I have over ten years' experience as a translator, project manager and resource co-ordinator from German into English. I work mainly with legal, commercial, technical and academic texts, but will consider a job from any field and will give you an honest assessment of my aptitude with the subject matter. I am a native speaker of British English but am also familiar with the grammar, orthography(,) and conventions of American English.
I have a first class degree in German Studies from the University of Birmingham and have been translating since the early 1990s.
I am also a qualified solicitor and am a Master of Laws.
My German is of near-native standard, I have a comprehensive and intuitive command of German grammar and am skilled in rendering even the most complex German constructions into fluid and natural English. I impress my clients with the accuracy of my work and am often entrusted with quality assurance of other translators' texts.
My prices are competitive, but I don't sell myself short: in this business as everywhere else, you get what you pay for. |