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Source text - Romanian Anexa nr. 44– Model ACORD DE ASOCIERE
în vederea participării la procedura de atribuire a contractului de achiziţie publică
Prezentul acord de asociere are ca temei legal art. 44, alin. 1 din O.U.G. nr. 34/2006, cu modificările şi completările ulterioare, aprobată prin legea nr.337/2006.
1. Părţile acordului :
_______________________, reprezentată prin................................, în calitate de..............
(denumire operator economic, sediu, telefon)
________________________ reprezentată prin..............................., în calitate de..............
(denumire operator economic, sediu, telefon)
2. Obiectul acordului:
2.1 Asociaţii au convenit să desfăşoare în comun următoarele activităţi:
a) participarea la procedura de achiziţie publică organizată de ................................... ................................(denumire autoritate contractantă) pentru atribuirea contractului /acordului cadru ...........................................................(obiectul contractului/acordului-cadru)
b) derularea în comun a contractului de achiziţie publică în cazul desemnării ofertei comune ca fiind câştigătoare.
2.2 Alte activitaţi ce se vor realiza în comun:
1. ___________________________________
2. ___________________________________
… ___________________________________
2.3 Contribuţia financiară/tehnică/profesională a fiecarei părţi la îndeplinirea contractului de achiziţie publică este:
1._______ % S.C. ___________________________
2._______ % S.C. ___________________________
2.4 Repartizarea beneficiilor sau pierderilor rezultate din activităţile comune desfăşurate de asociaţi se va efectua proporţional cu cota de participare a fiecărui asociat, respectiv:
3. Durata asocierii
3.1 Durata asocierii constituite în baza prezentului acord este egală cu perioada derulării procedurii de atribuire şi se prelungeşte corespunzător cu perioada de îndeplinire a contractului ( în cazul desemnării asocierii ca fiind câştigătoare a procedurii de achiziţie).
4. Condiţiile de administrare şi conducere a asociaţiei:
4.1 Se împuterniceşte SC..............................., având calitatea de lider al asociaţiei pentru întocmirea ofertei comune, semnarea şi depunerea acesteia în numele şi pentru asocierea constituită prin prezentul acord.
4.2 Se împuterniceşte SC..............................., având calitatea de lider al asociaţiei pentru semnarea contractului de achiziţie publică în numele şi pentru asocierea constituită prin prezentul acord, în cazul desemnării asocierii ca fiind câştigătoare a procedurii de achiziţie).
5. Încetarea acordului de asociere
5.1 Asocierea îşi încetează activitatea ca urmare a următoarelor cauze:
a) expirarea duratei pentru care s-a încheiat acordul;
b) neîndeplinirea sau îndeplinirea necorespunzătoare a activităţilor prevăzute la art. 2 din acord;
c) alte cauze prevăzute de lege.
6 Comunicări
6.1 Orice comunicare între părţi este valabil îndeplinită dacă se va face în scris şi va fi transmisă la adresa/adresele ......................................................., prevăzute la art..........
6.2 De comun acord, asociaţii pot stabili şi alte modalităţi de comunicare.
7 Litigii
7.1 Litigiile intervenite între părţi se vor soluţiona pe cale amiabilă, iar în caz de nerezolvare vor fi soluţionate de către instanţa de judecată competentă.
8. Alte clauze:____________________________________________
Prezentul acord a fost încheiat într-un număr de.....exemplare, câte unul pentru fiecare parte, astăzi............................(data semnării lui)
Notă!: Prezentul acord de asociere constituie un model orientativ şi se va completa în funcţie de cerinţele specifice ale obiectului contractului/contractelor.
Translation - English Annex no. 44– Example ASSOCIATION AGREEMENT
for purposes of participation to the procedure of public purchase contract award
This association agreement is drafted under the legal basis sect. 44, par. 1 of EGO no. 34/2006 with the subsequent changes and amendments, approved by law no. 337/2006
1. Parties of the agreement:
_______________________, represented by ..............................., as........................................
(name of trader, office location, phone)
________________________ represented by..............................., as.................................
(name of trader, office location, phone)
2. Scope of agreement
2.1 The associates have agreed to jointly perform the following activities:
a) participation to the public purchase procedure held by................................... ................................(name of contracting authority) for contract/framework-agreement award...........................................................(contract scope/ framework-agreement)
b) joint development of the public purchase contract if the joint bid shall be declared winning bid
2.2 Other activities to be performed jointly:
1. ___________________________________
2. ___________________________________
… ___________________________________
2.3 Financial/technical/professional contribution of each individual party to the fulfillment of the public purchase contract is:
1._______ % S.C. ___________________________
2._______ % S.C. ___________________________
2.4 Distribution of benefits or losses resulted from joint activities performed by associates shall be performed in accordance with the participation quote of each associate, respectively:
3. Association term
3.1 The association term formed on the basis of the hereby agreement shall be equal to the period of procedure of award and extends according to the period of fulfillment of the contract (if the association is winner of the purchase procedure)
4. Association administration and management procedures:
4.1 It gives legal power to SC................................ as association manager for drafting the joint offer, signing and submission of the herein in behalf and for the association formed thought the herein agreement.
4.2 It gives legal power to association manager for signing the public purchase agreement in behalf and for the association formed by the hereby agreement, if the association was the winning bidder of the purchase procedure).
5. Termination of association agreement
5.1 The association terminates its activity due to the following causes:
a) expiration of the term the agreement was concluded for;
b) non-fulfillment or inadequate performance of activities under sect. 2 of the agreement;
c) other causes pursuant to the law.
6.1 All communications between the parties are validly fulfilled if made in writing and sent to the address/addresses.......................................................pursuant under sect..............................
6.2 The associates may establish in common agreement other means of communication.
7. Disputes
71. All disputes arising between the parties shall be resolved amicably, and in case of non-resolution shall be addressed to the competent jurisdictional court.
8. Other clauses: ______________________________________________--
This agreement has been concluded in ......................copies, one by one for each party, today........................(date of signing)
Association leader:
(name of contracting authority)
Note!: This association agreement shall represent a guide and shall be completed according to the specific requirements of the scope of contract/contracts.
French to English: Business Questionnaire General field: Bus/Financial
Source text - French Bonjour,
Je fais suite à votre demande, cette question a déjà été posée par Mr Boswell en 2009, auquel j’ai répondu qu’en France, les clauses de non concurrence pour les salariés sont très très réglementées depuis 2003, et très difficilement mise en place.
2 cas sont à examiner,
Un nouveau contrat de travail, dans ce cas, le contrat de travail contiendra une clause de non concurrence, le futur salarié s’il veut être embauché devra la signer.
Pour un ancien contrat, il faut que le salarié soit d’accord, et s’il refuse vous ne pouvez rien faire, c’est une modification substantielle du contrat de travail qu’il peut tout à fait légitimement refuser. Sans qu’il soit possible de la sanctionner... Si vous proposez au salarié d’insérer une clause de non concurrence, et que celui-ci refuse, vous avez deux possibilités, soit vous y renoncez, ce qui est le plus logique, soit vous insistez, et cette clause ne sera jamais signée par le salarié, il faut alors aller en procédure pour la faire signer, et jamais un juge Français n’obtempérera devant cette situation.
Qui plus est si vous souhaitez insérer une clause de non concurrence, elle devra avoir trois limitation, dans le temps, dans l’espace et sur l’activité.
Dans le temps, elle ne peut pas être trop longue 12, 18 ou 24 Mois maximum, selon le niveau du salarié.
Dans l’espace, elle doit être limitée sur un secteur géographique, la France ne sera pas retenue.
Sur l’activité, vous ne pouvez mettre la clause de non concurrence ne peut avoir lieu que dans VOTRE activité.
Dès lors que vous avez défini avec précision ces trois points, il reste encore à indemniser, et c’est là tout le problème. Il faut que l’indemnité soit satisfaisante, et justifier que cette somme permet au salarié de rester éventuellement sans travailler du fait qu’on lui interdit.
En principe on compte 1/3 de salaire par mois d’interdiction sur 12 mois, 50 % sur 18 voire 24 Mois. Tout cela est à ménager avec prudence selon le poste concerné.
Quand on rédige des clauses de non concurrence on prévoit bien que la clause sera applicable, au salarié, et à toute entreprise qui l’embaucherait, ceci afin d’obtenir par le biais de cette clause, la possibilité de sanctionner l’employeur.
Je vous précise qu’il sera impossible de faire signer à postériori, sauf à la limite si vous payez une très forte indemnité.
Votre bien dévouée.
Le 23/05/11 22:35, « Josh Tennison » a écrit :
Ci dessous en rouge
Bonjour Madame,
Je travaille pour le groupe Independent Stave Company (société de portefeuille de Tonnellerie du Monde et Merrain International). Nous nous intéressons à ajouter une clause de non concurrence dans nos contrats de travail. Je vous prie d’avoir l’obligeance de répondre à nos questions suivant :
1. Qu’est-ce que notre société peut faire si un de nos employés refuse de signer une clause de non concurrence ? Pouvons-nous licencier l’employé? NON Si oui, quelles sont les amendes/pénalités ? LICENCIEMENT ABUSIF MINIMUM 6 MOIS DE SALAIRE QUI PEUT ETRE ENCORE PLUS.
2. Pouvons-nous ajouter du texte “non concurrence” dans nos contrats de travail? Si un employé refuse de signer le contrat modifié, pouvons-nous terminer le contrat (licencier l’employé)? NON
3. Est-ce que nous courons des risques si nous menons nos affaires de cette manière ? Merci de nous expliquer quelles sont les risques/implications… IMPOSSIBLE A ENVISAGER.
Merci par avance de prendre le temps à nous expliquer comment ce type de clause peut être utilisé dans la France.
Translation - English Good afternoon,
I follow up on your request; this matter has already been exposed by Mr. Boswell in 2009, to whom I told that in France, the non-compete clauses for employees are very well regulated since 2003 and very difficult to set up.
There are 2 scenarios:
A new work contract, in this case the work contract will contain a non-compete clause; the future employee must sign if he wants to be hired.
For an old contract, the employee must approve it. If he refuses, you can do nothing, this is a major change of the work contract that may quite legimately refuse. And you cannot take any action against him… If you offer the employee a non-compete clause and he refuses it, you have two options: either you give up, which is the most logical thing to do, either you insist and this clause will never be signed by your employee; you must then go to legal procedures to make him sign it and a French judge will never disobey in this situation.
Moreover, if you want to add a non-compete clause, it must have three limitations, in terms of time, space and activity.
In time, it cannot exceed 12, 18 or 24 months maximum, based on the employee’s level.
In space, it must be limited based on geographical area, France will not be accepted.
In terms of activity, you cannot add a non-compete clause unless it falls within YOUR professional activity.
Once you have precisely defined these three points, all you have to do is compensate, and this is where the problem is. The compensation must be satisfactory and proof that this amount allows the employee to eventually remain without work due to being banned.
In principle we count 1/3 of salary per month of ban over a 12 months period, 50% over 18 or 24 months.
All this must be managed with care based on the position occupied.
When one writes non-compete clauses, it is expected that the clause is applicable to all employees and to all companies that will hire them; through the basis of this clause, to obtain the possibility to punish the employer.
I also specify that it is impossible to sign posteriori, unless you pay a very high compensation.
Truly yours,
05/23/11 10: 35PM, “Josh Tennison” [email protected]> wrote:
Below in red
Good afternoon Madam,
I work for the Independent Stave Company group (holding company of Tonnellerie du Monde et Merrain International). We would like to add a non-compete clause in our work contracts. We kindly ask you to respond the following questions:
1. What is it that our company can do in case an employee refuses to sign a non-compete clause? Can we dismiss the employee? NO If yes, what are the fines/ penalties?
2. Can we add the text “non compete” in our work contracts? If an employee refuses to sign the amended contract, can we terminate employment (dismiss the employee)? NO
3. Are we exposed to any risks if we handle our business activity in this manner? Thank you for explaining us what are the risks/ implications…IMPOSSIBLE TO TELL
Thank you in advance for taking the time to explain us how this type of clause may be used in France.
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Notary Approved
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - University of Maryland, USA
Years of experience: 19. Registered at Apr 2007. Became a member: Aug 2007.
French to Romanian (Alliance Francaise, Ministere de l'Education Natio) Romanian to English (Asociatia Traducatorilor din Romania) French to English (American Translators Association)