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Russian to Latvian Russian to English English to Russian German to Latvian German to Russian French to Latvian French to Russian English to Lithuanian Lithuanian to English Estonian to English English to Estonian
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Translation, Editing/proofreading, Subtitling
Specializes in:
Finance (general)
Business/Commerce (general)
Law: Contract(s)
Education / Pedagogy
Tourism & Travel
Government / Politics
Law: Taxation & Customs
Also works in:
Law (general)
Names (personal, company)
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Advertising / Public Relations
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Computers (general)
Computers: Software
Cosmetics, Beauty
Media / Multimedia
Electronics / Elect Eng
Medical: Health Care
Human Resources
Internet, e-Commerce
Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
Materials (Plastics, Ceramics, etc.)
Real Estate
Science (general)
Ships, Sailing, Maritime
Transport / Transportation / Shipping
English to Latvian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.05 EUR per word Latvian to English - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 EUR per word Latvian to Russian - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 EUR per word Russian to Latvian - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 EUR per word Russian to English - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 EUR per word
German to Latvian - Rates: 0.06 - 0.09 EUR per word
Blue Board entries made by this user
0 entries
Payment methods accepted
Sample translations submitted: 1
English to Latvian: Translation of my own website General field: Marketing Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations
Source text - English My name is Dace Dzene. I am a self-employed, freelance sworn translator, with first class proofreading and editing skills. I work from English into Latvian and Latvian into English with Latvian as my mother tongue.
I have 6 years translating experience in the global market, including 3 years experience as a project manager (liaising between customers and translators) for several different translation agencies. For the last 2 years I have been running my own independent business as a self-employed, freelance sworn translator having registered as one on July 14, 2008.
During the successful development of my career, I obtained Bachelor's degree in (English) Philology when graduating
the University of Latvia, Faculty of Modern Languages, which has allowed me the opportunity to collaborate not only with translation partners worldwide including Lithuania, Estonia, Russia, Poland, United Kingdom, Spain, China, Israel, France, Belgium, India, Sweden, Denmark, Ireland but also work for the European Union.
My services include written translations from English into Latvian and vice versa in many different fields of expertise, as well as proofreading Latvian texts and editing English into Latvian texts which have been done by other translators.
Customers from different parts of the globe are always welcome. I am highly flexible regarding deadlines, prices and payment methods as well as terms of payment as I find the ability to negotiate an essential part of a successful collaboration.
Translation - Latvian Mans vārds ir Dace Dzene un es esmu pašnodarbināta ārštata tulkotāja - zvērināts tulks un papildus veicu tekstu korektūru un rediģēšanu savā dzimtajā valodā. Es strādāju ar angļu-latviešu un latviešu-angļu valodu kombinācijām.
Man ir 6 gadu tulkošanas pieredze starptautiskajā tirgū, ieskaitot 3 gadu pieredzi projektu vadītājas amatā, veicot starpnieka funkciju starp klientu un tulkotājiem dažādās tulkošanas aģentūrās. Pēdējos 2 gadus veicu savu individuālo saimniecisko darbību kā ārštata tulkotāja – zvērināts tulks, reģistrējot to Valsts Ieņēmumu dienestā 2008. gada 14. jūlijā.
Savas karjeras veiksmīgās izaugsmes laikā esmu ieguvusi humanitāro zinātņu bakalaura grādu (angļu) filoloģijā, absolvējot
Latvijas Universitātes Moderno Valodu fakultāti, kas man ir ļāvis sadarboties ne tikai ar kolēģiem dažādās pasaules valstīs, ieskaitot Lietuvu, Igauniju, Krieviju, Poliju, Apvienoto Karalisti, Spāniju, Ķīnu, Izraēlu, Beļģiju, Indiju, Zviedriju, Dāniju, Īriju , bet strādāt arī Eiropas Savienībai.
Visu pasaules valstu klienti ir vienmēr laipni aicināti sadarboties. Esmu ļoti elastīga attiecībā uz termiņiem, cenām un maksājumu veidiem, kā arī maksājumu nosacījumiem, jo uzskatu, ka spēja vienoties ir veiksmīgas sadarbības priekšnoteikums.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - University of Latvia
Years of experience: 22. Registered at Mar 2008.
Dear colleagues,
My name is Dace Dzene and I am a self-employed, freelance sworn translator who is offering language services to companies worldwide. I offer translations from English, French, German, Russian, Lithuanian and Polish into Latvian and vice versa with Latvian as my mother tongue.
If you are interested in my services of providing translations from and into the Latvian language, please visit my website for more detailed contact information. I would be extremely grateful if you evaluated my suitability to your demands.
I look forward to a long and successful collaboration between us!