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Source text - English Properties of Chemical Bonds
Fundamental to our understanding of the chemical bond are the experimentally measured properties of a bond - its bond length, bond strength, and bond dipole. From bond dipole data we will derive the concept of electronegativity - that some atoms have a greater power to attract electrons than have others.
These ideas will allow us to discover two types of bonding - ionic and covalent. Compounds with large electronegativity differences tend to have unusually strong bonds. This can be rationalized by proposing that an electron is given from the more electropositive atom to the more electronegative one. This situation creates an anion and a cation that are bonded together primarily by electrostatic attraction between the oppositely charged ions. For bonded atoms with similar electronegativities the sharing of electrons between the nuclei produces a covalent bonding interaction.
Translation - Romanian Proprietatile legaturilor chimice
Baza pentru intelegerea legaturii chimice o reprezinta proprietatile acesteia, masurate experimental - lungimea, taria si dipolul legaturii. Din datele despre dipolul legaturii deriva conceptul de electronegativitate - ca unii atomi au o capacitate mai mare decat altii de a atrage electroni.
Aceste idei ne permit sa descoperim doua tipuri de legatura - ionica si covalenta. Elementele cu diferente mari de electronegativitate tind sa formeze combinatii avand legaturi neobisnuit de puternice. Acest lucru poate fi explicat presupunand ca ca un electron este cedat de atomul mai electropozitiv catre cel mai electronegativ. In aceasta situatie, se creeaza un anion si un cation, care sunt legati prin atractie electrostatica intre ionii cu sarcini electrice opuse. La atomii cu electronegativitati similare, punerea in comun a electronilor intre nuclee produce o interactiune prin legatura covalenta.
English to Romanian: More H5N1 cases reported in Vietnam, China
Source text - English More H5N1 cases reported in Vietnam, China
The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported a new fatal H5N1 avian influenza case in Vietnam and confirmed three cases reported earlier in Indonesia and China, while chinese authorities today reported still another fatal case.
The latest case confirmations by the WHO raise the agency's overall H5N1 count to 365 cases and 231 deaths, including 16 cases and 14 deaths so far this year. Twelve of those cases, including 10 fatal ones, were in Indonesia.
The new case in Vietnam involved a 27-year-old man in the northern province of Ninh Binh who fell ill Feb 3 and died Feb 14, the WHO said. He had contact with sick and dead poultry before his illness.
China's newest H5N1 case is that of a 41-year-old man from southern China's Guanxi autonomous region, according to a Reuters report quoting the health ministry today. The man became ill Feb 12, was hospitalized 2 days later, and died yesterday, the story said. His is the country's second case this year.
Translation - Romanian Mai multe cazuri de H5N1 raportate in Vietnam si China
Organizatia Mondiala a Sanatatii (OMS) a raportat un nou caz fatal de gripa aviara H5N1 in Vietnam si a confirmat trei cazuri raportate anterior in Indonezia si in China, in timp ce autoritatile chineze au raportat astazi inca un caz mortal.
Confirmarea ultimului caz de catre OMS a marit totalul general al organizatiei la 365 cazuri si 231 decese, incluzand 16 cazuri si 14 decese in acest an. 12 dintre aceste cazuri, incluzand 10 fatale, au fost in Indonezia.
Recentul caz din Vietnam a implicat un barbat de 27 de ani din provincia nordica Ninh Binh, care s-a imbolnavit in 3 februarie si a decedat in 14 februarie, raporteaza OMS. Inainte de a se imbolnavi, el a venit in contact cu gaini bolnave sau moarte.
Cel mai nou caz din China este al unui barbat de 41 de ani din regiunea autonoma Guanxi, aflata in sudul Chinei, conform unei relatari a agentiei Reuter, care il citeaza pe ministrul sanatatii. Barbatul s-a imbolnavit in 12 februarie, a fost spitalizat doua zile mai tarziu si a decedat ieri, se spune in articol. Cazul sau e al doilea in tara anul acesta.
English to Romanian: Plane carrying 46 missing in Venezuela
Source text - English Plane carrying 46 missing in Venezuela
Rescue crews were sent Friday to find a commercial airliner carrying 46 people that disappeared in southwestern Venezuela. Officials feared the worst after residents reported hearing a crash in the mountains.
The flight was reported missing 30 minutes after takeoff on Thursday from the city of Merida.
The French-made ATR 42-300 carrying 43 passengers and three crew members took off from Merida's airport at 4:59 p.m., officials said. The duration of the field was to have been an hour and 45 minutes. The area where it dissappeared is about 400 miles southwest of Caracas.
Translation - Romanian Avion cu 46 persoane la bord, disparut in Venezuela
Echipe de salvare au fost trimise vineri pentru a gasi un avion comercial, transportand 46 de persoane, care a disparut in sud-vestul Venezuelei. Autoritatile se tem de ceea ce e mai rau, dupa ce localnicii au declarat ca au auzit o explozie in munti.
Disparitia avionului a fost raportata la 30 de minute dupa decolarea sa, joi, din orasul Merida.
Avionul ATR 42-300, de productie franceza, transportand 43 de pasageri si trei membri ai echipajului, a decolat de pe aeroportul din Merida la ora 16 si 59 de minute, au declarat oficialii. Durata zborului trebuia sa fie de o ora si 45 de minute. Zona in care a disparut se afla la aproximativ 400 de mile sud-vest de Caracas.
Years of experience: 44. Registered at Feb 2008.