I translate texts of various types from English to German and German to
English. Please see resume, descriptions of previous projects, and list of
references below.
David Colclasure
816 Eastgate, Apt. 2S
University City, MO 63130
Tel 314.862.5252
Fax 530.327.7444
[email protected]
1996- Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri
-PhD in German Literature expected May, 2000
-M.A. in Philosophy received December, 1999
1990-96 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
-M.A. in German Literature received January, 1997
-B.A. in Music Theory received May, 1994
-B.A. in German received May, 1994
1992-93 Exchange Student at the University of Vienna in Austria
Selected Honors and Fellowships
1999-00 Dean's Dissertation Fellowship, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, Washington University.
1996-97 Otto Heller Special Fellowship, German Department, Washington University.
1998-99 DAAD Annual Grant for research, Humboldt-Universit