Language knowledge
Mother tongue. Perfect knowledge of grammar. Language usage unbiassed by any regional influence.
Near-mother-tongue level, both written and spoken. In-depth knowledge of British and American cultural and literary backgrounds.
Highly Advanced in both speech and writing. Thorough knowledge of French culture and literature.
Proficient in speech and in writing.
Good grammar knowledge and proficiency mostly in speech.
Professional experience
Since 1992
Worked as a freelance translator in various fields, particularly computer science, biomedicine, theology, anthropology, economics, automotive industry and law. Among the most notable clients are: Renault Italia, the Catholic Church and the Italian Customs and Excise Authority. Translated English and French, both from the foreign language into Italian and vice versa.Taught Italian, English and French as foreign languages to single persons and groups.
Since 1997
Renault Italia
Ongoing collaboration with PL - Comunicazione e Immagine, a language services company based in Rome, Italy. Translation of instructional, technical and administrative material for the Italian division of Renault Motor Company.
Robbins Research International
Employed by RRI of San Diego, California, as Italian translator and desktop publisher of the documentation for RRI seminars, and as customer service representative for Europe (languages used: Italian, French, German) both at the corporate offices and at RRI seminars in the USA and in Europe. |