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French to Chinese - Standard rate: 0.35 CNY per word / 250 CNY per hour French to English - Standard rate: 0.35 CNY per word / 250 CNY per hour English to French - Standard rate: 0.35 CNY per word / 250 CNY per hour Chinese to French - Standard rate: 0.35 CNY per character / 250 CNY per hour English to Chinese - Standard rate: 0.35 CNY per word / 250 CNY per hour
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Sample translations submitted: 6
French to English: Annulation de la fuite
Source text - French L'objectif est d'annuler la fuite. Pour cela il faut atteindre le plus rapidement (afin de ne pas remplir le GV) l'équilibre entre la pression primaire et la pression du GVa (aux hauteurs de colonne d'eau prêt). Sur ce point, les capteurs de pression utilisés ne sont pas situées au droit de la brèche, il faut donc ramener les mesures effectuées en ce point précis, de plus ces capteurs sont affectés d'une incertitude de mesure.
Translation - English The objective is to annul the leakage. For this, it needs to attain as soon as possible (in order not to refill the SG) the balance betwween the primary pressure and the pressure of SG in accident (at height of prepared water head ). On this point, the utilized sensors of pressure are not situated at vertical place of the opening, so it needs to lead the measuring conducted at the precise point, moreover, these sensors are affected by an inaccuracy of measuring.
Chinese to French: 准同期控制器
Source text - Chinese 考虑到输入准同期控制器的待并侧及系统侧TV,可能因熔断器熔断,或二次电缆断线等原因导致准同期控制器,对待并侧进行错误的控制,进而产生严重的并网冲击或使发电机过电压,控制器设置了当TV二次电压低于整定电压以下时进行低压闭锁的功能,此时控制器将停止操作并发出报警信号,同时在显示器上显示“d y b s” ,其意为“低压闭锁”。为此,控制器必须在待并侧和系统侧电压均达到整定电压以上时才允许投入。如果在控制器工作过程中TV失电,控制器也将进入低压闭锁状态并报警。只有通过复位或断开控制器电源后再加电,控制器才能再次进入工作状态。
Translation - French En consideration quand les transformateurs de tension à coté de couplage au réseau et à coté systematique de la controteuse plésiochrone sont entrées, celle-ci va possiblement controler incorrectement la coté de couplage au reseau à cause de la fusion de fusible ou coupure de cable secondarie, etc, et donc produira un choc de couplage au réseau ou une supertension de l’alternateur, la controleuse est implantée une function où quand la tension secondaire des transformateur de tension est inférieure à la valeur consignée, elle va être verrouillée par basse tension. Quand cette function se functionne, la controleuse va stop l’opération et émettre une alarme, en même temps indiquer “d y b s” qui signifie verrouillée par basse tension. Et donc, la controleuse ne doit mise en service qu’quand les tensions à coté de couplage au réseau et à coté systematique arrivent à leur valeurs consignées. Si une manque de tension a lieu au cours de l’opération de la controleuse, elle entrera aussi dans l’état de verrouillage par basse tension et alarmera. Seulement après être remise à position ou débrancher la controleuse et reconnecter la tension, elle va re-entrer dans l’ état de fonctionnement.
French to Chinese: Réacteur Européen à Eau sous Pression
Source text - French L'étude de conception d'un EPR de 1495 MWé fut achevée en juin 1997, et soumise aux autorités de sûreté françaises et allemandes. Une estimation des coûts a montré que le réacteur produirait de l'électri cité à un coût comparable à celui des réacteurs N4, mais qu'il ne serait pas compétitif par rapport aux centrales à gaz avec des turbines utilisant un cycle combiné. Afin de devenir compétitifs avec ces derniers, le coût par kilowattheure aurait dû être encore réduit de 10%, afin d'atteindre 18 centimes.
Translation - Chinese 1997年六月,1495 Mwé的欧洲压水堆(即EPR)设计方面的研究完成,项目被提交至法国和德国核安全机构进行审批。成本估算表明,新型反应堆的发电成本与N4反应堆差不多,但比采用与汽轮机联合周期发电的燃气电站的发电成本高。为了获得每千瓦时的发电成本能够与燃气电站之间的竞争能力,EPR的发电成本必须再降低10%,即达到18 centime/KW。
Source text - English This manual provides instructions for mounting your valance on the outside of your window. If you want to install your valance, but your shade is going to be mounted on the inside or top of the window (or ceiling), please give us a call and we'll help you install your valance.
Note: The Valance and its Brackets must be installed a certain way. The Valance should be installed with the holes facing upward. In addition, there is a right and left hand Valance Bracket, they cannot be interchanged. Please refer to Fig. 1 for an. illustration of how the Valance and its brackets should be installed.
Translation - French Ce manuel fournit les instructions pour monter votre lambrequin à l’extérieur de votre fenêtre. Si vous voudriez monter votre lambrequin, mais votre visière sera monté à l’intérieur ou au sommet de la fenêtre (ou plafond), prier de nous donner un coup de téléphone et nous vous aiderons à monter votre lambrequin.
Nota: Le lambrequin et ses goussets doivent être montés avec une certaine manière. Le lambrequin doit être montés avec les troues orientées vers le haut. De plus, il y a un gousset de lambrequin de la main droite et un autre de la main gauche, ils ne sont pas interchangeable. Vous pouvez voir la Fig. 1 pour avoir une illustration de montage du lambrequin et ses goussets(accolades).
English to Chinese: 2 TECHNICAL CONDITIONS
Source text - English The general site conditions are defined in the note PK880000001GA0003GN "Site Related Design Criteria Manual" (in Appendix B-11).
A quay is available on site for Suppliers use under the sole management and coordination of the Purchaser. The Supplier shall note that no handling facilities shall be available for his use at this quay. The Supplier shall note that access by barge only is permitted.
Translation - Chinese 一般现场条件描述于文件PK880000001GA0003GN "现场相关的设计标准手册" (见附录B-11)之中.
Chinese to English: 各种水晶的心理作用
Source text - Chinese 蓝虎眼石
Translation - English The blue tiger-eye stone
Effect of healthcare:Jewelry of throat wheel (vishuddha chakra)。Those with blue luster are sun wheels while those with black luster are sea floor wheels. They can re-purify and regulate the human bodies of those people who feel un-disposed after engorgement,can improve rapidly the symptoms of caught cold, the ashma and the bronchitis,the energy of blue tiger-eye stones can also strengthen the articulations, skeletons and the metabolism, placate and calm down the nerve system。
Physiological effect:This kind of blue tiger-eye stones can arouse courage and confidences, consolidate convictions and braveness。They can help establish a positive and going forward philosophy and striving spirit。On the other hand, the blue tiger-eye stones can cure illness, expel the toxins, and purge the strange gas inside human bodies.
Amethyst (Purple crystal)
Effect of healthcare:Amethysts of different depths of purple lights correspond to the eyebrow wheel and the head wheel, it is said that they can strengthen the attention and the memory power, help raising the success rate during the exams. Meanwhile, they can relax the headache and the migraine, improve the pathological changes in brains and slow down the ageing process.
Physiological effect:Amethysts are all along reputable for the capability to develop the third eye between the two eyebrows because their correspondence to the eyebrow wheel and the head wheel. They can therefore stimulate the brain, overcome the impulsion, excite the creativity, and thus improve one’s confidence. Meanwhile, they can stabilize the interactive of man and women and their getting along with, as well as can stabilize the sentiment of the wearer of amethysts which also play a role of fixing and maintaining the riches.
Effect of healthcare:The red garnet suggests the brood, it can irritate in a certain extent the circulation of blood and the excretion of hormone which is favorable to the health of the reproductive system and the relative organs. Placing a garnet on the lowest part of the rachis end-bone on the back of a person who lies down on his stomach can make him feel the vibration. The garnet corresponding to sea floor wheel is capable of increasing the sexuality and of purifying the spleen that is activated there-from.
Physiological effect: The red garnet is able to let you possess an irresistible fascination, to bring you eternal happiness and permanent love, to raise your self-confidence, to fight against grieves, to help you face to the hurt memory, to enlighten your inspiration during your meditation. Meanwhile, it protects your body from being offended through avoiding the evils, expelling the unfavorable things coming from the external factors.
Red traced stone
Effect of healthcare:This kind of stone is corresponding to the heart wheel which is helpful to the heart, the lung, the immunologic system, the lymph gland, and the thymus gland. It is said that it can relax the pathologic changes of respiratory tract, of blood recycling system and of the fingernails. Even more, it can alleviate the cancer symptom.
Physiological effect:This stone symbolize the solid and strong love, it awakes the requirement inside human’s hearts, make people be willing to contribute, it cure the pains and lost feelings originated from the losing of love. It stabilizes and softens the emotions, leads people marching towards a new amour. Equally, it can bring about wealth, reputation and self-confidence.
Powder crystal
【Effect of healthcare】This kind of stone is corresponding to the heart wheel which is helpful to the heart, the lung, the immunologic system, the lymph gland, and the thymus gland. It is said that, it can ease the heart pains, the cardiac disease, the hypertension, the physiological phenomena such as the nervousness, the insomnia, and the angry, etc.
【Physiological effect】As everybody knows that the energy of the powder crystal is directed towards the love. Among the single group, those who are seeking a partner could pose big powder crystal balls at the southeast of their homes, or on every corner of their houses, in this way, the lucks of opposite sex will appear, just like peach-blossoms that are blooming in profusion!
Bluestone, diamantine
Effect of healthcare:They can fortify the immune system, promote the blood circulation, intensify the metabolism, make your body strong, avoid the stone-cold of hands and feet, cure the insomnia, and exclude the nightmares. They are helpful to thyroid gland, thymus gland, vocal cord and the solar nervus centralis. They also improve your personal bold vision and magnetic field, increase your lucky force, and make better the genital system.
Physiological effect:They aggrandize human confidence, avert the fears and the worries, guard against the invasions coming from negative energies such as the incantations and the witchcrafts. They enhance originalities and creativities, give streams of inspirations during a person’s creation.
Jade crystal of the East Tomb
Effect of healthcare:The green jade crystal corresponds to the heart wheel, is helpful to the heart and to the lung. It is used very successfully in psychotherapy with healing effect on heart and lungs. It increments the flexibility of muscles, and is applied the most frequently to heal the heart disease and ophthalmocace (eye disease), to alleviate the pressures.
Physiological effect:It makes people feel pleasant , it is a good remedy to the friends who lose love, it encourages to rebuild a new romance. The green colour is a colour of wealth, symbolizes a beautiful landscape which is blossoming. For the modern persons who are busy in daily work and in life, the jade crystal of the East Tomb is a good partner with whom we plunge into the future. It proposes the originality and the realization of dreams. It develops the self-judgement and helps to decide what makes us happy."
Effect of healthcare: It corresponds to the sea floor wheel, can lead the vital breath of human bodies to the lower tree wheels. It makes the kidney sturdy, absorbs the ill breathes, cure the sterility, helps the slumber, and it is said that it has positive effect to the liver.
Physiological effect: It is a powerful apotropaism,able to absorb the negative energies and turns ill luck into good chance.
Effect of healthcare:It helps the peptic organs such as the gastrointestinal mechanisms, good for stomach, duodenum, liver, gall, pancreas, skins and the respiratory system.
Physiological effect:It is well known that the yellow light is directed to the unexpected wealth and windfalls, is favourable for the money making path in speculation investments such as buying the lotteries, shares, funds. It brings about the un-looked for riches, and plays a positive role in the mahjong games as a good partner. The yellow light calms down the persons who are nervous and confused at some occasions and helps them maintain in a rational state of mind, helps knowing the way to go , breaking through the obstacles and attaining to the goals.
Effect of healthcare: The golden brown luster corresponds to the sun wheel-the solar nerve clusters (positions below the navel and below the chest), has heeling effects for the organs such as gastrointestinal mechanism, liver and gall, etc.
Physiological effect: It attracts the ordinary wealth and the unusual riches with strong magnetic field!It can be used as a talisman and as a lucky charm, which is suitable for those who work at night, who come and go at the locations residing the miscellaneous air and ill breathes. It keeps away from evil spirits, neutralize the unfavorable factors, and turns the bad lucks into good chances.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Zhongshan University
Years of experience: 38. Registered at May 2007.
I have been an English/French/Chinese translator in technical domains for nearly 20 years. The fields I ever set foot in proficiently include electric power, mechanics, automobiles, watches, engineering, electronic instruments, medicine, international trade, law, information technology, etc.
During the long term practices, I have trained myself into a patient & earnest worker who can’t bear smallest error, and keeps improving ;
J’ai été un traducteur Francaisç/Chinois/Anglais durant presque 20 ans dans les domaines techniques tels que l’énergie nucléaire, la mécanique, l’automobile, le montre, l’ingénierie, les instruments, le chemin de fer, la médicine, le commerce international, la loi, l’informatique, etc.
Pendant la practique de traduction pour une longue durée, je me forme un caractère très patient et très honnête dans lequel je ne peut pas tolérer l’érreur la plus petite, et veut me progresser sans arrêt.
Avec sens de la responsabilité profond et esprit d’équipe, j’ai de la confidence sur moi-même de bien faire le métier de traduction Francaisç/Chinois/Anglais dans tous les domaines si les occasions se présentent.