English to Chinese: ASPHALT CEMENT CHIP SEALS IN OREGON(俄勒冈改性沥青碎石封层) | |
Source text - English Chip seals are a standard preventive maintenance treatment used to protect the pavement from weathering and the adverse effects of water. A chip seal also improves skid resistance by increasing the surface friction of the pavement. Most chip seals in Oregon have been constructed using an asphalt emulsion as the binder. These emulsified asphalt chip seals have been the treatment of choice, but in some locations, particularly on higher volume/higher speed roadways,
they have been less successful. Chip seals using an asphalt cement binder (hot oil) have been tried in limited situations on Oregon state highways, but the construction process and performance of the hot oil seals have not been evaluated. Thus, research is needed to properly assess the effectiveness of asphalt cement (hot oil) chip seals and the appropriate construction processes to employ. | Translation - Chinese 碎石封层是一种标准的防护性养护措施,用于保护路面免受风化作用以及水损害的影响。碎石封层通过增强路面摩擦力提高了路面抗滑性能。在俄勒冈,大部分碎石封层使用一种乳化沥青作为粘合剂。这种乳化沥青碎石封层已经成为路面修复处理的首选方式。但在有些地方,特别是交通流量大且速度快的公路,此类封层的应用却不太成功。目前已经在俄勒冈高速公路一些地方试行应用热铺设改性沥青碎石封层,但相应的施工程序与性能还没有得到评估。因此,有必要对热铺设改性沥青碎石封层的效用以及合适的施工程序进行正确评估。
Chinese to English: 基于BP神经网络的路面使用性能评价方法研究(Review of the Back-Propagation Neural Network Method as a Basis for Pavement Performance Assessment ) | |
Source text - Chinese 对于路面使用性能的综合评价方面,本文针对基于加权平均法的路面性能综合评价方法存在的不足,提出了用BP神经网络进行性能综合评价的新的思路,并给出可以用来制定相应养护策略的综合评价指标——路面管理指数PMI,具体说明了指标的评分方法及其评价标准。 | Translation - English For the pavement performance comprehensive assessment, the combination of BP neural network and Pavement Management Index (PMI) were analytically investigated in this paper. Analytical results indicated that BP neural network and PMI can successfully be utilized to formulate maintenance strategies as regards to pavement performance assessment. |