Working languages:
German to English
English to German
Spanish to German

ulrike vetter
20 years' experience, fast and reliable

Local time: 07:59 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: English Native in English, German Native in German
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Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified site user
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Editing/proofreading
Specializes in:
Finance (general)Business/Commerce (general)
Law: Contract(s)Cosmetics, Beauty
EconomicsEnvironment & Ecology
InsuranceLaw (general)
Law: Patents, Trademarks, CopyrightNutrition

KudoZ activity (PRO) Questions asked: 1
Experience Years of experience: 37. Registered at May 2007. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials N/A
Memberships N/A
Software Microsoft Word
CV/Resume English (DOC)
Events and training
My name is Ulrike Vetter. I am Austrian and currently living in Austria, but I have spent most of my life abroad (Spain, China, Italy, France, Germany, USA). I am bilingual (German/English) and I have a law degree (doctorate) from the University of Vienna (Austria). I am a sworn and certified court interpreter and can do certified translations. I have been working as a freelance translator (translating into English and German) for twenty years, specializing in legal and economic/commercial texts. Other fields in which I have worked include philosophy, religion, health care/wellness, medicine (especially alternative medicine, Homoeopathy, TCM, Natural Hygiene, etc.), nutrition, politics, administration and environmental protection. My clients include lawyers, enterprises, banks and PR companies, as well as several agencies specializing in legal and commercial work.
Keywords: general translation, legal and commercial translations, contracts, lawsuits, leases, due diligence reports, legal expert opinions, bank guarantees, questionnaires, real estate. See more.general translation, legal and commercial translations, contracts, lawsuits, leases, due diligence reports, legal expert opinions, bank guarantees, questionnaires, real estate, judgments, verdicts, intellectual property, settlements, arbitration, letters of intent, company (corporate) law, industrial (labor) law, employment contracts, correspondence, allgemeine Übersetzungen, juridische und wirtschaftliche Fachübersetzungen, Verträge, Klagen, Schriftsätze, Bankgarantien, Rechtsgutachten, Fragebögen, Geschäftskorrespondenz, Grundstückskauf, Urheberrecht, Mietverträge, Arbeitsrecht, Vergleiche, Schiedssprüche, Gesellschaftsrecht, traducciones generales, traducciones jurídicas y económicas, contratos, pleitos, autos judiciales, acuerdos de arrendamiento, contratos de compraventa, contratos de trabajo, cuestionarios, traduzioni generali, traduzioni di testi legali, economici, commerciali e giuridici, contratti, pareri legali, acquisti immobiliari, diritto delle società, diritto del lavoro, sentenze, appelli, arbitrati, traduction générale, traductions de textes juridiques, économiques et commerciales, contrats, consultations juridiques, plaintes, contrats de location, nutrition, environment, psychology, politics, administration prompt service including weekends and holidays Übersetzungen auch übers Wochenende und an Feiertagen servicios de traducción disponibles incluso en días festivos y fines de semana disponibile anche nei fine settimana/giorni festivi services disponibles weekends et jours feriés fast and accurate translation, careful research schnelle und genaue Übersetzungen, sorgfältige Recherchen traducción precisa y rápida, investigación amplia y exhaustiva traduzioni rapide e precise, indagini accurate e coscienziose traductions rapides et précises, recherches soigneuses et exactes . See less.

Profile last updated
Oct 15, 2008

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