CV (5.2006)
(to be upgraded)
Personal Information:
Name: Ming Wang (Toby Wang)
Date of Birth: March 28, 1980
Birth Place: Zhangjiagang City, Jiangsu Province, China
Sex: Male
Telephone: 86—512--50784991 Mobile phone: 86—15950169135
[email protected] (If you want to contact me, send me an email and I am sure to give you a reply ASAP.) (Preferred communication means)
[email protected]
QQ: 534950294
Personal blog:
Education Background:
1998.9 – 2002.7 National University of Defense Technology, majoring in Scientific English, Bachelor Degree of Arts.
2002.9 – 2005.12 National University of Defense Technology, majoring in Literature and Applied Linguistics, Master Degree of Arts.
Working language pairs and rates:
Chinese to English: US$0.08 – 0.1/per English word or US$0.06-0.08/per Chinese character
English to Chinese: US$0.09 – 0.1/per English word
Note: In consideration of the time, specific fields and others, the rate may be slightly changed.
Working specialties:
Law, environment, business, finance, marketing, real estate, political materials, subtitle, transcript, medical device, construction, etc. (to be expanded)
Working Experience:
2005 - 2007, PLA University of Foreign Languages, as a professional English teacher.
Since 2007 – Full-time translator for a translation company in Shanghai.
Since 2005, as a freelancer, serving translation companies all over the world, e.g.,,,, etc.
Language skills and strengths:
Band 8 of TEM (National English Proficiency Test for english major)
Having a good command of English, can speak and write English as fluently as native speakers.
I am especially good at the translation from Chinese into English and can guarantee the quality of English.
As for the translation from English into Chinese, I can get a precise understanding of the original English and express its meaning in Chinese precisely and correctly.
Working tools:
Reference materials: paper, electric or online dictionaries and encyclopedia, google search engine.
Software: Trados, Powerword, adobe, word. Pdf converter, etc.
Working capacity:
C-E: 3000 Chinese characters/per day
E-C: 2000 English words/per day
Paying methods:
West Union, Paypal (
[email protected]), wire transfer, Moneybooks (
[email protected])
Works: since 2005 (to be upgraded)
Law, finance, business, marketing, management:
1. Contract on transfer of equity by Togen Business Software Corporation Limited. ----- 东元贸易股份有限公司股权转让合同书
2. Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics Environmental Report 2005 -----华轮威尔森物流公司《2005年环境报告》
3. China Australia Business ------《2007中澳商务》
4. Introduction of Tokyo International Terminal Inc---- 东京国际埠头股份有限公司介绍
5. Empirical Study on Formation of Performance Management System Based on Enterprise’s Strategy --- 实现基于企业战略的绩效管理体系实证研究
6. Bidding Invitation for commercial management consultant by SOHO China Limited ----SOHO(中国)有限公司关于商业管理顾问招标邀请函
7. Website Localization of Seatrade -- 全球海运网网站本地化(
8. Practice and reflections of Jilin Province on enlarging VAT offset and deduction scope----吉林省关于扩大增值税抵扣范围政策的实践及思考
9. Contract on Consultancy by Beijing Zhonglin Assets Appraisal Co., Ltd ---- 北京中林资产评估有限公司咨询顾问协议
10. A General Approach to National VAT Transformation Reform --- 我国增值税转型改革的基本思路——基于东北和中部转型试点的实证研究 (财政部税政司)
11. Overall framework for an EPR Responsibility System in California --- 加利福尼亚州“生产商延伸责任”制度总体框架
12. 世界银行中国村级互助资金项目 --- Village-level mutual aid funds project by World Bank (size: 5000)
13. 工业地产市场研究 --- Research into Industrial Estate Market (size: 4200)
14. 机电产品国际招标投标实施办法 --- Measures for implementation of international bid and bidding for mechanical and electrical products (size: 3000)
15. Safety Consumer Manual by SPRING Singapore ---新加坡标准、生产力及创新委员会受控产品消费者安全使用手册
1. Public Specification of Invention Patent Application (Lead-rich Slag Blast Furnace Smelting Technology)----- 发明专利申请公开书 (富铅渣鼓风炉冶炼技术)
2. Public Specification of Invention Patent Application (ISA Slag Blast Furnace Pulverized Fuel Injection Smelting Method)----- 发明专利申请公开书 (顶吹沉没熔炼炉渣的鼓风炉粉状燃料喷吹熔炼方法)
3. Report on Re-verification of A3506 Sterilizer of Zhejiang Kindly Medical Devices Co., Ltd ----浙 江 康 德 莱 医 疗 器 械 股 份 有 限 公 司A3506灭菌器重新验证报告
4. Inspection Report by Shanghai Quality Supervision and Inspection Center for Medical Devices of SFDA (Sterile injectors for single use)----国家食品药品监督管理局上海医疗器械质量监督检验中心检测报告 (一次性使用无菌注射器)
5. Intelligent valve positioner --智能阀门定位器
Valve positioner series --系列阀门定位器
6. Safety blood lancet Assembly Process------安全式采血针装配工艺
7. Safety blood lancet assembly card-安全式采血针装配流程(size: 8000 English words)
Construction and Engineering:
1. Jilin Development Project of Water Supply and Sewage Treatment ---- Water Supply Project of “Introducing water of Hailong Reservoir into Meihekou City”---吉林供水和污水处理发展项目----梅河口市引龙入梅供水工程水源地和净水厂机械设备采购及相关服务
2. Project of earth-rock excavation and bracing----土石方开挖与支护工程
3. Abstract on Annual Work Statement of Land Development and Consolidation Center of Hainan Province, 2005 ----海南省土地开发整理中心2005年度工作报告摘要
4. Analysis of Golf Project ----- 高端大规模高尔夫综合休闲项目 (size: 10000 chinese characters)
5. Guide on Design of Royal Garden Hotels & Resorts ---- 御花园度假酒店设计指南 (size: 17000 chinese characters)
1. MEGAMAX!http:// 日本MEGAMAX!家具连锁店介绍
2. Survey of AGC Group ---- AGC 集团员工调查项目 (size: 20000 English words)
3. United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Yearbook --- 联合国年度环境报告(2007) (size: 5000)
4. CipherLab Website --- CipherLab 网站本地化 (size: 8400)
See more in my personal blog: