră aici florile cele mai alese ale copacului uriaş care era Imperiul Britanic. Un copac care crescuse puternic şi se ridicase deasupra pădurii. L-au hrănit cele două secole de victorii în războaie, şi două sute de milioane de oameni i-au fost rădăcinile care au supt comorile din jumătate de lume, trimiţîndu-le pe corăbii în acel oraş gri încălecat pe Tamisa, care îi era inima. Acolo, această sevă bogată era digerată şi transmutată în oameni. Aceştia erau oamenii a căror vorbire leneşă şi nonşalanţă atentă reflectau îngîmfarea şi aroganţa care i-au făcut urîţi şi temuţi chiar de trunchiul copacului măreţ care le-a dat viaţă. În timp ce copacii mai mici se înghesuiau mai aproape şi îşi trimiteau propriile rădăcini să-şi atragă asupra lor puţin din susţinerea lui, prima boală muşcase deja din lemnul de sub scoarţa uriaşului. În America, India, Afganistan şi Africa de Sud se pornise putreziciunea uscată care, într-o zi, îl va doborî cu o forţă care îl va sfărîma în atît de multe bucăţi încît îl va face să pară lemn moale de pin, iar nu de tec.
English to Romanian: Banking manual
Source text - English Basically, the Internal Auditing will conduct financial audits and operational audits.
Financial audits include financial statement and financial related audits.
- Financial statement audits determine (1) whether the financial statements of an audited entity present fairly the financial position, results of operations, and cash flows or changes in financial position in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and (2) whether the entity has complied with laws and regulations for those transactions and events that may have a material effect on the financial statements.
- Financial related audits include determining (1) whether financial reports and related items, such as elements, accounts, or funds are fairly presented, (2) whether financial information is presented in accordance with established or stated criteria, and (3) whether the entity has adhered to specific financial compliance requirements.
Operational audits encompass the examination and evaluation of the adequacy and effectiveness of the system of internal control and the quality of performance in carrying out assigned responsibilities. Operational audits include:
- Review of the reliability and integrity of operating information and the means used to identify, measure, classify, and report such information;
- Review of compliance with policies, plans, procedures, standards, laws, and regulations;
- Review of the means of safeguarding and accounting for assets;
- Appraisal of the economical and efficient use of resources;
- Review of operations or programs to ascertain whether results are consistent with established objectives and goals;
Translation - Romanian Practic, Auditul Intern va desfăşura audituri financiare şi audituri operaţionale.
Auditurile financiare includ audituri ale situaţiilor financiare şi alte audituri de tip financiar.
- Auditurile situaţiilor financiare determină (1) dacă situaţiile financiare ale entităţii verificate prezintă în mod corect poziţia financiară, rezultatele operaţiunilor şi fluxurile de numerar sau orice schimbări ale situaţiei financiare, în conformitate cu principiile de contabilitate general acceptate, şi (2) dacă entitatea a respectat legile şi reglementările cu privire la acele tranzacţii şi evenimente care ar putea avea un efect material asupra situaţiilor financiare.
- Auditurile de tip financiar determină (1) dacă rapoartele financiare şi celelalte elemente, conturi sau fonduri aferente sunt prezentate în mod corect, (2) dacă informaţiile financiare sunt prezentate în conformitate cu criteriile stabilite sau declarate, şi (3) dacă entitatea a aderat la cerinţe de conformitate specific financiare.
Auditurile operaţionale cuprind examinarea şi evaluarea competenţei şi eficacităţii sistemului de control intern şi a calităţii performanţei în desfăşurarea responsabilităţilor primite. Auditurile operaţionale includ:
- Examinarea seriozităţii şi integrităţii informaţiilor de operare şi a mijloacelor folosite pentru a identifica, măsura, clasifica şi raporta astfel de informaţii;
- Examinarea respectării politicilor, planurilor, procedurilor, standardelor, legilor şi reglementărilor;
- Examinarea mijloacelor de protejare şi justificare a activelor;
- Aprecierea utilizării economice şi eficiente a resurselor;
- Examinarea operaţiunilor sau programelor pentru a stabili dacă rezultatele corespund obiectivelor şi ţelurilor stabilite;
English to Romanian: Automotive
Source text - English Functional Description: Common Rail System
The common rail system supplies pressurised fuel from a common rail to the fuel injectors.
The advantages of the common rail system are as follows:
Reduces operating noise.
Reduces the volume of pollutant gases and particles.
Produces high engine torque at low engine speeds.
The common rail system comprises four basic components:
A high pressure pump with an integral pressure regulator.
The common rail, which is an accumulator containing fuel.
The fuel injectors.
The engine control unit.
The fuel injectors for each cylinder are fed with high pressure fuel from the common rail. Injection pressures in the common rail system can reach 1600 bar, resulting in the formation of finer particles of injected fuel, ensuring an improved mixing with combustion air when compared with a conventional fuel injection system. Therefore, combustion is more complete and emissions of smoke and particles, including carbon dioxide, are reduced.
The engine control unit functions as follows:
Continuously monitors the operating conditions of the engine.
Determines the injection pressure necessary for the engine to operate correctly, then adjusts the pressure regulator accordingly. The engine control unit ensures that the injection pressure is correct by analysing a signal from a pressure sensor, located on the common rail.
Determines the injection timing at which to inject the correct quantity of fuel.
Controls each fuel injector individually after determining injection pressure and injection timing.
In conclusion, the flow of injected fuel is determined by the following:
The duration of injection.
The injector opening and closing speed.
The needle travel (determined by the type of injector).
The nominal injector hydraulic flow (determined by the type of injector).
The common rail pressure.
Translation - Romanian Descriere funcţională: sistemul cu rampă comună de injecţie (common rail system)
Sistemul cu rampă comună furnizează combustibil sub presiune de la o rampă comună la duzele de injecţie.
Sistemul cu rampă comună de injecţie prezintă următoarele avantaje:
Reduce zgomotul de operare.
Reduce volumul de gaze şi particule poluante.
Produce cuplu de torsiune înalt la turaţii reduse ale motorului.
Sistemul cu rampă comună de injecţie conţine patru componente de bază:
pompă de presiune înaltă cu regulator de presiune integral.
Rampa comună, care este un acumulator ce conţine combustibil.
Duzele de injecţie.
Unitatea de comandă motor.
Duzele de injecţie ale fiecărui cilindru sunt alimentate cu combustibil de presiune înaltă de la rampa comună. Valorile de presiune de injecţie în sistemul cu rampă comună pot atinge 1600 bari, ceea ce duce la formarea de particule şi mai fine de combustibil injectat şi, astfel, asigură un amestec îmbunătăţit cu aer de ardere comparativ cu un sistem tradiţional de injecţie combustibil. Din acest motiv, arderea este mai completă şi emisiile de fum şi particule, inclusiv de dioxid de carbon, sunt reduse.
Unitatea de comandă motor funcţionează după cum urmează:
Monitorizează continuu condiţiile de funcţionare ale motorului.
Determină presiunea de injecţie necesară pentru funcţionarea corectă a motorului, apoi reglează regulatorul de presiune după cum este necesar. Unitatea de comandă motor asigură ca presiunea de injecţie să fie corectă, analizând un semnal venit de la un senzor de presiune situat pe rampa comună.
Determină momentul de injecţie la care să se injecteze cantitatea corectă de combustibil.
Comandă fiecare injector de combustibil în parte, după determinarea presiunii de injecţie şi a momentului de injecţie.
În concluzie, debitul de combustibil injectat este determinat de următoarele:
Durata injecţiei.
Viteza de deschidere şi închidere a injectorului.
Cursa acului (determinată de tipul de injector).
Debitul hidraulic de injecţie nominal (determinat de tipul de injector).
Presiunea în rampa comună.
Romanian to English: Technical patents
Source text - Romanian Invenţia se referă la un fotoreleu pentru comanda automată individuală a surselor de iluminat, în funcţie de nivelul iluminării mediului înconjurător. Fotoreleul se alimentează direct la tensiunea reţelei de 220V / 50 Hz, fiind prevăzut cu un divizor de tensiune capacitiv (C3) şi cu o sursă de alimentare în curent continuu (Pr-1, Dz-1, C2), care asigură tensiunea de 24 Vcc necesară alimentării componentelor electronice şi comutatorului. Fotoreleul se montează direct pe corpul lămpii de iluminat, fiind protejat, prin construcţia închisă în formă de ciupercă, împotriva pătrunderii prafului şi umezelii, şi poate comanda aprinderea – stingerea lămpilor cu vapori de mercur sau sodiu cu puteri de până la 300 W. Fotoreleul are posibilitatea reglării nivelului de sensibilitate la lumină, în limitele 1…20 lx, prin modificarea valorii unei rezistenţe fixe (R2) de prag, montată la intrarea unui circuit integrat (CI-1) de tip temporizator, şi este realizat în construcţie debroşabilă. Prin folosirea divizorului capacitiv (C3), se reduce substanţial greutatea, gabaritul şi preţul fotoreleului, şi se obţine îmbunătăţirea factorului de putere în reţea.
Translation - English The invention refers to a photorelay for the individual automatic control of light sources, depending on the environmental illumination level. The photorelay feeds directly from the 220 V/50 Hz voltage of the network and is equipped with a capacitive voltage divider (C3) and a DC power supply (Pr-1, Dz-1, C2), which ensures the 24 Vcc voltage necessary to feed the radio components and the switch. The photorelay is mounted directly onto the body of the lamp and is protected from dust and dampness by its enclosed mushroom-shaped design. The photorelay can control the switching on/off of mercury or sodium lamps with powers up to 300 W. The photorelay can adjust the light sensitivity level within the 1…20 lx range, by changing the value of a fixed barrier resistor (R2) that is mounted at the input of an integrated timer circuit (CI-1), and has a detachable construction. The use of the capacitive divider (C3) enables a significant weight and size reduction, as well as a price cut for the photorelay, and helps improve the power factor within the network.
Romanian to English: Business solutions
Source text - Romanian Accesul în timp util la informaţiile relevante a fost dintotdeauna un element critic pentru succesul unei afaceri. Companiile deţin cantităţi mari de date, care ajută la înţelegerea afacerii, îmbunătăţesc performanţele şi crează relaţii mai strânse cu angajaţii, clienţii şi partenerii. Soluţiile Business Intelligence vă oferă toate capacităţile de care aveţi nevoie pentru a identifica, integra şi analiza diversele date ale afacerii obţinute din surse diferite. Astfel puteţi lua decizii pe baza informaţiilor, puteţi lua măsuri adecvate şi puteţi îmbunătăţi operaţiunile afacerii.
XXX furnizează un set de soluţii preconfigurate, şi instrumente analitice create pentru utilizatori multipli, cu diverse niveluri de acces şi din industrii diferite. Acest conţinut, care include un extractor de date, formatare pentru rapoarte, şi rapoarte predefinite, ajută companiile să capitalizeze investiţiile lor IT şi furnizează un profit important din investiţiile de BI.
Translation - English Timely access to relevant information has always been a critical point in the success of a business. Companies hold great amounts of data which help understand the business, improve performance and create closer relationships with the employees, clients and partners. The Business Intelligence solutions offer you all capabilities that you need in order to identify, integrate and analyse the business data obtained from various sources. This enables you to make decisions based on this information, take the right measures and improve your business operations.
XXX provides a set of pre-configured solutions and analytical instruments designed for multiple users with various access levels, in various industries. This content, which includes a data extractor, report formatting and predefined reports, helps companies to capitalise on their IT investments and ensures an important return on BI investments.
Translation education
Master's degree - Faculty of Letters, "Ovidius" University of Constanta
Years of experience: 25. Registered at Sep 2006.
Romanian to English ("Ovidius" University of Constanta, Faculty of Letters, Bachelor's Degree in Romanian Language and Literature – English Language and Literature) Romanian to English ("Ovidius" University of Constanta, MA in Cultural Studies) English to Romanian ("Ovidius" University of Constanta, Faculty of Letters, Bachelor's Degree in Romanian Language and Literature – English Language and Literature) English to Romanian ("Ovidius" University of Constanta, MA in Cultural Studies) Romanian ("Ovidius" University of Constanta, Faculty of Letters, Bachelor's Degree in Romanian Language and Literature – English Language and Literature)
English ("Ovidius" University of Constanta, Faculty of Letters, Bachelor's Degree in Romanian Language and Literature – English Language and Literature) English ("Ovidius" University of Constanta, MA in Cultural Studies)
I have been working as a freelance translator, proofreader and editor since 2000. I have a BA in English and Romanian studies and an MA in Cultural Studies and, prior to becoming a full-time translator, I taught Business English, Technical English and American Literature at Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania.
My areas of specialisation are: medical and pharmaceutical, automotive, engineering, science, business, economics and literary. However, the range of fields I have worked in is much wider. In 2005 and 2006 I translated two novels (Wilbur Smith's "The Sound of Thunder" and Kevin Guilefoile's "Cast of Shadows") from English into Romanian for Rao International Publishing Company.
I offer translation, proofreading and editing services in a wide range of specialist fields, such as: EU legislation, pharmaceutical and clinical trial documentation, technical manuals, website translation, patents, annual reports, certificates, laws, manuscripts, sales literature and general correspondence.
I was born and completed my education in Romania, but have lived and worked as a freelance translator in the UK for over 10 years, which has enabled me to acquire a native standard of language in both Romanian and English.
In addition, my attention to detail and focus on linguistic accuracy, perfect spelling and clean presentation, combined with a wealth of experience in my specialist fields, enable me to deliver a translation product of the highest quality that does not only render the meaning of the original text, but also reads well in the target language.
I also use the latest translation management software to ensure the accuracy of terminology across multi-step translation projects, and aim to deliver accurate and quality translation services on time and at competitive rates.
I welcome the opportunity to meet your translation need. It could be a simple document that needs to be translated by Friday, or perhaps a Powerpoint file that needs to be shared online with a client. Perhaps it is a website to help your business expand, or the results of an employee questionnaire. Whatever your translation need, I look forward to meeting your requirements.
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