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Source text - French Sans préjudice des stipulations des Articles 10 à 13.1 des présents statuts, à compter du 1er juillet 2013, en cas d’Offre de Changement de Contrôle portant sur la totalité des Titres émis par la Société que les Associés XX souhaitent accepter, les Associés XX auront le droit le droit d'exiger de tous les autres Associés qu'ils transfèrent la totalité de leurs Titres dans les mêmes termes et conditions et sous les mêmes obligations et selon les mêmes termes que s'ils avaient chacun envoyé une Notification de Cession Conjointe (l’« Obligation de Cession Conjointe »). Nonobstant ce qui précède, dans l’hypothèse où la contrepartie proposée par le Cessionnaire Potentiel n’est pas exclusivement en numéraire, il ne pourra être exigé des autres Associés qu’ils transfèrent la totalité de leurs Titres en vertu du présent Article 13.2 que s’ils reçoivent la contre-valeur en numéraire de cette contrepartie. En cas de désaccord entre les Associés XX et les autres Associés sur la contre-valeur en numéraire de cette contrepartie, celle-ci sera déterminée par voie d'expertise à la demande de la Partie la plus diligente et les stipulations de l’Article 12.5 s’appliqueront mutatis mutandis dans ce contexte.Nonobstant toute disposition contraire des présents Statuts, si les Associés XX ne Transfèrent pas l’intégralité de leurs Titres simultanément au Transfert des Titres des autres Associés, ces derniers n’auront aucune obligation de céder leurs Titres conformément au présent Article 13.2.
Translation - English Right to force the Transfer of Shares
Without prejudice to the provisions in Articles 10 to 13.1 of the present Statues, from 1 July 2013, in the event of an Offer of Change of Control involving all Shares emitted by the Company that the XX Associates wish to accept, XX Associates will have the right to demand that all other Associates transfer all their Shares under the same terms, conditions and obligations as if they had had submitted a Notification of Joint Transfer (« Obligation of Joint Transfer »). Notwithstanding that which precedes, in the hypothesis where the compensation offered by the Potential Assignor is not exclusively in cash, XX Associates will be unable to demand from other Associates the Transfer of all their Shares in virtue of the present Article 13.2 that applies if they receive the equivalent in cash of this compensation. In the event of a disagreement between XX Associates and other Associates regarding the equivalent in cash of this compensation, the compensation will be determined by an expert at the request of the most active Party and the provisions of Article 12.5 will apply mutatis mutandis in this context.
Notwithstanding any contrary provision to the present Statues, if XX Associates do not transfer all of their Shares simultaneously to the Transfer of Shares by other Associates, the latter Associates will not be obliged to cede their Shares in accordance with the present Article 13.2.
Italian to English: Marketing
La società organizzatrice non potrà essere ritenuta responsabile se, per cause di forza maggiore o per cause indipendenti dalla sua volontà, il Concorso sarà annullato, abbreviato, prolungato o modificato.
La società organizzatrice non potrà essere ritenuta responsabile in caso di incidenti tecnici che impediscano la connessione dei partecipanti o che causino la perdita, il ritardo, l’invio verso un indirizzo sbagliato o la registrazione incompleta dei dati personali del partecipante.
La società organizzatrice non potrà essere ritenuta responsabile in caso di informazioni non corrette o inesatte diffuse sia dai partecipanti sia legate all’organizzazione del Concorso.
La società organizzatrice non potrà essere ritenuta responsabile in caso di incidenti legati all’utilizzo del materiale informatico dei partecipanti, al loro accesso ad Internet o ad un qualsiasi problema tecnico.
La società organizzatrice si riserva il diritto di modificare in ogni momento l’indirizzo del sito, anche durante la durata del Concorso. In tale ipotesi, la società organizzatrice si impegna a diffondere il nuovo indirizzo sul sito almeno 48 ore prima della sua modifica effettiva.
The Organising company refuses responsibility regarding the present Competition if, in force majeure cases or events out of its control, it is obliged to cancel, shorten, extend or postpone the Competition.
The Organising company refuses responsibility for technical incidents preventing the connection of a participant or resulting in loss, delay, sending to a wrong address or incomplete registration of a participant’s e-mail address details.
The Organising company refuses responsibility for incorrect or inexact information, provided either by website users, or by all equipment or programs linked to the organisation of the present Competition.
The Organising company also refuses responsibility for all incidents linked to the use of participant computer material, his Internet access and/or all other technical incidents.
The Organising company reserves the right to modify the blog address at any moment, including during the length of the Competition. In this case, the Organising company agrees to transfer the new address to all participants on the site at least 48 hours in advance.
Polish to English: Legal
Source text - Polish Obecna umowa może zostać zerwana w każdej chwili przez jedną ze stron pod warunkiem wcześniejszego dwumiesięcznego (2) wypowiedzenia; wypowiedzenie to należy wysłać drugiej stronie listem poleconym doręczonym adresatowi za pokwitowaniem odbioru. List z rozwiązaniem umowy nie wymaga sprecyzowania powodu wypowiedzenia.
Strona, ktόra wystąpiła o przyspieszone wypowiedzenie umowy nie może żądać odszkodowania.
Obecna umowa zostaje prawnie rozwiązana bez roszczeń wobec strony, ktora nie wywiązała się ze swojego obowiązku w przypadku zaniedbania lub niewłaściwego postępowania, jesli zaniedbania wymienione przez stronę składającą skargę w liście poleconym doręczonym za pokwitowaniem odbioru nie zostały naprawione w okresie 15 dni od daty wysłania pierwszego listu.
Translation - English The present contract can be terminated at any moment by one or the other party subject to the respect of a notice of two (2) months. The termination of the contract must be notified to the other party by a recorded letter with acknowledgment of receipt. The termination letter does not require justification by the requestor.
No compensation will be paid by the party who brought an early termination to the contract.
In the event of the lack or wrongful application by one of the parties of his obligations, which lies by way of the present provisions, not rectified within fifteen (15) days following the expedition date of the first recorded letter with acknowledgement of receipt by the accuser stating the said lack, the present contract will be terminated by full right, without prejudice to any damages that may be claimed by the failing party.
Translation education
Master's degree - Universite de Marc Bloch, Strasbourg, France
Years of experience: 20. Registered at Feb 2007.