Full-time translator since 2003.
Jobs in 2023 include:
CSR report of EDP Energia Italia (20,000 word translation)
UEFA (refereeing issues), with translation and revision of translations of lawyers' reports to interested parties (From Spanish and Italian_ English) for UEFA
Just finished (September 2023) report to UN from UN-affiliated agency UNOPS concerning project in Nicaragua (Spanish-English) (60,000 words)
KM Zero Food Innovation Hub (Valencia) report (30,000 words, ES-EN)
GCCA+ West Africa project: 55 000 word revision of post-edition. (FR-ENG)
DSNA (Direction des Services de la Navigation Aérienne) Rapport d'Activité (French-English uk, 16000 words.
Marketing/press releases/shareholders' reports for Atenor, the Belgian property developer (French-English) More than 80,000 words over the years.
Trains: CAF Power and Automation. Translation of website "Electrical traction systems for the railway industry" (Spanish-English) 20,000 words
Trams: RATP (Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens) Technical specifications for rolling stock. 16,000 words.
Lighting: Catalogue of ATP Iluminación, street lighting manufacturer, 30,000 words over the years.
Film SUBTITLING for Olympussat with revision of post-edited transcriptions from Italian, French and Spanish to English, I use Aegisub.
E_COMMERCE with translation from French of the website posts of a well-known product feed manager, BeezUP.
(in progress, below are details of work prior to 2011)
Specialising in technical, especially utility installations, electricity, pipeline, refrigeration (all language combinations), annual reports (mostly French to English), telecommunications (mostly Spanish and Italian to English), Legal (Mostly Spanish to English). Around 700, 000 words translated in 2011.
Examples of big and ongoing jobs in 2011:
Telecommunications: National Telecommunications Regulating Authorities’ Draft Measures and Responses to European Commission Consultations (Esp-En, It-En) (Euroscript Luxembourg for the European Commission).
Annual Results: Netgem SA results and shareholders’ reports (Fr-En)(Attic traductions, Nice, France).
Legal Documents: Mostly powers of attorney and property-related deeds (Esp-En) (Euroffice, Malaga, Spain).
HACCP Food Safety Manual, Dinon (Italy) (It-En) (Linguaforce, Rennes, France)
Technical Specifications for Vehicle Crash Impact Protection Systems, PSA Peugeot Citroën (Fr-En) (Linguadata, London, England)
Refrigeration: product specifications, Eurofred, Telstar (ongoing) (Sp-En), (Net Translations, Barcelona, Spain)
Human Resources: Staff Responsibilities and Procedures Manual, Pull and Bear (Inditex) (Sp-En) (directly for Pull and Bear)
Communications, Public Relations and Media: Presentations, press releases and project strategies (powerpoint ), Tinkle Consultants S.A. (GBS Business Services – Butler Shawe, Madrid)
Jobs 2010
Around 600,000 words translated in 2010.
Big projects included:
Telecommunications regulations, Fr, Sp and It to En, for Euroscript, Belgium
Housing and social development project for Junta de Andalucia (50,000 + words) Sp-En
Correspondence and Annual Reports for major European bank, through UPS, London (30,000+) Sp and Fr to En
Annual Reports for Netgem, via Attic traductions (60,000)
Smaller projects:
Website / marketing translation for Tinkle consultants (Sp-En) via GBS, Madrid
Printer specifications intended for industry peers at trade shows + general advertising texts for leading Italian printer manufacturer, via Net translations, Spain (It to En).
Insurance brochure for Crédit Agricole (15,000 words) via Attic Traductions, France
Other jobs prior to 2010
Telecommunications market reports from Italian controlling authority + decisions of the EU commission (It-En)20, 000 words, Euroscript, Belgium
Peugeot-Citroen tender specifs. spare part supplies (14, 000 words), Fr-Eng, EAN Fachubersetzungen, Germany
Tramway tender specifications (lines) Palermo city, Ita-Eng, 20, 000 words, Brainstorm, Austria
Amena access project, Sp-Eng, 6,000 words, Linguavox, Spain
Jura national park website, 20, 000 words, Fr-Eng Aagir bureautique, France
Telecom tender Fr - Eng, 9,000 words, Linguavox, Spain
Italian Telecommunications company annual financial report, 7,000 It-Eng, Blanco Gmbh, Germany
Specifications for real estate development (interiors and exteriors)(5,000 words) Fr-Eng, Linguavox, Spain
Safety information sheets chemical products, 6,000 words, linguadata, England
Environ. Impact study, Port of Algeciras, 50,000 words, Sp-Eng, CHtraducciones, Spain
Tender specifications power lines for Ougadougou, Fr-Eng, 22, 000 words, Linguavox, Spain
Railway car specifications, Ita-Eng, 3 000 words, Tradebi, Spain
Web site presenting translation agency for the same translation ageny, WAI communication, 3,000 words, Sp - Eng
Airline website, Sp-Eng, 6 000 words, Linguavox, Spain,
Pipe diversion tender specifications, Sp-Eng, 6,000 words, Linguavox, Spain
Deed of incorporation, Sp-Eng, 5,000 words, helena Techical Translations, Holland
Leasing Contract, Sp - En, 2,600 words, Atlantic translations, England
Chomette Catalogue, Hotel and Catering supply, Fr. - En., 45,000 words,
Lexitech, Belgium
ADSL platform specifications, 6 000 words, Sp - En, Linguavox, Spain
Analysis of European Union Quality standard ISO9000, Sp-En, 2,600 words, Linguavox, Spain
Schrader (valves and motor spares) website translated, 10,000 words, Fr - Eng, Aagir Bureautique, France
Deroche (foodstuffs) catalogue, Fr - En, 6000 words, Media langues, France
Jobs 2008
Corporate statement, Fr-Eng, for British bank (2,207 words), Linguadata, London
Belgian Law on subcontracting, French - Eng (6000 words of) Paul Janssens Ltd., Belgium
Butter specifications, Fr-Eng, Lexitech, Belgium (small job)
Manual for Internet gaming device (4000 words of), Sp-Eng, Linguavox, Spain
Paint specifications, Fr-Eng, Lexitech, Belgium (small job)
Safety plan and instructions for construction site, Fr-Eng, (2000 words), Lexitech, Belgium
Accounting instructions for British company, Italian-Eng, (16 000 words), London translations, London, England
Industrial tribunal ruling, Italian-Eng, (5000 words), UPS translations, London
Noise pollution regulation, Sp-Eng, (22 000 words), CHTraducciones, Spain
Compact card manual, (4000 words of), Fr-Eng, Linguavox, Spain
Customer service report, Swedish car manufacturer, (2000 words), Linguavox, Spain
Canaries tourist board ? area descriptions, Sp-Eng, WAI Comunicaciones, Tenerife
Train traffic forecasting model for Poland, Ita-Eng, (3000 words), Interactos y Traducciones, SL, Madrid
Auditing report, Fr-Eng (small job), Atlantic translations, England
Business training seminar feedback, Fr,Sp, It. ? Eng, (small job), Linguavox, Spain
Investment guidelines for bond compartment manager, It-Eng, (small job), CPW, France
Trustees? Business Report, Ita-Eng, (3000 words), UPS translations, London
Law on discharge into coastal waters etc., (5000 words), Sp-Eng, CHTraducciones, Spain
Contract for medical research study, Ita-Eng, (3500 words), Trador, Holland
Deed of transfer of patent rights, Ita-Eng, (13000 words), Linguavox, Spain
Archaeological report on the Canary islands, (19 000 words), Sp-Eng, Wai Comunicaciones, Tenerife
Investigation into threaded screw structure following breakage, Ita-Eng, (1000 words), Linguavox, Spain
Security equipment leasing contract, Sp-Eng, (3000 words), Atlantic Translations, England
Jobs 2007
Promotional text for ToLuna Website, promoting new Market Research Software
(Agency ? Anyword, France; 10 000 words; Fr>Eng)
Presentation text and voiceover for Maeltechnomat, manufacturer of cheese processing machines and conveyer belts
(Agency ? Linguavox, Spain; 5 000 words; Sp>Eng)
Presentation of sustainable development educational project, Asturias council
(Agency ? Linguadata, London; 5 000 words; Sp>Eng)
Financial Asset Management Contract for Western Asset
(Agency - Consultants Philippe Willemetz; 7 000 words; It>Eng)
Siemens Request for Bids for network equipment supply and installation
(Agency: Linguavox, Spain; 7 000; Sp>Eng)
Union members? employment contract conditions agreed between unions and management
(Agency: Consultants Philippe Willemetz, France; 7,000 words; It>Eng)
Part of brochure (sales text) for club sound equipment
(Agency: Linguavox, Spain; 3,000 words; Sp>Eng)
Telefónica Data España's proposal to Peugeot for IP VPN solution for their points of sale
(Agency: Linguavox, Spain; 30,000 words, Sp>Eng)
Motor magazine article on the Honda Accord
(Agency: Übersetzungsbüro Blanco, Germany; 4,000 words, It>Eng)
Proposal for website management by supplier to a French wood association
(Agency: Linguadata, London; 7,000 words; Fr>Eng)
Contract for financial consultancy drawn up by French company for Consultant Banks
(Agency: Linguadata, London; 6,000 words; Fr>Eng)
Jobs 2006
Construction : Peugeot Citroën calls for bids translated for Takenaka (Helena Technical translations) Over 100 000 words translated Jan, Feb, March 2004 for following lots: shell and core, electricity, plumbing, heating and ventilation.
Advertising: Advertising for ToLuna's market research software (Anyword translations) 8000 words in June 2004
Call for Bids: for Club Med, , (Technicis, France) including health and safety and construction contracts, 11000 words in May 2004-07-09
Hotel and Catering: Chomette catalogue (all catering kitchen and dining ware) 30 000 words in July 2003 (Lexitech, Belgium)
Mobile phone SW and HW calls for bids for Siemens, 40 000+ words translated this year (linguavox, Spain)
Data logging system instruction manual for IZAR (nationalised shipbuilding firm), 50 000 words translated in Oct 2003 (Linguavox)
Health Worker?s Union report to the UGT (trade union congress, Spain) on working hours, 10 000 words translated April 2004 (linguavox)
3 company law documents, total 20 000 words in Sept 2003 (Sarltraje, Besançon)
Fendac Union contract with Italian General Business, Tourism and Services Federation, 10 000 words, July 2004, (Consultants Philippe Willemetz, France)
Medical: participants' information sheet for medical test for blood disorder, 4 000 words (Trador, Holland)
Full-time freelance translator for 8 years. Over 5 million words translated.
Pass in IOL Diploma in Translation, Technical Paper, Jan 2003
BA Hons 2:1 in French and European Studies, University of Sussex, 1991