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German to Italian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR per word English to Italian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR per word Bulgarian to Italian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR per word Italian to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR per word Italian to German - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR per word
Sample translations submitted: 1
Italian to English: Text about Branimir Antonov (painter)
Source text - Italian “Dopo il 1830 al rinnovamento politico in Bulgaria si accompagna un risveglio artistico e la Francia con Parigi come capitale dell’Arte influenza gli artisti, i pittori ed i scultori, che apprendono la lezione dagli impressionisti volgendo il loro sguardo al surrealismo ed all’espressionismo.
La caduta del muro di Berlino n8l 1989, simbolo di rinascita, non è tuttora riuscita completamente ad abbattere l’ottusità delle menti, mortificando ancora una volta i pensieri ed i progetti di libertà e l’artista, sempre unico, da solo, grida per farsi sentire.
Branimir Antonov, nato nel 1953 a Varna, in Bulgaria, studia presso le scuole d’Arte, conseguendo una laurea presso l’Accademia di Tarnovo come grafico e lui stesso insegna arte dal 1994 al 2003.
Il suo percorso di vita, attraverso i suoi studi e la sua ricerca artistica, lo portano oggi a Roma in una mostra collettiva dal titolo «Le Vie dell’Astrazione» in una sede, ormai non più inusuale ad eventi d’Arte, lo storico Museo della Fanteria, vicino alla chiesa di S. Croce in Gerusalemme.
(….) L’insegnamento privato cui si dedica dà una parvenza di normalità alla presenza attiva di Antonov nella sua nazione ed è la strada che l’artista decide di percorrere per far si che il suo pensiero non rimanga soffocato. In questa situazione, l’uscita di Antonov dai confini nazionali è importante più che in altri casi e saremmo perciò maggiormente lieti di incontrare in una sua personale l’artista qui nella nostra capitale, che non conosce barriere ideologiche e dà spazio a tutte le tendenze artistiche.”
Translation - English After 1830, political renewal in Bulgaria joins an artistic reawakening, and France with its artistic capital city Paris influences artists, painters and sculptors, who learn the impressionists’ lesson and turn their sight towards surrealism and expressionism..
The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, which is symbol of renaissance, has not yet managed to totally remove mental closure and mortifies once more the thoughts and projects of freedom of the artist who, always on his own, screams to be heard.
Branimir Antonov, born in 1953 in Varna, Bulgaria, conducts his studies at art schools by obtaining a degree at the Academy of Tarnovo as graphic, and teaches art himself between 1994 and 2003.
Through studies and artistic research, his life journey takes him today to Rome with a collective exhibition titled “The ways of Abstraction” and it will be held in one site, which is not unusual for art events anymore: the historical “Museo della Fanteria”, close to the church of “Santa Croce in Gerusalemme”.
(…) The private teaching he dedicates himself to, gives an apparent normality to Antonov’s active presence in his country and is the way the artist decides to take in order not to keep his thought suffocated. In such situation, Antonov’s moving across the national borders is more important than other cases and we will therefore be even happier to meet the artist for his personal exhibition in our capital city, which does not know ideological barriers and gives room to all artistic tendencies.
Translation education
Years of experience: 16. Registered at Sep 2006.
Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
I currently live and study in England, and I have previously lived, studied and worked in Italy and Germany and I grew bilingual with Bulgarian.
I have been attending foreign language specific schools between primary school and my A levels and have been attending higher education courses and working in the countries listed above.
I can provide general translations, literary translations and more translation types on request, between the following languages:
• Italian - English
• Italian - German
• Italian - Bulgarian
• English - Italian
• English – German
• English - Bulgarian