Dear manager,
In reference to your announcement concerning your need to teachers of English I am interested in occupying one of the vacant positions mentioned above.
I am a graduate of Damascus University where I obtained my B.A. degree in English language and literature in 1980.
I have eleven years of experience in teaching English in both Kuwait and Saudi Arabia I taught both intermediate and secondary stages at schools belonged to the Ministry of Education. I have been teaching English in Syria for five years at language centers of the private sector. I have been teaching both adults and students of intermediate and secondary levels.
Skills : grammar, phonetics, sounds, pronunciation, communication, composition and methods of teaching English both as a target and foreign language are fields of my interest to deal with.
Personal information :
Full name : Mohammad Abdurrahman AL- Dakouri
Nationality :Syrian
Age : 48
Address : Syria- Hassaka -Amouda
Tel : +96352731892
Mobile :+963966343613
E-mail : [email protected]
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