Although I began translating short legal documents and academic papers, my five year career in the financial industry has generated requests for mostly economic documents, business proposals, and annual financial reports. While I thoroughly enjoy the occasional dip into literary, legal, or general translation, my continual work for an investment firm keeps my perspective fresh and my output current with the dynamic international financial markets.
-English (native fluency - preferred target language)
-German (native fluency - grew up in Germany and the US) *I often enlist a partner with 30+ years experience on larger projects.
-Italian (fluent - lived and studied in Trento, Italy)
-Portuguese (fluent - lived and worked in Sao Paulo, Brazil)
--B.A. Italian Language and Literature
--B.A. Philosophy
--B.A. Economics
SUBJECT AREAS (preferred)
--Business proposals/letters/documents
--Annual Reports
--Shareholder disbursements
--Mutual fund prospectus
--Academic transcripts
--Marketing documents
--Academic papers (no Scientific or Engineering subjects, please)
--U.S.$30 minimum or $.07 per word
--Rush rates dependent on length of project
To receive an estimate, obtain my full CV, or for professional references, please e-mail me at
[email protected]. I look forward to working with you!