Spanish to English / English to Spanish translations of business, financial and banking documents.
Rates: It depends on type of document, volume, format, target language.
- A large translation may be cheaper than a small one.
- Powerpoint presentations, Framemaker and DTP are subjected to additional charges. Usual text formats (.doc, .rtf, .txt) are not subjected to additional charges.
Over 6 years of experience:
- Freelance translator at Bocconi University, Milan, Italy (2003). Translation of executive reports for the Inter-American Development Bank Assembly held on March 2003.
- In/house and freelance translator at HSBC Bank Argentina S.A. (1999-2002)
- Freelance translator at Unilever Argentina S.A. (1998-1999)
Spanish>English/English>Spanish 0.04/0.08 USD per word |