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English to Chinese: Code of Conduct of TIENS
Source text - English Table of Contents
Preface by President Li Jinyuan
Right Behaviors
1-Relationships with distributors
2-Relationships with business partners
3-Relationships with competitors
4-Relationships with shareholders and other companies
5-Relationships with co-workers
6-Relationships with the community and the public
7-Respect others’ Intellectual property and copyright
8-Appropriate communication
Right Actions
1-Right Execution
2-Right communication
3-Responsibility and obligation
More Information
Preface by President Li
天狮集团正在面临着不断变化的复杂的商业环境,和快速成长及跨国经营所产生的多元文化及制度的多样化问题。如何应对日益增长的全球化激烈竞争, 如何保持创新以及提升创新的能力, 是我们在经营中取得成功和可持续发展所必不可少的因素。作为一个年轻的公司, 我们立志成为直销行业领跑者,因此,我们必须继承公司优秀的光荣传统并将之发扬光大, 这是公司发展的基石,同时也是公司持续发展的不竭动力。TIENS is now facing the issues arising out of today’s fast-changing and complicated business environment as well as the diversity in culture, policies and procedures during its rapid growth and multinational operation. How to deal with the increasingly intense global competition and how to maintain and enhance innovation are the factors we have to consider in order to ensure a successful and sustainable development. As a young company, we have to keep and continue all the good traditions, which are the cornerstone and driving force for TIENS’ development, to make the great vision of being the vanguard of the direct selling industry a reality.
信任、尊重、礼貌、诚实、坦荡和讲求团队精神,追求非凡创新以及实践至上责任, 是处理我们内部以及和我们的业务伙伴之间关系的准则, 我们所推崇的这些核心价值观是基于天狮集团十几年发展历程而精心提炼出来的,经历了时间考验, 是非常宝贵的。企业文化意味着认可, 维护和传承这样优良的价值观, 因此,我们非常有必要让它们成为指导我们日常行为的准则。Trust, respect, civility, integrity and frankness together with the three core values of excellent teamwork, extraordinary innovation and paramount responsibility are the rules we should follow when dealing with both colleagues and business partners. These core values are gradually formed in the development process of TIENS in the past 12 years to represent TIENS corporate culture so we should maintain and keep them, making them the guiding principles of our daily work.
天狮集团认真地对待自己的责任。对我们而言, 承担责任首先意味着: 在日常业务活动中, 对业务伙伴负责, 对股东负责, 对我们的员工和同事负责, 同样也对社会和环境负责,做一个充满爱心,勇担企业社会责任的世界级企业公民。这也是我们天狮人永远不懈的追求。TIENS always takes its corporate responsibility seriously and strive to be responsible for business partners, shareholders, employees, the society as well as the environment during its business operation in order to be a world-class corporate citizen with love and the sense of social responsibility. We TIENS people are always committed to this goal.
至上责任的行为首先意味着合法的行为。我们价值体系的基础是尊重法律。作为一个公司, 负责任的行为还意味着我们对社会所承担的道德义务和奉献义务。 Responsible actions first have to be legitimate actions since our values are based on the respect for the law. As an enterprise, it should also take up its social responsibility to fulfill its moral duty with dedication.
为了履行我们的义务和实践我们的职责, 我们每个人必须在日常工作中不断地检查自己是否承担起了这些义务, 每一位员工是否按照这些准则规范了自己的行为。In order to fulfill our obligations and perform our duties, every one is supposed to guide his actions with the Code of Conduct.
在实践中, 行为准则实施的目的在于帮助我们传承和弘扬天狮企业文化, 而这一系列价值观的推行,也恰恰是公司长期赖以生存与发展的最根本的基础。The implementation of the codes of conduct is to help maintain and promote TIENS corporate culture and values, laying the foundation for the company’s long-term survival and development.
因此,希望每位天狮人能每日每刻认真参照行为准则履行你的职责,与天狮集团所倡导的核心价值观保持高度一致,最终成为一名合格的天狮人。 And finally, I hope every TIENS people will always fulfill your responsibilities under the guidance of the Code of Conduct and behave in line with TIENS’ core values to be a qualified TIENS employee.
Li Jinyuan
President of Tiens Group
编 写 宗 旨Purpose
在天狮集团这样一个业务遍及全球190多个国家和地区的跨国公司工作,我们每一个员工和经理人都必须处理繁多的事件,同时也要和多元文化打交道,因此,集团上下形成高度一致的工作作风与习惯将成为我们在激烈的竞争中取胜的第一要素。Working for a multinational company like TIENS spreading its business in more than 190 nations and territories around the world, every TIENS employee has to deal with many business affairs and cultural diversity in work, which requires us to put first priority on forming the standard working style and practice among all TIENS people.
所以,我们期望我们的共同利益者能够看到天狮集团在处理各种事物时所采用的工作方式、方法是基于唯一的“天狮文化”,而不存在多样化的状态。So we want to show our stakeholders that Tiens Group deal with all kinds of matters in a way based on the unique TIENS culture.
我们期望通过这部指导我们员工行为的准则的出版和实施向世人展示:天狮集团的核心价值观和基本道德规范对我们来说是多么重要,并最终表明我们多么重视天狮集团的共同利益者。We want to show how important are TIENS’ core values and basic work ethics for us and how much we value our stakeholders through the publication and implementation of the Code of Conduct.
因此,编写《天狮集团行为准则》的宗旨就是帮助我们每一位天狮员工理解公司的基本道德规范和核心价值观,指导员工如何将它们应用到日常工作中,并指导我们如何正确处理和我们的共同利益者(包括我们的经销商、业务伙伴、股东、同事、社区以及公众)的关系。The purpose for developing the Code of Conduct of Tiens Group is to help every TIENS employee better understand the company’s work ethics and core values and offer the guidelines on how to put them into practice in daily work and how to deal with our stakeholders (including our distributors, business partners, shareholders, co-workers, the community and the public).
天狮集团主要的共同利益者:包括我们的经销商、业务伙伴、股东、员工和社区公众。The stakeholders of Tiens Group include: the distributors, business partners, shareholders, employees and the public community.
经营销售天狮产品的个人或家庭。他们是天狮集团最重要的公司资产。每时每刻,天狮集团都努力为经销商提供优质的产品和服务。满足经销商的需求是我们的首要任务。然而,我们也同样不懈地用诚实与公平来赢得他们的信任。我们应该努力使他们的事业得到最大程度的发展,与天狮集团共同分享健康与财富。The distributors are the individuals or families who sell TIENS products and are the most important assets of TIENS. Tiens Group always endeavors to offer high-quality products and services to meet the distributors’ needs. We also strive to gain their trust with our integrity and justice to help them develop their business and share health and wealth with them.
业务伙伴Business Partners
包括:供应商、战略合作伙伴等。Business partners include the suppliers and strategic partners.
供应商是我们重要的业务伙伴。我们始终希望能与供应商竭诚合作,在公平交易和互相尊重的基础上,达到我们共同的商业目标。Suppliers are our important business partners and we always try to maintain good business relationship with them on the basis of fair dealing and mutual respect to reach common business objectives.
战略合作伙伴是我们的重要的业务伙伴,我们希望通过与他们的出色合作,以有效推动天狮系统平台的整合和建设工作,以早日实现我们的战略目标。 Strategic partners are our important business partners and we hope to promote the integration and building of TIENS’ information system platform through the cooperation with them to reach our strategic goals.
因此,我们要遵守天狮集团业务所覆盖国家和地区的各种法律和道德标准。Therefore we should follow the laws and ethics in the nations and territories where TIENS conducts its business.
我们为公司的发展和股东获得良好的投资回报而努力工作。我们必须以至上责任的态度来处置公司资产。任何企图剥夺股东合法权益的行为都是违反我们所坚持的核心价值观的。We work hard for the development of the company and for the shareholders’ good return on their investment. We must take good care of the company’s asset with the sense of responsibility. Any attempts to infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of the shareholders are against the core values we hold.
员工是我们最宝贵的财富。公司里的每一个人都应当努力建设一种基于尊重和人格尊严原则上的平等的工作环境,以期建立一个人人向往的工作场所。Employees are the most valuable assets of TIENS. We should create a desirable work environment characterized by respect for every single employee and their dignity.
我们的行为表现会影响到天狮在全球各地的事业发展。我们秉持至上责任的行为,无论是社会责任,道德责任,还是奉献爱心,都反映出我们十分关注天狮集团与该地区的共同利益。我们将全力支持天狮集团业务所在国家和地区的环境保护和社会福利及公益事业,保持社会稳定,以期共建国际和谐社会。 Our behavior and performance will have an impact on TIENS’ business development worldwide. Tiens Group gives full consideration of the benefits of local community with the sense of social responsibility, love and dedication and offers full support to the environmental protection and public welfare undertakings to help build a harmonious international community.
正 确 的 行 为Right Behaviors
1-与经销商的关系Relationships with the distributors
天狮集团希望通过高质量的产品和服务,有效合法的商业政策,以及它们在市场上的竞争力取得成功。我们的经销商是自由的,他们有权力自由选择他们的事业机会。我们愿意与他们共同分享财富与健康,这将为我们所有人带来利益。以非法的手段阻碍或限制经销商自由选择事业机会是不可接受的行为。Tiens Group strives to succeed in the market by providing high-quality products with its effective and lawful business policies and its strong competitiveness. Our distributors are free to choose their own business opportunities and we’d like to share health and wealth with them for our mutual benefits. Any attempts to prevent or restrict the distributors from choosing their own business opportunities through illegal means are not acceptable.
因此,我们必须做到:So we should obey the following rules:
将经销商视为我们的上帝。Treat the distributors as our God.
创造自由开展事业的业务环境。Create a free business environment.
主动倡导相互谅解与宽容。Encourage mutual understanding and tolerance.
以国际化的礼仪,并基于制度和原则的基础上接待、处理与经销商有关的任何事务。Deal with and interact with the distributors according to our policies and procedures with international etiquette.
我们不能欺骗经销商,也不能与竞争对手达成协议来共同欺骗经销商。We never cheat the distributors or collaborate with competitors to cheat the distributors.
我们不能与竞争对手达成协议,来瓜分经销商,或者抵制某类经销商。We never reach agreements with competitors to divide up the distributors or resist some distributors.
我们不能从事不公平的行为,或者对经销商施加某种压力而仅销售我们的产品。We never involve in unfair dealing or force the distributors to only sell our products.
我们应平等对待每一位经销商,无论其级别高低,国籍、种族、宗教信仰等如何。We should treat every distributor equally despite their ranks, nationalities, races and religions.
2-与业务伙伴的关系Relationships with business partners
天狮集团非常重视与业务伙伴的关系。只有合作伙伴间开展正确的社会交往才能建立起相互间的信任和长久的业务合作关系。Tiens Group places great emphasis on the relationships with its business partners and we can only establish a long-term business relationship of mutual trust with them through appropriate social interactions.
因此,我们必须做到:So we should obey the following rules:
严格遵守法律法规,不进行商业行贿和受贿行为。Follow the laws and regulations and never involve in bribery.
在与业务伙伴开展业务时,任何员工或其亲属不得向业务伙伴索取或接受他们所给的酬谢或礼物,以获得个人利益。Employees or their families shall not solicit or receive a benefit or gift for themselves from business partners.
禁止向业务伙伴或业务伙伴的雇员提供酬金或礼物。Don’t offer rewards or gifts to business partners or their employees.
牢记:我作为一名天狮人正在代表我们公司与业务伙伴处理业务。Please remember that you are doing business with the business partners on behalf of Tiens Group.
不能以文化习俗为借口违反天狮集团原则或法律。即:在某些国家或地区, 通过提供/接受礼物或其他个人利益来获得商业机会的这种行为被认为是所谓的“文化”。但在天狮集团都是被禁止的。Don’t break the law or TIENS regulations using local cultural customs as excuse. In some nations or territories, gaining business opportunities by offering/receiving gifts or other personal benefits is regarded as “culture” but it is not allowed in Tiens Group.
合理的社会交往:在遵守法律并且该行为不会对自己或受礼者的动机产生影响的前提下,如因业务正常交往需要邀请对方参加活动,或者提供/接受小礼品,这样的“私人利益”是被允许的。除非是天狮集团明令禁止的。Appropriate social interactions: Personal benefits such as inviting someone to an occasion or offering /receiving gifts in compliance with law that don’t influence any act or decision of the recipient is allowed unless it is literally prohibited in Tiens Group.
通常,允许和禁止的行为之间的界限是很模糊并难以判断的。在有疑问的情况下,你应当与你的主管进行充分讨论与沟通。Usually it is hard to differentiate the acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. Please discuss and communicate with your supervisor when you have any questions.
以上原则不仅仅局限于处理和业务伙伴的关系,在与政府机构打交道时也同样适用:The above-mentioned principles apply not only to our business partners but also to the government officials:
政府公务人员包括政府各级官员,以及国际组织的工作人员。比如:药品和食品监局、世界直销协会、世界卫生组织的工作人员等。某些在商业领域被认可的行为, 在牵涉到政府公务人员的情况下, 却可能触犯反腐败法,并可能成为刑事犯罪。在与政府打交道前,请务必先了解适用法规。Public service workers include the government officials at all levels and the employees of some international organizations such as the FDA, World Federation of Direct Selling Associations and WHO. Some acceptable practices in the business field may break the anti-corruption laws and are regarded as crimes when dealing with government officials. So please learn the concerned laws and regulations before dealing with government agencies.
任何员工不得向国家公务员提供酬谢或礼品。Any employee must not offer gratuity or gift to any government officials.
无论当地的所谓“文化氛围”是怎样的,该原则适用于天狮业务覆盖的所有国家和地区。These rules apply to all the nations and territories where TIENS conducts its business despite the local culture.
3-Relationships with the competitors
天狮集团在其业务覆盖的全球各个国家和地区一贯反对垄断和倡导公平竞争。我们希望通过自身的竞争力取得成功,以非法的手段限制竞争对手和我们竞争是绝对被禁止的。Tiens Group is always against monopoly and advocates fair competition in the nations and territories where it conducts its business. We want to succeed by our competitive strength and restricting market competition by illegal means is not allowed.
因此,我们必须做到:So we should obey the following rules:
决不在任何时候任何场合贬低竞争对手。Never disparage competitors in any occasion.
我们不与竞争对手讨论价格或与价格有关的事项,也绝不在这些问题上和他们达成任何形式的相互谅解。We never discuss price and price-related issues with competitors or reach any form of mutual understanding with them on such issues.
我们不与竞争对手达成协议,控制价格或瓜分市场。We never reach agreements with competitors to manipulate price or corner the market.
我们不与竞争对手联手控制产品供应,消减产量,造成市场短缺。We never collaborate with the competitors to control product supply or reduce the output leading to products shortage in the market.
我们不能操纵任何竞标过程,不能事先安排假竞标。We never control any bidding process or arrange fake bidding in advance.
在参加贸易协会会议、贸易展览会、学术论坛等活动时,你必须留意与竞争对手交谈的话题。任何可能导致以上不当行为的谈话应当立即被终止。Pay attention to the topics in your conversation with competitors during trading conventions, exhibitions or forums. Any conversation that may leads to the above-mentioned inappropriate actions should be put to an end immediately.
在与任何人达成以下协议之前,请务必向全球法审监察中心法律事务部门咨询:Be sure to consult the Legal Affairs Department in the Global Legal Audit & Supervision Center before you reach the following agreements with any party.
- 与竞争对手签订设立合资项目、采购、市场营销或类似业务的协议。Joint venture project, purchasing, marketing or other business agreements with the competitors.
- 排他性协议,规定另一家公司只能从天狮集团购买产品。Exclusive agreement prescribing that one company can only buy and distribute TIENS products.
正确收集竞争对手的信息或从竞争对手处获得信息,从市场上获得信息的合法渠道是:The legal means of obtaining competitor information or get information from the competitors or market are as follows:
- 行业调查报告和从市场调研公司处取得的报告。Industry survey reports and the reports from market research companies.
- 只要信息的本质不违反前面“反垄断”章节中的规定,在各种交易会上获得的信息将是合法的。The information from all kinds of trading fairs is legitimate if it is not against the previously mentioned anti-monopoly rules and regulations.
- 与客户交谈,但不以诱导的方式窃取任何机密信息。Talk with customers but don’t trick them into revealing confidential information.
- 在报刊、新闻媒体,以及互联网上公布的信息。Obtain information from the newspapers, the media and the Internet.
- 在信息不保密的情况下,可以从客户那里获得有关竞争对手的信息。Competitor information can be obtained from customers if the information is not confidential.
请注意: Please note:
禁止直接从竞争对手那里获取信息。此外,在采取与竞争对手交换信息作为“参照数据”之用的行动前,必须首先通过公司法律事务部门的同意。Don’t obtain information directly from competitors. Be sure to get the permission from the company’s legal affairs department before exchanging information with competitors and using them as “reference data”.
任何参与定价、采购、市场营销、销售,以及任何需要与市场竞争者接触的员工和管理者都必须知晓并理解我们自己的准则以及业务所在国家或地区的竞争法的规定。The employees and managers who involve in pricing, purchasing, marketing and sales or need to interact with competitors have to learn and understand TIENS’ business codes of conduct and the competition law in the nation or territory where TIENS conducts its business.
4- 与股东和企业的关系Relationships with the shareholders and other companies
股东是公司和公司资产的所有人。为赢得股东的信任,我们每天必须时刻关心公司的资源和资产。而且,我们必须为着公司的健康发展和繁荣竭尽全力去工作。Shareholder is the owner of the company and its assets. We should take good care of the company’s resources and assets and spare no efforts to contribute to the development and prosperity of the company.
因此,我们必须做到: So we should obey the following rules:
每位员工都应当负责照看好公司委托给他的财产,并保护它不被滥用、丢失或盗窃。Every employee should take good care of the company’s property and ensure they are protected from abuse, loss or theft.
在遵守法律和道德的前提下,每位员工应该力求以最少的公司资源换取最大的利益回报。Following the laws and ethics, every employee should endeavor to get the maximum business benefits with minimum resources.
充分利用你的工作时间,不做与工作无关的事务。Take full advantage of your office hours and never do non-work related things.
确保所有的文档、记录、单据、账本和财务发票都是精确、恰当的。Ensure all the files, records, documents, accounts and financial invoices are accurate and appropriate.
每位员工都必须维护天狮集团商业信息的保密性。公司商业信息是非常有价值的商业资产。该资产受到法律的保护。公司商业信息是指那些不对大众公布,但对公司或其竞争对手有价值的信息,也指那些独家享有的信息,包括:财务数据、产品销售数据、公司改进产品的计划、收购或剥离的业务或产品、客户及供应商名单、供应商报给公司的价格、生产流程、薪金数据、资本投资计划、预测的收入、公司政策、关于发明/调查和测试数据的信息、员工信息、公司人员结构图等。Every employee should maintain the confidentiality of all commercial information of TIENS. The commercial information is valuable asset of the company and it is under legal protection. The company’s commercial information refers to the valuable non-public business information to the company and competitors or the exclusive information, including financial data, products sales statistics, product improvement plans, business and products through acquisition or spin-off, customers and suppliers list, quotations from the suppliers, production process, C&B information, investment plans, predicted revenue, company policies, invention, survey and testing statistics, employee information, organizational chart and so on.
在被要求披露信息之前, 应采取必要的保护性措施, 并经程序获得相应批准。在不清楚应当采取哪些必要措施时,请联系相关部门。某些特定的情况要求公司与外部人员共享公司所拥有的信息,例如,有时候公司需要外部的咨询意见,或者当公司在执行审慎意见时,会披露相应信息。You should take some protective measures and get the approval before disclose the information. Please consult concerned department if you are not clear what protective measures are required. In some particular situations, such as when turning to external consultancy, it requires the company to share and disclose some information to the outsiders.
请注意:Please note:
作为公司的员工或管理者,你与公司的关系包含了许多责任和义务。其中一项就是要忠实于公司。也许会有一些个人利益与这项义务相悖离,因此非常重要的一点就是,我们的个人行为不得妨碍我们对公司的职责。例如:As an employee or executive, you have many responsibilities and obligations with the company. One of them is to be loyal to the company. Maybe some of your personal benefits are in conflict with this obligation, so it is important that personal matters wouldn’t prevent you from fulfilling your duties in the company.
— 受外部其他雇主雇佣:Employment with other companies.
(1)只有在不违反所在国法律法规以及员工劳动合同中关于竞业禁止有关规定的前提下,才允许员工在为天狮集团工作的同时为另一家公司服务。TIENS employee is only allowed to work for another company under the laws and non-compete agreement in the labor contract.
(2)禁止为现有竞争对手工作,或为一家正准备与我们竞争, 或者将成为我们业务伙伴的公司工作。TIENS employee is not allowed to work for our competitor, or a company that is to going to be our competitor or business partner.
(3) 同时受聘于其他公司的员工必须时刻注意,额外的工作不应该降低他们在天狮集团的工作绩效。Employees working for other company should always remember that the extra job shouldn’t affect his performance in Tiens Group.
(4) 在有些国家或地区,同时受聘于多家公司或参与多家公司业务活动的行为,是违反该国或地区劳动法相关规定的。此时,该国或该地区的法律优先于公司政策。In some nations or territories, it is against the labor law to be employed by more than one companies or involved in more than one companies’ business operations. The law in that nation or territory has priority over the company’s policy in this situation.
(5) 只要不影响对天狮集团应尽的职责,员工可以自由地参加非营利性的事业、政党的活动,或其他社会团体的活动,或为社区提供服务,除非员工所在国或所在地政府或法律明令禁止该种活动。TIENS employees are free to participate in non-profit, party and other social activities or serve the community as long as they don’t affect his performance in TIENS, unless these activities are prohibited by the law in that nation or region.
— 在其他公司的投资和所有权:The investment and ownership in other companies
通常情况下,员工当然可以自由地实行各自的投资和财务计划,包括对其他公司的投资。然而,当天狮的员工对其他公司的所有权利益涉及到公司的竞争对手、供应商或者客户时,该利益可能引发利益冲突;获取这样的所有权利益可能损害员工对公司的忠诚度。Usually, employees are free to make financial investments, including investing in other companies. However, there may be some conflict of interest when TIENS employees’ investments or ownership in other companies involving TIENS’ competitors, suppliers or customers. Such investments or ownership may damage the employee’s loyalty to TIENS.
处理这个问题的原则是:We should deal with this situation on the following principles:
在下列情况下,员工必须向其上级报告,他拥有某家公司的所有权利益,并由他的上级决定该员工是否应当继续处理与那家公司的业务,还是应当将业务转交其他员工处理:If an employee is interacting with a company he has ownership in the following situations, he must report to his supervisor. The supervisor would decide whether to let that employee continue the business interaction with the company or find some other employees to take over.
(1)他的所有权利益所在的公司是天狮集团的供应商或竞争对手。He has ownership in a company that is TIENS’ supplier or competitor.
(2)他的所有权利益所在的公司是天狮的客户,并且该公司是一家私有公司。He has ownership in a private company that is TIENS’ client.
(3)他的所有权利益所在的公司是天狮集团的客户,并且该公司是一家上市公司,该员工拥有这家公司超过1%的股权。He has ownership with more than 1% share in a public company that is TIENS’ client.
5-Relationships with the co-workers
良好的工作环境是工作有效、成功的基本前提。我们对待同事和员工的态度反映了天狮集团的公司文化。A good work environment is the basis for efficiency and success. Our attitude towards colleagues and employees reflects TIENS’ corporate culture.
因此,我们必须做到:So we should obey the following rules:
充分遵守《天狮集团十一荣耻》所确定的道德规范。Follow the rules in TIENS 11 dos 11 don’ts.
充分尊重与肯定个人尊严Fully respect the dignity of each individual.
我们应当彼此信任与尊重,公平公正地对待每一个人,尊重同事的人格权和隐私权。不得因为性别、种族、肤色、国籍、年龄、宗教信仰、性别倾向、残疾或任何法律禁止的其他原因而歧视他人。We should treat others equally with trust and respect, respecting others’ privacy and dignity. Discrimination based on sex, race, color, national origin, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability or other reasons are not allowed.
不得歧视他人No discrimination
在招募、聘用、培训和晋升工作我们必须坚持这项原则。杜绝人身攻击, 禁止玩弄权术和阴谋诡计,讲求礼仪礼貌,创建友好开放的工作环境,任何企图侵犯其他员工的语言和行为都是不被允许的。We should follow this principle in recruiting, training and promoting employees. Personal attacks, playing politics and tricks, offensive words or actions are not allowed. We should behave with good manners to create a friendly and open work environment.
做好环境,健康和安全(EHS)工作Ensure the EHS requirements are met.
为同事和其他与公司运营有联系的个人创造一个安全健康的工作环境是至关重要的事。It is vital to create a safe work environment for employees and other individuals associated with our business operation.
因此,我们必须做到:Therefore we should:
— 职业安全和健康方面: Occupational Safety and health:
(1) 遵守所有的安全规则和规定。Follow all the safety rules and regulations.
(2) 遇到任何事故,立即向有关人员报告。Immediately report any accidents to concerned department.
(3) 发现安全标准中的漏洞并提出改进建议。Try to find loopholes in safety standards and make improvement proposals.
(4) 向管理层或天狮集团环境健康和安全处(EHS)报告任何违反安全规定的行为或不安全的工作情况。Report any violations on the safety rules and regulations to the management or EHS Section.
— 安保方面:Security:
(1) 请牢记公司安保是每个人的责任,不但要保障公司实物财产的安全,还要保障我们的智力成果、保密技术及战略规划的安全。Remember that everyone has a share in security, not only to safeguard the company’s tangible assets but also to protect its intellectual property, classified technologies and strategic planning.
(2) 协助公司监督系统, 保障各项实物及产品的安全。立即报告违反安保规定的事件。Help the company to protect its tangible assets and products. Immediately report any security violations.
— 环境方面:Environment:
(1) 必须强制执行环境保护措施和行业安全规定。We must enforce all the environment protection measures and industry safety regulations.
(2) 我们对所有天狮产品在其生命周期内负责, 我们的行动永远建立在这个基础之上。We are responsible for all TIENS products within their life cycle.
(3) 可持续性环保,是我们开展业务必须遵守的方式。We must conduct our business in a sustainable way with the concern for environment protection.
— 滥用药物和其他物质Drug abuse and substance abuse
(1) 我们都很了解滥用药物和酒精会给我们个人和周围的人带来毁灭性的后果。在药物和酒精的影响下工作会对你的健康和安全造成严重威胁,同时也会对你和你周围的人造成严重的伤害。We all know the destructive results for us because of the abuse of drug and alcohol. Working under the influence of drug or alcohol would pose serious threatens to your health and safety and hurt yourself and the people around you.
(2) 请注意:在工作时或在公司赞助的活动中,严禁持有或使用非法物质或滥用合法药物;工作期间通常禁止饮用酒精饮料,如遇例外情况,请参阅当地公司的规则和规定。很重要的一点是,你应当向当地人力资源部的工作人员或主管报告任何滥用药物或其他物质的情况。Please note: It is not allowed to hold or take illegal substance or abuse legal drugs at work or in the company’s business activities. Drinking alcohol is prohibited at work and you should refer to the local company’s rules and regulations in an exceptional case. It is very important that you should report any drug abuse or substance abuse to the HR personnel or to your supervisor.
更多的详细规则,请参阅EHS部门制定的公司的环境,健康和安全的相关政策。天狮集团的员工必须学习并持之以恒地遵守这些规则,做到在工作中运用它们。For detailed information, please refer to the EHS policies developed by EHS department. TIENS employees have to learn and always obey these rules in daily work.
6-Relationships with the community and the public
We must strictly follow the three rules of TIENS’ community culture.
爱心文化是天狮社区文化的核心内涵,在天狮集团在世界各个国家和地区公司所在地都应遵守天狮社区文化的三大原则,以彰显天狮集团大爱无边的爱心文化。TIENS people are always supposed to follow the three rules of TIENS’ community culture all around the world to show TIENS’ boundless love to the world.
— 博爱原则Rule of Love
天狮之爱,没有边际制约与限制。天狮人在地球上的任何一个社区都将播撒爱心,不受民族、种族、国家、宗教、政治等因素影响。哪里需要爱,哪里就有天狮人的身影与爱心。TIENS love is love without any restrictions or limitations. TIENS people will spread love all over the world, be free from influences such as nationality, race, country, religion, politics and so forth. TIENS people will be there wherever needs love.
— 奉献原则Rule of Dedication
我们的成长和发展源于社会和消费者的支持,因此,回报社会,无偿奉献是我们永恒的主题。天狮集团每个财政年度都将做出社会公益事业捐赠预算,无偿支援贫困地区的教育卫生等事业,以充分履行企业公民责任。同时,公司也要求每个天狮人都将奉献爱心,尽其所能从事社会公益工作。It is the support from society and customers that realize our growth. Thus, our permanent theme is contributing to society and dedicating selflessly. Each financial year, Tiens Group make budget in social welfare denotations, by which freely support education and public health in poverty districts, with the purpose of to the largest extent fulfilling its obligation as a cooperate citizenship.
— 和谐原则Rule of Harmony
和谐原则是我们在世界各地发展事业的根本原则,也是我们的使命。我们不仅倡导人与自然的和谐,保护环境,走可持续发展之路;我们还勇于承担起构筑和谐国际社会,以及公司所在地和谐社区之责任。Harmony is our basic rule by which we develop our cause all around the world. Also, it is our mission. We not only advocate harmony between human and nature, protecting environment and developing in a sustainable way; but also bravely take the responsibility of constructing harmonious international society and harmonious communities where we located.
政府的质疑和调查The questioning and investigation from the government
作为一家保健品直销公司,天狮集团需要遵守许多法律法规和规定。因此,天狮集团的员工可能需要接触负责执行这些规定的政府官员和公共事务人员。我们必须遵守下列标准:As a direct selling company offering healthcare products, Tiens Group has to abide by concerned laws and regulations and TIENS employees may deal with the government officials and public service workers who carry out these laws and regulations. We must obey the following rules:
— 在回应任何非常规的要求和披露信息的请求前,必须要咨询法律事务部门并获得他们的建议。Be sure to consult to legal affairs department for suggestions before responding to any unusual request or information disclosure requirement.
— 确保所有政府部门发出的文件纪录的存档安全,切勿损毁或删除。Ensure the safety of all the files and documents issued by the government and don’t damage or delete them.
— 你应当诚实应对政府工作人员。同时,必须注意在与任何政府官员打交道时,应当采取一切合理措施维护天狮集团的合法权益。You should interact with the government officials with integrity. Meanwhile, you should take any reasonable and possible measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of TIENS when dealing with any government officials.
非政府组织 Non-government organizations
天狮集团尊重个人通过合法途径设立非政府组织并发表自己对重要事件的观点的权利。天狮集团希望公平合理地对待那些团体,也希望他们能够同样地对待我们。 Tiens Group respects non-government organizations established by individuals through legal means and their right to voice their opinions on great events. Tiens Group wants to treat them with fairness and we hope they would treat us in the same way.
因此,我们的言行必须符合下列标准:So we should:
— 在与非政府组织的成员接触前,请咨询法律事务部门和公司外事部门以获得专业意见和帮助。Consult the legal affairs and PR departments for suggestions and help before interacting with the members of non-government organizations.
— 在处理与非政府组织的关系时,你必须公正、诚实地对待该团体授权的成员。同时,也必须确保天狮集团的合法权益得到保护。You should treat the members of a non-government organization with integrity when dealing with non-government organizations and guarantee TIENS’ legitimate rights and interests at the same time.
7-尊重他人的知识产权和版权Respect others’ Intellectual property and copyright
天狮集团尊重他人的保密信息和信息所有权。因为这些规则也同样保护我们。其中包括书面材料、专利,以及其他知识产权。Tiens Group respects others’ confidential information including the written materials, patens and other intellectual property right since these rules are beneficial to us as well.
因此,我们必须做到:So we should obey the following rules:
尊重他人的专利权和商标权,不得在未经许可的情况下使用他人专利或商标。Respect others’ patents and brands and never use them without permission.
在你的工作电脑上不运行任何未授权的软件。Don’t use any unlicensed software in your computer.
除非获得许可,不得复制任何有版权的文档或电脑软件。Don’t reproduce any copyright documents or software unless you get the permission.
未经版权所有人的许可,不得在你自己书写的文案中包含受版权保护的材料;同时,请向相关部门咨询有关“正当使用”免责权的细节内容。Use of copyright material in your paper work without the permission of the copyright holder is not allowed. Please consult the concerned department for the detail of “proper use” immunity.
请将任何书面材料和网络上的信息预设为受版权保护的内容。Please set the information from any written materials and the Internet as copyright information.
违反上述原则可能对公司造成严重损害,并最终导致大额赔偿,以及政府官员对涉及到的文档、材料和产品进行调查和处以没收。The violations of these rules may cause great loss to the company or large compensations, and the concerned documents, materials and products would be investigated and confiscated by government officials.
不获取或使用任何人的保密信息,除非该行为是依据经法律事务部门核准的某项协议。Don’t obtain or use anyone’s confidential information unless it is approved by some agreement by the legal affairs department.
8-恰如其分的沟通Appropriate communication
在现代社会,恰当的沟通方式和精确的信息是至关重要的。向同事、经销商、客户或公众做出错误的表述会损害天狮集团的信誉,也可能导致严重的法律纠纷。对于保健产品和直销行业而言,这一点显得尤为重要,因为它牵涉到消费者的身心健康和政府的相关管理条例。Appropriate communication and accurate information are of great importance in modern society. Misrepresentation to co-workers, distributors, customers or the public will damage the reputation of TIENS or even result in serious legal conflicts. This is especially important for the healthcare products and the direct selling industry since it concerns the consumers’ health and the government’s regulations.
所有关于天狮集团及其产品和服务的信息必须准确无误,并以诚实、公正的方式表达出来。不得向客户做出不公正的、诋毁竞争对手及其产品的言论。All the information about Tiens Group and its products and services must be accurate and released in an honest and fair way.
公司所有的书面通讯都必须正确反映公司的核心价值观。All the written communications must properly reflect the company’s core values.
所有关于公司或其产品的广告及宣传资料都必须经过相关程序规定和部门的审核。The advertisement and promotion materials about the company or its products must be approved by concerned department through right procedures.
所有的语言沟通必须符合国际礼仪之规定,必须礼貌使用:您好、谢谢、再见等礼貌用语。Make your words in line with the international etiquette and use hello, thanks and goodbye to show your good manners.
电子邮件和互联网的使用使得公司员工对内、对外的沟通变得简单方便。然而,使用这一媒介也隐含着危险。简单的沟通方式和使用非正式的语言可能导致我们疏忽沟通内容的某个方面。The use of e-mail and Internet make both internal and external communication easy and convenient for the employees. However, this media also represents some risks. We may make some mistakes because of the simple way of communication and use of non-official words.
请牢记:Please remember:
正确使用电子邮件,包括邮件格式、语言修辞及字体、色彩等方面是否符合文化和相关规定。Properly use the e-mail, making its form, words, letterform and color in line with the culture and concerned rules.
正确判断你在电子邮件中所表达的内容。Ensure correct and accurate contents in e-mail.
避免使用会导致质疑或者可能被视为不当或非法行为证据的表述。Avoid contents that will result in questioning or may be used as evidence for improper or illegal actions.
请考虑,将保密信息通过电子邮件传给第三方是否恰当。Please consider whether it is appropriate to send the confidential information to the third party by e-mail.
为避免产生法律纠纷或丢失保密信息,在对外通信中请使用官方正式的电子邮件声明。 Please use the official e-mail statement for external communication to avoid legal conflicts or loess of confidential information.
在点击“发送”按钮前要深思熟虑。由于正确的信息可能被曲解和误解,所以必须注意书写的内容及其表达方式。请注意:员工用来工作的公司邮箱和其他公司内的电子媒体并非私人财产, 严禁私人使用公司邮箱及相关电子媒体。 Think twice before hitting “Send”. Please pay attention to the content and form of your e-mail to avoid the misunderstanding or misrepresentation of the information. Please note: the company e-mail and other electronic media can’t be used for personal purpose.
正确的行动Right Actions
1-正确的执行Right execution
如何研读,履行以及发表意见How to read up, execute and voice opinions
— 作为一名天狮人,我们完全有义务和责任认真研读和履行《行为准则》所规定的各项要求。As TIENS employees, we are obliged to read up and execute all the rules in the Code.
— 在深入理解《行为准则》的内容基础上,运用你良好的判断力和常识,正确处理日常工作中遇到的各种问题。为了能够完全理解法律和道德上的责任,在你遇到疑惑或困难时,你应当与有关人员讨论在你工作中出现的任何问题。With a thorough understanding of the Code as well as your good judgment and common sense, you can properly deal with all the matters in your daily work. To fully understand your legal and ethical responsibilities, you are supposed to discuss the problems you meet in work with concerned personnel.
— 如果你发现另一名天狮集团员工可能正在违背《行为准则》所规定的要求时,你不要保持沉默,而是应当及时报告该情况给相关主管部门。Don’t keep silence and report promptly the suspected violations of the Code to concerned departments.
如果你报告了某个情况,那么公司就可以向你提供必要的协助。公司也会为你提供安全的渠道汇报情况而不受打击报复。任何企图打击报复他人善意汇报情况的行为,都严重违反了该准则,当事人将遭到严厉的纪律处分,包括终止劳动合同。If you report a situation, the company will offer some necessary assistance to you. The company will provide a safe way for reporting that is free from retaliation. Any attempt to take revenge on the reporting is serious violation of the Code and will be disciplined up to and including termination of employment.
2- 正确的沟通
向谁咨询Whom To Consult
正如前面所提到的,正确的咨询与交流是成功实行该准则的关键。同样,向正确的人提问也是关键所在。下面所列的是你在对于该《行为准则》有疑问时可以咨询的人员。As mentioned before, appropriate consultancy and communication is the key to the successful implementation of the Code. And communicate with the right people is also very important. The following are some of the information about whom you can consult when you have questions about the Code.
— 集团总部Headquarters
遇到疑问时,请直接向你的主管咨询。如果直接与他们交谈使你感到不自在,你可以向更高一级,或者是集团企业文化处进行咨询,或者集团法审监察部门等相关机构。Please communicate with your supervisor if you have any questions. If talking with them directly makes you uncomfortable, you can consult a higher-level supervisor, the Corporate Culture Section or the Legal Audit & Supervision Center in HQ.
— 区域一级Regional Level
(1)你应当首先寻找你的上级和人事负责人来处理有关《行为准则》的问题。然而,如果直接与他们交谈使你感到不自在,你可以联络集团企业文化处或其它相关部门。You should turn to your supervisor or HR personnel to deal with the problem concerning the Code. If talking with them directly makes you uncomfortable, you can consult the Corporate Culture Section or other concerned departments in HQ.
— 分公司一级Branch offices
(1)遇到疑问时,咨询上级主管。通常,当你对《行为准则》有疑问时,你应当首先与最了解你工作职责的人——你的上级交谈。Communicate with your supervisor if you have any questions about the Code.
(2)如果问题牵涉到你的上级,或者直接与上级交谈让你感到不自在,你应当联络当地的人事代表,或更高一级的主管。If your supervisor is involved in the issue or talking with him directly makes you uncomfortable, you can communicate with the HR personnel or a higher-level supervisor.
与谁交谈Whom To Communicate
— 总部企业文化处:可以为你解释条款,或提供帮助。Corporate Culture Section in TIENS HQ can provide interpretation or offer helps to you.
— 全球法审监察中心:负责天狮集团内所有的法律事务、审计和风险管理部门,并负责在全球范围内向天狮集团及其员工提供法律意见。它是处理公司在全球范围内发生的所有法律问题最具权威的部门,它通过专业法务人员和经过专门培训的公司审计人员在全球履行其职责。Global Legal Audit & Supervision Center: responsible for all the company’s legal issues, auditing and risk control, providing legal constancy to TIENS and its employees worldwide. It is the most authoritative department in dealing with the company’s legal issues worldwide and it fulfills its duties with the professional legal personnel and well-trained auditing personnel.
— 财务控制人员:对于财务问题,你可以联络你的组织架构中的财务控制人员。Financial control personnel: You can communicate with the financial control personnel about the financial issues.
— 总部EHS部门:总公司环境,健康和安全部(EHS)协调并建议所有在天狮集团内部发生的有关环境、健康和安全的事务,从研发过程到回收再利用,从并购到关闭某处公司等。EHS department in HQ: It is responsible for dealing with all the environment, health and safety issues within the company in the process of R&D, recycling, merger or shutting down a branch office.
— 其它专家:关于特殊领域的特殊问题,你可以联络不同领域的的专家。必要时,请查阅KM通讯名录以获取他们的联络方式。Other experts: You can communicate with some experts if you have questions in a special filed. You can refer to the KM system to get their contact information if necessary.
3-责任与义务Responsibility and obligation
《天狮集团行为准则》不仅仅是一套规则。它是指导我们如何完成每日工作的基本指南。 The Code of Conduct of Tiens Group is not only some rules and regulations but also the gridlines for our daily work.
每一位员工和管理者,包括执行董事会的成员,都必须遵守《行为准则》中的条文和标准,违反《行为准则》将根据公司相关制度受到相应的处分。 Every employee and manager, including the member of the executive board, must follow the regulations and standards in the Code and any violations of the Code will be disciplined.
《行为准则》是有约束效力的文件。在严重违反《行为准则》的情况下,结果可能是终止当事人的劳动合同。这些情况包括:在商业活动中提供或收受贿赂,通过电子邮件或其他方式泄漏天狮集团的商业秘密或保密信息,不正当地侵犯其他公司或个人的知识产权,未尽到照顾义务而使天狮集团委托的财产因丢失,被盗等原因受到损害,违反劳动合同中竞业禁止的相关规定,使用内幕信息进行违法交易,滥用药物或酒精以及其他可能对天狮集团公司的利益造成损害的行为。如果违反《行为准则》的行为造成公司的法律责任,那么天狮集团可能要求当事人对此负责并弥补损失。The Code is binding on all employees. Serious violations of the Code may result in the termination of the employment contract of the violator. Such situations include: offering or receiving bribery in business activities, revealing TIENS’ commercial or confidential information by E-mail or others means, improperly infringing intellectual property right of other companies or individuals, cause of property loss or theft, violation of the non-compete rules in the labor contract, use of insider information for illegal transactions, abuse of drugs or alcohol and other actions that may damage the interests of Tiens Group. The violator will be made accountable and compensate for the legal liability caused by the violation of the Code.
More Information
全球人事行政中心企业文化处负责本行为准则的编写和修订工作,并负责提供文本:英文、中文两种版本。The Corporate Culture Section in Global HR&Administration Center is responsible for the development and revision of the Code of Conduct of Tiens Group in both Chinese and English versions.
Contact information:
E-mail:[email protected]
Translation - Chinese Table of Contents
Preface by President Li Jinyuan
Right Behaviors
1-Relationships with distributors
2-Relationships with business partners
3-Relationships with competitors
4-Relationships with shareholders and other companies
5-Relationships with co-workers
6-Relationships with the community and the public
7-Respect others’ Intellectual property and copyright
8-Appropriate communication
Right Actions
1-Right Execution
2-Right communication
3-Responsibility and obligation
More Information
Preface by President Li
天狮集团正在面临着不断变化的复杂的商业环境,和快速成长及跨国经营所产生的多元文化及制度的多样化问题。如何应对日益增长的全球化激烈竞争, 如何保持创新以及提升创新的能力, 是我们在经营中取得成功和可持续发展所必不可少的因素。作为一个年轻的公司, 我们立志成为直销行业领跑者,因此,我们必须继承公司优秀的光荣传统并将之发扬光大, 这是公司发展的基石,同时也是公司持续发展的不竭动力。TIENS is now facing the issues arising out of today’s fast-changing and complicated business environment as well as the diversity in culture, policies and procedures during its rapid growth and multinational operation. How to deal with the increasingly intense global competition and how to maintain and enhance innovation are the factors we have to consider in order to ensure a successful and sustainable development. As a young company, we have to keep and continue all the good traditions, which are the cornerstone and driving force for TIENS’ development, to make the great vision of being the vanguard of the direct selling industry a reality.
信任、尊重、礼貌、诚实、坦荡和讲求团队精神,追求非凡创新以及实践至上责任, 是处理我们内部以及和我们的业务伙伴之间关系的准则, 我们所推崇的这些核心价值观是基于天狮集团十几年发展历程而精心提炼出来的,经历了时间考验, 是非常宝贵的。企业文化意味着认可, 维护和传承这样优良的价值观, 因此,我们非常有必要让它们成为指导我们日常行为的准则。Trust, respect, civility, integrity and frankness together with the three core values of excellent teamwork, extraordinary innovation and paramount responsibility are the rules we should follow when dealing with both colleagues and business partners. These core values are gradually formed in the development process of TIENS in the past 12 years to represent TIENS corporate culture so we should maintain and keep them, making them the guiding principles of our daily work.
天狮集团认真地对待自己的责任。对我们而言, 承担责任首先意味着: 在日常业务活动中, 对业务伙伴负责, 对股东负责, 对我们的员工和同事负责, 同样也对社会和环境负责,做一个充满爱心,勇担企业社会责任的世界级企业公民。这也是我们天狮人永远不懈的追求。TIENS always takes its corporate responsibility seriously and strive to be responsible for business partners, shareholders, employees, the society as well as the environment during its business operation in order to be a world-class corporate citizen with love and the sense of social responsibility. We TIENS people are always committed to this goal.
至上责任的行为首先意味着合法的行为。我们价值体系的基础是尊重法律。作为一个公司, 负责任的行为还意味着我们对社会所承担的道德义务和奉献义务。 Responsible actions first have to be legitimate actions since our values are based on the respect for the law. As an enterprise, it should also take up its social responsibility to fulfill its moral duty with dedication.
为了履行我们的义务和实践我们的职责, 我们每个人必须在日常工作中不断地检查自己是否承担起了这些义务, 每一位员工是否按照这些准则规范了自己的行为。In order to fulfill our obligations and perform our duties, every one is supposed to guide his actions with the Code of Conduct.
在实践中, 行为准则实施的目的在于帮助我们传承和弘扬天狮企业文化, 而这一系列价值观的推行,也恰恰是公司长期赖以生存与发展的最根本的基础。The implementation of the codes of conduct is to help maintain and promote TIENS corporate culture and values, laying the foundation for the company’s long-term survival and development.
因此,希望每位天狮人能每日每刻认真参照行为准则履行你的职责,与天狮集团所倡导的核心价值观保持高度一致,最终成为一名合格的天狮人。 And finally, I hope every TIENS people will always fulfill your responsibilities under the guidance of the Code of Conduct and behave in line with TIENS’ core values to be a qualified TIENS employee.
Li Jinyuan
President of Tiens Group
编 写 宗 旨Purpose
在天狮集团这样一个业务遍及全球190多个国家和地区的跨国公司工作,我们每一个员工和经理人都必须处理繁多的事件,同时也要和多元文化打交道,因此,集团上下形成高度一致的工作作风与习惯将成为我们在激烈的竞争中取胜的第一要素。Working for a multinational company like TIENS spreading its business in more than 190 nations and territories around the world, every TIENS employee has to deal with many business affairs and cultural diversity in work, which requires us to put first priority on forming the standard working style and practice among all TIENS people.
所以,我们期望我们的共同利益者能够看到天狮集团在处理各种事物时所采用的工作方式、方法是基于唯一的“天狮文化”,而不存在多样化的状态。So we want to show our stakeholders that Tiens Group deal with all kinds of matters in a way based on the unique TIENS culture.
我们期望通过这部指导我们员工行为的准则的出版和实施向世人展示:天狮集团的核心价值观和基本道德规范对我们来说是多么重要,并最终表明我们多么重视天狮集团的共同利益者。We want to show how important are TIENS’ core values and basic work ethics for us and how much we value our stakeholders through the publication and implementation of the Code of Conduct.
因此,编写《天狮集团行为准则》的宗旨就是帮助我们每一位天狮员工理解公司的基本道德规范和核心价值观,指导员工如何将它们应用到日常工作中,并指导我们如何正确处理和我们的共同利益者(包括我们的经销商、业务伙伴、股东、同事、社区以及公众)的关系。The purpose for developing the Code of Conduct of Tiens Group is to help every TIENS employee better understand the company’s work ethics and core values and offer the guidelines on how to put them into practice in daily work and how to deal with our stakeholders (including our distributors, business partners, shareholders, co-workers, the community and the public).
天狮集团主要的共同利益者:包括我们的经销商、业务伙伴、股东、员工和社区公众。The stakeholders of Tiens Group include: the distributors, business partners, shareholders, employees and the public community.
经营销售天狮产品的个人或家庭。他们是天狮集团最重要的公司资产。每时每刻,天狮集团都努力为经销商提供优质的产品和服务。满足经销商的需求是我们的首要任务。然而,我们也同样不懈地用诚实与公平来赢得他们的信任。我们应该努力使他们的事业得到最大程度的发展,与天狮集团共同分享健康与财富。The distributors are the individuals or families who sell TIENS products and are the most important assets of TIENS. Tiens Group always endeavors to offer high-quality products and services to meet the distributors’ needs. We also strive to gain their trust with our integrity and justice to help them develop their business and share health and wealth with them.
业务伙伴Business Partners
包括:供应商、战略合作伙伴等。Business partners include the suppliers and strategic partners.
供应商是我们重要的业务伙伴。我们始终希望能与供应商竭诚合作,在公平交易和互相尊重的基础上,达到我们共同的商业目标。Suppliers are our important business partners and we always try to maintain good business relationship with them on the basis of fair dealing and mutual respect to reach common business objectives.
战略合作伙伴是我们的重要的业务伙伴,我们希望通过与他们的出色合作,以有效推动天狮系统平台的整合和建设工作,以早日实现我们的战略目标。 Strategic partners are our important business partners and we hope to promote the integration and building of TIENS’ information system platform through the cooperation with them to reach our strategic goals.
因此,我们要遵守天狮集团业务所覆盖国家和地区的各种法律和道德标准。Therefore we should follow the laws and ethics in the nations and territories where TIENS conducts its business.
我们为公司的发展和股东获得良好的投资回报而努力工作。我们必须以至上责任的态度来处置公司资产。任何企图剥夺股东合法权益的行为都是违反我们所坚持的核心价值观的。We work hard for the development of the company and for the shareholders’ good return on their investment. We must take good care of the company’s asset with the sense of responsibility. Any attempts to infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of the shareholders are against the core values we hold.
员工是我们最宝贵的财富。公司里的每一个人都应当努力建设一种基于尊重和人格尊严原则上的平等的工作环境,以期建立一个人人向往的工作场所。Employees are the most valuable assets of TIENS. We should create a desirable work environment characterized by respect for every single employee and their dignity.
我们的行为表现会影响到天狮在全球各地的事业发展。我们秉持至上责任的行为,无论是社会责任,道德责任,还是奉献爱心,都反映出我们十分关注天狮集团与该地区的共同利益。我们将全力支持天狮集团业务所在国家和地区的环境保护和社会福利及公益事业,保持社会稳定,以期共建国际和谐社会。 Our behavior and performance will have an impact on TIENS’ business development worldwide. Tiens Group gives full consideration of the benefits of local community with the sense of social responsibility, love and dedication and offers full support to the environmental protection and public welfare undertakings to help build a harmonious international community.
正 确 的 行 为Right Behaviors
1-与经销商的关系Relationships with the distributors
天狮集团希望通过高质量的产品和服务,有效合法的商业政策,以及它们在市场上的竞争力取得成功。我们的经销商是自由的,他们有权力自由选择他们的事业机会。我们愿意与他们共同分享财富与健康,这将为我们所有人带来利益。以非法的手段阻碍或限制经销商自由选择事业机会是不可接受的行为。Tiens Group strives to succeed in the market by providing high-quality products with its effective and lawful business policies and its strong competitiveness. Our distributors are free to choose their own business opportunities and we’d like to share health and wealth with them for our mutual benefits. Any attempts to prevent or restrict the distributors from choosing their own business opportunities through illegal means are not acceptable.
因此,我们必须做到:So we should obey the following rules:
将经销商视为我们的上帝。Treat the distributors as our God.
创造自由开展事业的业务环境。Create a free business environment.
主动倡导相互谅解与宽容。Encourage mutual understanding and tolerance.
以国际化的礼仪,并基于制度和原则的基础上接待、处理与经销商有关的任何事务。Deal with and interact with the distributors according to our policies and procedures with international etiquette.
我们不能欺骗经销商,也不能与竞争对手达成协议来共同欺骗经销商。We never cheat the distributors or collaborate with competitors to cheat the distributors.
我们不能与竞争对手达成协议,来瓜分经销商,或者抵制某类经销商。We never reach agreements with competitors to divide up the distributors or resist some distributors.
我们不能从事不公平的行为,或者对经销商施加某种压力而仅销售我们的产品。We never involve in unfair dealing or force the distributors to only sell our products.
我们应平等对待每一位经销商,无论其级别高低,国籍、种族、宗教信仰等如何。We should treat every distributor equally despite their ranks, nationalities, races and religions.
2-与业务伙伴的关系Relationships with business partners
天狮集团非常重视与业务伙伴的关系。只有合作伙伴间开展正确的社会交往才能建立起相互间的信任和长久的业务合作关系。Tiens Group places great emphasis on the relationships with its business partners and we can only establish a long-term business relationship of mutual trust with them through appropriate social interactions.
因此,我们必须做到:So we should obey the following rules:
严格遵守法律法规,不进行商业行贿和受贿行为。Follow the laws and regulations and never involve in bribery.
在与业务伙伴开展业务时,任何员工或其亲属不得向业务伙伴索取或接受他们所给的酬谢或礼物,以获得个人利益。Employees or their families shall not solicit or receive a benefit or gift for themselves from business partners.
禁止向业务伙伴或业务伙伴的雇员提供酬金或礼物。Don’t offer rewards or gifts to business partners or their employees.
牢记:我作为一名天狮人正在代表我们公司与业务伙伴处理业务。Please remember that you are doing business with the business partners on behalf of Tiens Group.
不能以文化习俗为借口违反天狮集团原则或法律。即:在某些国家或地区, 通过提供/接受礼物或其他个人利益来获得商业机会的这种行为被认为是所谓的“文化”。但在天狮集团都是被禁止的。Don’t break the law or TIENS regulations using local cultural customs as excuse. In some nations or territories, gaining business opportunities by offering/receiving gifts or other personal benefits is regarded as “culture” but it is not allowed in Tiens Group.
合理的社会交往:在遵守法律并且该行为不会对自己或受礼者的动机产生影响的前提下,如因业务正常交往需要邀请对方参加活动,或者提供/接受小礼品,这样的“私人利益”是被允许的。除非是天狮集团明令禁止的。Appropriate social interactions: Personal benefits such as inviting someone to an occasion or offering /receiving gifts in compliance with law that don’t influence any act or decision of the recipient is allowed unless it is literally prohibited in Tiens Group.
通常,允许和禁止的行为之间的界限是很模糊并难以判断的。在有疑问的情况下,你应当与你的主管进行充分讨论与沟通。Usually it is hard to differentiate the acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. Please discuss and communicate with your supervisor when you have any questions.
以上原则不仅仅局限于处理和业务伙伴的关系,在与政府机构打交道时也同样适用:The above-mentioned principles apply not only to our business partners but also to the government officials:
政府公务人员包括政府各级官员,以及国际组织的工作人员。比如:药品和食品监局、世界直销协会、世界卫生组织的工作人员等。某些在商业领域被认可的行为, 在牵涉到政府公务人员的情况下, 却可能触犯反腐败法,并可能成为刑事犯罪。在与政府打交道前,请务必先了解适用法规。Public service workers include the government officials at all levels and the employees of some international organizations such as the FDA, World Federation of Direct Selling Associations and WHO. Some acceptable practices in the business field may break the anti-corruption laws and are regarded as crimes when dealing with government officials. So please learn the concerned laws and regulations before dealing with government agencies.
任何员工不得向国家公务员提供酬谢或礼品。Any employee must not offer gratuity or gift to any government officials.
无论当地的所谓“文化氛围”是怎样的,该原则适用于天狮业务覆盖的所有国家和地区。These rules apply to all the nations and territories where TIENS conducts its business despite the local culture.
3-Relationships with the competitors
天狮集团在其业务覆盖的全球各个国家和地区一贯反对垄断和倡导公平竞争。我们希望通过自身的竞争力取得成功,以非法的手段限制竞争对手和我们竞争是绝对被禁止的。Tiens Group is always against monopoly and advocates fair competition in the nations and territories where it conducts its business. We want to succeed by our competitive strength and restricting market competition by illegal means is not allowed.
因此,我们必须做到:So we should obey the following rules:
决不在任何时候任何场合贬低竞争对手。Never disparage competitors in any occasion.
我们不与竞争对手讨论价格或与价格有关的事项,也绝不在这些问题上和他们达成任何形式的相互谅解。We never discuss price and price-related issues with competitors or reach any form of mutual understanding with them on such issues.
我们不与竞争对手达成协议,控制价格或瓜分市场。We never reach agreements with competitors to manipulate price or corner the market.
我们不与竞争对手联手控制产品供应,消减产量,造成市场短缺。We never collaborate with the competitors to control product supply or reduce the output leading to products shortage in the market.
我们不能操纵任何竞标过程,不能事先安排假竞标。We never control any bidding process or arrange fake bidding in advance.
在参加贸易协会会议、贸易展览会、学术论坛等活动时,你必须留意与竞争对手交谈的话题。任何可能导致以上不当行为的谈话应当立即被终止。Pay attention to the topics in your conversation with competitors during trading conventions, exhibitions or forums. Any conversation that may leads to the above-mentioned inappropriate actions should be put to an end immediately.
在与任何人达成以下协议之前,请务必向全球法审监察中心法律事务部门咨询:Be sure to consult the Legal Affairs Department in the Global Legal Audit & Supervision Center before you reach the following agreements with any party.
- 与竞争对手签订设立合资项目、采购、市场营销或类似业务的协议。Joint venture project, purchasing, marketing or other business agreements with the competitors.
- 排他性协议,规定另一家公司只能从天狮集团购买产品。Exclusive agreement prescribing that one company can only buy and distribute TIENS products.
正确收集竞争对手的信息或从竞争对手处获得信息,从市场上获得信息的合法渠道是:The legal means of obtaining competitor information or get information from the competitors or market are as follows:
- 行业调查报告和从市场调研公司处取得的报告。Industry survey reports and the reports from market research companies.
- 只要信息的本质不违反前面“反垄断”章节中的规定,在各种交易会上获得的信息将是合法的。The information from all kinds of trading fairs is legitimate if it is not against the previously mentioned anti-monopoly rules and regulations.
- 与客户交谈,但不以诱导的方式窃取任何机密信息。Talk with customers but don’t trick them into revealing confidential information.
- 在报刊、新闻媒体,以及互联网上公布的信息。Obtain information from the newspapers, the media and the Internet.
- 在信息不保密的情况下,可以从客户那里获得有关竞争对手的信息。Competitor information can be obtained from customers if the information is not confidential.
请注意: Please note:
禁止直接从竞争对手那里获取信息。此外,在采取与竞争对手交换信息作为“参照数据”之用的行动前,必须首先通过公司法律事务部门的同意。Don’t obtain information directly from competitors. Be sure to get the permission from the company’s legal affairs department before exchanging information with competitors and using them as “reference data”.
任何参与定价、采购、市场营销、销售,以及任何需要与市场竞争者接触的员工和管理者都必须知晓并理解我们自己的准则以及业务所在国家或地区的竞争法的规定。The employees and managers who involve in pricing, purchasing, marketing and sales or need to interact with competitors have to learn and understand TIENS’ business codes of conduct and the competition law in the nation or territory where TIENS conducts its business.
4- 与股东和企业的关系Relationships with the shareholders and other companies
股东是公司和公司资产的所有人。为赢得股东的信任,我们每天必须时刻关心公司的资源和资产。而且,我们必须为着公司的健康发展和繁荣竭尽全力去工作。Shareholder is the owner of the company and its assets. We should take good care of the company’s resources and assets and spare no efforts to contribute to the development and prosperity of the company.
因此,我们必须做到: So we should obey the following rules:
每位员工都应当负责照看好公司委托给他的财产,并保护它不被滥用、丢失或盗窃。Every employee should take good care of the company’s property and ensure they are protected from abuse, loss or theft.
在遵守法律和道德的前提下,每位员工应该力求以最少的公司资源换取最大的利益回报。Following the laws and ethics, every employee should endeavor to get the maximum business benefits with minimum resources.
充分利用你的工作时间,不做与工作无关的事务。Take full advantage of your office hours and never do non-work related things.
确保所有的文档、记录、单据、账本和财务发票都是精确、恰当的。Ensure all the files, records, documents, accounts and financial invoices are accurate and appropriate.
每位员工都必须维护天狮集团商业信息的保密性。公司商业信息是非常有价值的商业资产。该资产受到法律的保护。公司商业信息是指那些不对大众公布,但对公司或其竞争对手有价值的信息,也指那些独家享有的信息,包括:财务数据、产品销售数据、公司改进产品的计划、收购或剥离的业务或产品、客户及供应商名单、供应商报给公司的价格、生产流程、薪金数据、资本投资计划、预测的收入、公司政策、关于发明/调查和测试数据的信息、员工信息、公司人员结构图等。Every employee should maintain the confidentiality of all commercial information of TIENS. The commercial information is valuable asset of the company and it is under legal protection. The company’s commercial information refers to the valuable non-public business information to the company and competitors or the exclusive information, including financial data, products sales statistics, product improvement plans, business and products through acquisition or spin-off, customers and suppliers list, quotations from the suppliers, production process, C&B information, investment plans, predicted revenue, company policies, invention, survey and testing statistics, employee information, organizational chart and so on.
在被要求披露信息之前, 应采取必要的保护性措施, 并经程序获得相应批准。在不清楚应当采取哪些必要措施时,请联系相关部门。某些特定的情况要求公司与外部人员共享公司所拥有的信息,例如,有时候公司需要外部的咨询意见,或者当公司在执行审慎意见时,会披露相应信息。You should take some protective measures and get the approval before disclose the information. Please consult concerned department if you are not clear what protective measures are required. In some particular situations, such as when turning to external consultancy, it requires the company to share and disclose some information to the outsiders.
请注意:Please note:
作为公司的员工或管理者,你与公司的关系包含了许多责任和义务。其中一项就是要忠实于公司。也许会有一些个人利益与这项义务相悖离,因此非常重要的一点就是,我们的个人行为不得妨碍我们对公司的职责。例如:As an employee or executive, you have many responsibilities and obligations with the company. One of them is to be loyal to the company. Maybe some of your personal benefits are in conflict with this obligation, so it is important that personal matters wouldn’t prevent you from fulfilling your duties in the company.
— 受外部其他雇主雇佣:Employment with other companies.
(1)只有在不违反所在国法律法规以及员工劳动合同中关于竞业禁止有关规定的前提下,才允许员工在为天狮集团工作的同时为另一家公司服务。TIENS employee is only allowed to work for another company under the laws and non-compete agreement in the labor contract.
(2)禁止为现有竞争对手工作,或为一家正准备与我们竞争, 或者将成为我们业务伙伴的公司工作。TIENS employee is not allowed to work for our competitor, or a company that is to going to be our competitor or business partner.
(3) 同时受聘于其他公司的员工必须时刻注意,额外的工作不应该降低他们在天狮集团的工作绩效。Employees working for other company should always remember that the extra job shouldn’t affect his performance in Tiens Group.
(4) 在有些国家或地区,同时受聘于多家公司或参与多家公司业务活动的行为,是违反该国或地区劳动法相关规定的。此时,该国或该地区的法律优先于公司政策。In some nations or territories, it is against the labor law to be employed by more than one companies or involved in more than one companies’ business operations. The law in that nation or territory has priority over the company’s policy in this situation.
(5) 只要不影响对天狮集团应尽的职责,员工可以自由地参加非营利性的事业、政党的活动,或其他社会团体的活动,或为社区提供服务,除非员工所在国或所在地政府或法律明令禁止该种活动。TIENS employees are free to participate in non-profit, party and other social activities or serve the community as long as they don’t affect his performance in TIENS, unless these activities are prohibited by the law in that nation or region.
— 在其他公司的投资和所有权:The investment and ownership in other companies
通常情况下,员工当然可以自由地实行各自的投资和财务计划,包括对其他公司的投资。然而,当天狮的员工对其他公司的所有权利益涉及到公司的竞争对手、供应商或者客户时,该利益可能引发利益冲突;获取这样的所有权利益可能损害员工对公司的忠诚度。Usually, employees are free to make financial investments, including investing in other companies. However, there may be some conflict of interest when TIENS employees’ investments or ownership in other companies involving TIENS’ competitors, suppliers or customers. Such investments or ownership may damage the employee’s loyalty to TIENS.
处理这个问题的原则是:We should deal with this situation on the following principles:
在下列情况下,员工必须向其上级报告,他拥有某家公司的所有权利益,并由他的上级决定该员工是否应当继续处理与那家公司的业务,还是应当将业务转交其他员工处理:If an employee is interacting with a company he has ownership in the following situations, he must report to his supervisor. The supervisor would decide whether to let that employee continue the business interaction with the company or find some other employees to take over.
(1)他的所有权利益所在的公司是天狮集团的供应商或竞争对手。He has ownership in a company that is TIENS’ supplier or competitor.
(2)他的所有权利益所在的公司是天狮的客户,并且该公司是一家私有公司。He has ownership in a private company that is TIENS’ client.
(3)他的所有权利益所在的公司是天狮集团的客户,并且该公司是一家上市公司,该员工拥有这家公司超过1%的股权。He has ownership with more than 1% share in a public company that is TIENS’ client.
5-Relationships with the co-workers
良好的工作环境是工作有效、成功的基本前提。我们对待同事和员工的态度反映了天狮集团的公司文化。A good work environment is the basis for efficiency and success. Our attitude towards colleagues and employees reflects TIENS’ corporate culture.
因此,我们必须做到:So we should obey the following rules:
充分遵守《天狮集团十一荣耻》所确定的道德规范。Follow the rules in TIENS 11 dos 11 don’ts.
充分尊重与肯定个人尊严Fully respect the dignity of each individual.
我们应当彼此信任与尊重,公平公正地对待每一个人,尊重同事的人格权和隐私权。不得因为性别、种族、肤色、国籍、年龄、宗教信仰、性别倾向、残疾或任何法律禁止的其他原因而歧视他人。We should treat others equally with trust and respect, respecting others’ privacy and dignity. Discrimination based on sex, race, color, national origin, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability or other reasons are not allowed.
不得歧视他人No discrimination
在招募、聘用、培训和晋升工作我们必须坚持这项原则。杜绝人身攻击, 禁止玩弄权术和阴谋诡计,讲求礼仪礼貌,创建友好开放的工作环境,任何企图侵犯其他员工的语言和行为都是不被允许的。We should follow this principle in recruiting, training and promoting employees. Personal attacks, playing politics and tricks, offensive words or actions are not allowed. We should behave with good manners to create a friendly and open work environment.
做好环境,健康和安全(EHS)工作Ensure the EHS requirements are met.
为同事和其他与公司运营有联系的个人创造一个安全健康的工作环境是至关重要的事。It is vital to create a safe work environment for employees and other individuals associated with our business operation.
因此,我们必须做到:Therefore we should:
— 职业安全和健康方面: Occupational Safety and health:
(1) 遵守所有的安全规则和规定。Follow all the safety rules and regulations.
(2) 遇到任何事故,立即向有关人员报告。Immediately report any accidents to concerned department.
(3) 发现安全标准中的漏洞并提出改进建议。Try to find loopholes in safety standards and make improvement proposals.
(4) 向管理层或天狮集团环境健康和安全处(EHS)报告任何违反安全规定的行为或不安全的工作情况。Report any violations on the safety rules and regulations to the management or EHS Section.
— 安保方面:Security:
(1) 请牢记公司安保是每个人的责任,不但要保障公司实物财产的安全,还要保障我们的智力成果、保密技术及战略规划的安全。Remember that everyone has a share in security, not only to safeguard the company’s tangible assets but also to protect its intellectual property, classified technologies and strategic planning.
(2) 协助公司监督系统, 保障各项实物及产品的安全。立即报告违反安保规定的事件。Help the company to protect its tangible assets and products. Immediately report any security violations.
— 环境方面:Environment:
(1) 必须强制执行环境保护措施和行业安全规定。We must enforce all the environment protection measures and industry safety regulations.
(2) 我们对所有天狮产品在其生命周期内负责, 我们的行动永远建立在这个基础之上。We are responsible for all TIENS products within their life cycle.
(3) 可持续性环保,是我们开展业务必须遵守的方式。We must conduct our business in a sustainable way with the concern for environment protection.
— 滥用药物和其他物质Drug abuse and substance abuse
(1) 我们都很了解滥用药物和酒精会给我们个人和周围的人带来毁灭性的后果。在药物和酒精的影响下工作会对你的健康和安全造成严重威胁,同时也会对你和你周围的人造成严重的伤害。We all know the destructive results for us because of the abuse of drug and alcohol. Working under the influence of drug or alcohol would pose serious threatens to your health and safety and hurt yourself and the people around you.
(2) 请注意:在工作时或在公司赞助的活动中,严禁持有或使用非法物质或滥用合法药物;工作期间通常禁止饮用酒精饮料,如遇例外情况,请参阅当地公司的规则和规定。很重要的一点是,你应当向当地人力资源部的工作人员或主管报告任何滥用药物或其他物质的情况。Please note: It is not allowed to hold or take illegal substance or abuse legal drugs at work or in the company’s business activities. Drinking alcohol is prohibited at work and you should refer to the local company’s rules and regulations in an exceptional case. It is very important that you should report any drug abuse or substance abuse to the HR personnel or to your supervisor.
更多的详细规则,请参阅EHS部门制定的公司的环境,健康和安全的相关政策。天狮集团的员工必须学习并持之以恒地遵守这些规则,做到在工作中运用它们。For detailed information, please refer to the EHS policies developed by EHS department. TIENS employees have to learn and always obey these rules in daily work.
6-Relationships with the community and the public
We must strictly follow the three rules of TIENS’ community culture.
爱心文化是天狮社区文化的核心内涵,在天狮集团在世界各个国家和地区公司所在地都应遵守天狮社区文化的三大原则,以彰显天狮集团大爱无边的爱心文化。TIENS people are always supposed to follow the three rules of TIENS’ community culture all around the world to show TIENS’ boundless love to the world.
— 博爱原则Rule of Love
天狮之爱,没有边际制约与限制。天狮人在地球上的任何一个社区都将播撒爱心,不受民族、种族、国家、宗教、政治等因素影响。哪里需要爱,哪里就有天狮人的身影与爱心。TIENS love is love without any restrictions or limitations. TIENS people will spread love all over the world, be free from influences such as nationality, race, country, religion, politics and so forth. TIENS people will be there wherever needs love.
— 奉献原则Rule of Dedication
我们的成长和发展源于社会和消费者的支持,因此,回报社会,无偿奉献是我们永恒的主题。天狮集团每个财政年度都将做出社会公益事业捐赠预算,无偿支援贫困地区的教育卫生等事业,以充分履行企业公民责任。同时,公司也要求每个天狮人都将奉献爱心,尽其所能从事社会公益工作。It is the support from society and customers that realize our growth. Thus, our permanent theme is contributing to society and dedicating selflessly. Each financial year, Tiens Group make budget in social welfare denotations, by which freely support education and public health in poverty districts, with the purpose of to the largest extent fulfilling its obligation as a cooperate citizenship.
— 和谐原则Rule of Harmony
和谐原则是我们在世界各地发展事业的根本原则,也是我们的使命。我们不仅倡导人与自然的和谐,保护环境,走可持续发展之路;我们还勇于承担起构筑和谐国际社会,以及公司所在地和谐社区之责任。Harmony is our basic rule by which we develop our cause all around the world. Also, it is our mission. We not only advocate harmony between human and nature, protecting environment and developing in a sustainable way; but also bravely take the responsibility of constructing harmonious international society and harmonious communities where we located.
政府的质疑和调查The questioning and investigation from the government
作为一家保健品直销公司,天狮集团需要遵守许多法律法规和规定。因此,天狮集团的员工可能需要接触负责执行这些规定的政府官员和公共事务人员。我们必须遵守下列标准:As a direct selling company offering healthcare products, Tiens Group has to abide by concerned laws and regulations and TIENS employees may deal with the government officials and public service workers who carry out these laws and regulations. We must obey the following rules:
— 在回应任何非常规的要求和披露信息的请求前,必须要咨询法律事务部门并获得他们的建议。Be sure to consult to legal affairs department for suggestions before responding to any unusual request or information disclosure requirement.
— 确保所有政府部门发出的文件纪录的存档安全,切勿损毁或删除。Ensure the safety of all the files and documents issued by the government and don’t damage or delete them.
— 你应当诚实应对政府工作人员。同时,必须注意在与任何政府官员打交道时,应当采取一切合理措施维护天狮集团的合法权益。You should interact with the government officials with integrity. Meanwhile, you should take any reasonable and possible measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of TIENS when dealing with any government officials.
非政府组织 Non-government organizations
天狮集团尊重个人通过合法途径设立非政府组织并发表自己对重要事件的观点的权利。天狮集团希望公平合理地对待那些团体,也希望他们能够同样地对待我们。 Tiens Group respects non-government organizations established by individuals through legal means and their right to voice their opinions on great events. Tiens Group wants to treat them with fairness and we hope they would treat us in the same way.
因此,我们的言行必须符合下列标准:So we should:
— 在与非政府组织的成员接触前,请咨询法律事务部门和公司外事部门以获得专业意见和帮助。Consult the legal affairs and PR departments for suggestions and help before interacting with the members of non-government organizations.
— 在处理与非政府组织的关系时,你必须公正、诚实地对待该团体授权的成员。同时,也必须确保天狮集团的合法权益得到保护。You should treat the members of a non-government organization with integrity when dealing with non-government organizations and guarantee TIENS’ legitimate rights and interests at the same time.
7-尊重他人的知识产权和版权Respect others’ Intellectual property and copyright
天狮集团尊重他人的保密信息和信息所有权。因为这些规则也同样保护我们。其中包括书面材料、专利,以及其他知识产权。Tiens Group respects others’ confidential information including the written materials, patens and other intellectual property right since these rules are beneficial to us as well.
因此,我们必须做到:So we should obey the following rules:
尊重他人的专利权和商标权,不得在未经许可的情况下使用他人专利或商标。Respect others’ patents and brands and never use them without permission.
在你的工作电脑上不运行任何未授权的软件。Don’t use any unlicensed software in your computer.
除非获得许可,不得复制任何有版权的文档或电脑软件。Don’t reproduce any copyright documents or software unless you get the permission.
未经版权所有人的许可,不得在你自己书写的文案中包含受版权保护的材料;同时,请向相关部门咨询有关“正当使用”免责权的细节内容。Use of copyright material in your paper work without the permission of the copyright holder is not allowed. Please consult the concerned department for the detail of “proper use” immunity.
请将任何书面材料和网络上的信息预设为受版权保护的内容。Please set the information from any written materials and the Internet as copyright information.
违反上述原则可能对公司造成严重损害,并最终导致大额赔偿,以及政府官员对涉及到的文档、材料和产品进行调查和处以没收。The violations of these rules may cause great loss to the company or large compensations, and the concerned documents, materials and products would be investigated and confiscated by government officials.
不获取或使用任何人的保密信息,除非该行为是依据经法律事务部门核准的某项协议。Don’t obtain or use anyone’s confidential information unless it is approved by some agreement by the legal affairs department.
8-恰如其分的沟通Appropriate communication
在现代社会,恰当的沟通方式和精确的信息是至关重要的。向同事、经销商、客户或公众做出错误的表述会损害天狮集团的信誉,也可能导致严重的法律纠纷。对于保健产品和直销行业而言,这一点显得尤为重要,因为它牵涉到消费者的身心健康和政府的相关管理条例。Appropriate communication and accurate information are of great importance in modern society. Misrepresentation to co-workers, distributors, customers or the public will damage the reputation of TIENS or even result in serious legal conflicts. This is especially important for the healthcare products and the direct selling industry since it concerns the consumers’ health and the government’s regulations.
所有关于天狮集团及其产品和服务的信息必须准确无误,并以诚实、公正的方式表达出来。不得向客户做出不公正的、诋毁竞争对手及其产品的言论。All the information about Tiens Group and its products and services must be accurate and released in an honest and fair way.
公司所有的书面通讯都必须正确反映公司的核心价值观。All the written communications must properly reflect the company’s core values.
所有关于公司或其产品的广告及宣传资料都必须经过相关程序规定和部门的审核。The advertisement and promotion materials about the company or its products must be approved by concerned department through right procedures.
所有的语言沟通必须符合国际礼仪之规定,必须礼貌使用:您好、谢谢、再见等礼貌用语。Make your words in line with the international etiquette and use hello, thanks and goodbye to show your good manners.
电子邮件和互联网的使用使得公司员工对内、对外的沟通变得简单方便。然而,使用这一媒介也隐含着危险。简单的沟通方式和使用非正式的语言可能导致我们疏忽沟通内容的某个方面。The use of e-mail and Internet make both internal and external communication easy and convenient for the employees. However, this media also represents some risks. We may make some mistakes because of the simple way of communication and use of non-official words.
请牢记:Please remember:
正确使用电子邮件,包括邮件格式、语言修辞及字体、色彩等方面是否符合文化和相关规定。Properly use the e-mail, making its form, words, letterform and color in line with the culture and concerned rules.
正确判断你在电子邮件中所表达的内容。Ensure correct and accurate contents in e-mail.
避免使用会导致质疑或者可能被视为不当或非法行为证据的表述。Avoid contents that will result in questioning or may be used as evidence for improper or illegal actions.
请考虑,将保密信息通过电子邮件传给第三方是否恰当。Please consider whether it is appropriate to send the confidential information to the third party by e-mail.
为避免产生法律纠纷或丢失保密信息,在对外通信中请使用官方正式的电子邮件声明。 Please use the official e-mail statement for external communication to avoid legal conflicts or loess of confidential information.
在点击“发送”按钮前要深思熟虑。由于正确的信息可能被曲解和误解,所以必须注意书写的内容及其表达方式。请注意:员工用来工作的公司邮箱和其他公司内的电子媒体并非私人财产, 严禁私人使用公司邮箱及相关电子媒体。 Think twice before hitting “Send”. Please pay attention to the content and form of your e-mail to avoid the misunderstanding or misrepresentation of the information. Please note: the company e-mail and other electronic media can’t be used for personal purpose.
正确的行动Right Actions
1-正确的执行Right execution
如何研读,履行以及发表意见How to read up, execute and voice opinions
— 作为一名天狮人,我们完全有义务和责任认真研读和履行《行为准则》所规定的各项要求。As TIENS employees, we are obliged to read up and execute all the rules in the Code.
— 在深入理解《行为准则》的内容基础上,运用你良好的判断力和常识,正确处理日常工作中遇到的各种问题。为了能够完全理解法律和道德上的责任,在你遇到疑惑或困难时,你应当与有关人员讨论在你工作中出现的任何问题。With a thorough understanding of the Code as well as your good judgment and common sense, you can properly deal with all the matters in your daily work. To fully understand your legal and ethical responsibilities, you are supposed to discuss the problems you meet in work with concerned personnel.
— 如果你发现另一名天狮集团员工可能正在违背《行为准则》所规定的要求时,你不要保持沉默,而是应当及时报告该情况给相关主管部门。Don’t keep silence and report promptly the suspected violations of the Code to concerned departments.
如果你报告了某个情况,那么公司就可以向你提供必要的协助。公司也会为你提供安全的渠道汇报情况而不受打击报复。任何企图打击报复他人善意汇报情况的行为,都严重违反了该准则,当事人将遭到严厉的纪律处分,包括终止劳动合同。If you report a situation, the company will offer some necessary assistance to you. The company will provide a safe way for reporting that is free from retaliation. Any attempt to take revenge on the reporting is serious violation of the Code and will be disciplined up to and including termination of employment.
2- 正确的沟通
向谁咨询Whom To Consult
正如前面所提到的,正确的咨询与交流是成功实行该准则的关键。同样,向正确的人提问也是关键所在。下面所列的是你在对于该《行为准则》有疑问时可以咨询的人员。As mentioned before, appropriate consultancy and communication is the key to the successful implementation of the Code. And communicate with the right people is also very important. The following are some of the information about whom you can consult when you have questions about the Code.
— 集团总部Headquarters
遇到疑问时,请直接向你的主管咨询。如果直接与他们交谈使你感到不自在,你可以向更高一级,或者是集团企业文化处进行咨询,或者集团法审监察部门等相关机构。Please communicate with your supervisor if you have any questions. If talking with them directly makes you uncomfortable, you can consult a higher-level supervisor, the Corporate Culture Section or the Legal Audit & Supervision Center in HQ.
— 区域一级Regional Level
(1)你应当首先寻找你的上级和人事负责人来处理有关《行为准则》的问题。然而,如果直接与他们交谈使你感到不自在,你可以联络集团企业文化处或其它相关部门。You should turn to your supervisor or HR personnel to deal with the problem concerning the Code. If talking with them directly makes you uncomfortable, you can consult the Corporate Culture Section or other concerned departments in HQ.
— 分公司一级Branch offices
(1)遇到疑问时,咨询上级主管。通常,当你对《行为准则》有疑问时,你应当首先与最了解你工作职责的人——你的上级交谈。Communicate with your supervisor if you have any questions about the Code.
(2)如果问题牵涉到你的上级,或者直接与上级交谈让你感到不自在,你应当联络当地的人事代表,或更高一级的主管。If your supervisor is involved in the issue or talking with him directly makes you uncomfortable, you can communicate with the HR personnel or a higher-level supervisor.
与谁交谈Whom To Communicate
— 总部企业文化处:可以为你解释条款,或提供帮助。Corporate Culture Section in TIENS HQ can provide interpretation or offer helps to you.
— 全球法审监察中心:负责天狮集团内所有的法律事务、审计和风险管理部门,并负责在全球范围内向天狮集团及其员工提供法律意见。它是处理公司在全球范围内发生的所有法律问题最具权威的部门,它通过专业法务人员和经过专门培训的公司审计人员在全球履行其职责。Global Legal Audit & Supervision Center: responsible for all the company’s legal issues, auditing and risk control, providing legal constancy to TIENS and its employees worldwide. It is the most authoritative department in dealing with the company’s legal issues worldwide and it fulfills its duties with the professional legal personnel and well-trained auditing personnel.
— 财务控制人员:对于财务问题,你可以联络你的组织架构中的财务控制人员。Financial control personnel: You can communicate with the financial control personnel about the financial issues.
— 总部EHS部门:总公司环境,健康和安全部(EHS)协调并建议所有在天狮集团内部发生的有关环境、健康和安全的事务,从研发过程到回收再利用,从并购到关闭某处公司等。EHS department in HQ: It is responsible for dealing with all the environment, health and safety issues within the company in the process of R&D, recycling, merger or shutting down a branch office.
— 其它专家:关于特殊领域的特殊问题,你可以联络不同领域的的专家。必要时,请查阅KM通讯名录以获取他们的联络方式。Other experts: You can communicate with some experts if you have questions in a special filed. You can refer to the KM system to get their contact information if necessary.
3-责任与义务Responsibility and obligation
《天狮集团行为准则》不仅仅是一套规则。它是指导我们如何完成每日工作的基本指南。 The Code of Conduct of Tiens Group is not only some rules and regulations but also the gridlines for our daily work.
每一位员工和管理者,包括执行董事会的成员,都必须遵守《行为准则》中的条文和标准,违反《行为准则》将根据公司相关制度受到相应的处分。 Every employee and manager, including the member of the executive board, must follow the regulations and standards in the Code and any violations of the Code will be disciplined.
《行为准则》是有约束效力的文件。在严重违反《行为准则》的情况下,结果可能是终止当事人的劳动合同。这些情况包括:在商业活动中提供或收受贿赂,通过电子邮件或其他方式泄漏天狮集团的商业秘密或保密信息,不正当地侵犯其他公司或个人的知识产权,未尽到照顾义务而使天狮集团委托的财产因丢失,被盗等原因受到损害,违反劳动合同中竞业禁止的相关规定,使用内幕信息进行违法交易,滥用药物或酒精以及其他可能对天狮集团公司的利益造成损害的行为。如果违反《行为准则》的行为造成公司的法律责任,那么天狮集团可能要求当事人对此负责并弥补损失。The Code is binding on all employees. Serious violations of the Code may result in the termination of the employment contract of the violator. Such situations include: offering or receiving bribery in business activities, revealing TIENS’ commercial or confidential information by E-mail or others means, improperly infringing intellectual property right of other companies or individuals, cause of property loss or theft, violation of the non-compete rules in the labor contract, use of insider information for illegal transactions, abuse of drugs or alcohol and other actions that may damage the interests of Tiens Group. The violator will be made accountable and compensate for the legal liability caused by the violation of the Code.
More Information
全球人事行政中心企业文化处负责本行为准则的编写和修订工作,并负责提供文本:英文、中文两种版本。The Corporate Culture Section in Global HR&Administration Center is responsible for the development and revision of the Code of Conduct of Tiens Group in both Chinese and English versions.
Contact information:
E-mail:[email protected]
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Tianjin University of Technology