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Danish to English: Letters from the Danish Resistance
Source text - Danish Danske Breve
Kim til Hanne
4. April 1945
Min egen lille Unge.
Jeg blev i Dag stillet for en Domstol og dømt til Døden.
Et forfærdende Budskab for en lille Pige paa tyve Aar. Jeg har faaet Lov at skrive dette Afskedsbrev, og hvad skal Jeg skrive. Hvorledes skal denne mine Svanesang saa forme sig. Tiden er kort - Tankerne mange, hvad er det sidste og dyreste, jeg kan give dig, hvad ejer jeg, som Jeg her i Afskeden kan give dig, saa du med Sorg og dog med et lykkeligt Smil lever videre, vokser og bliver stor.
Vi sejlede paa det vilde Hav, vi mødte hinanden fortrolige som legende Børn, og vi elskede hinanden. Det gør vi endnu, og det vil vi blive ved med, men en Dag skilte Storme os, jeg stødte paa Grund og sank, du blev skyllet op paa en ny Kyst, du skal leve videre i en ny Verden. Du skal ikke glemme mig, det forlanger jeg ikke, hvorfor skulde du glemme noget, der er saa skønt, men du maa ikke blive afhængig af det, du skal glide videre lige let og dobbelt lykkelig, for Livet skænkede dig paa din Vej det dejligste dej1ige. Riv dig løs, lad dette lykkeligste lykkelige være alt for dig, lad det straale som det stærkeste og klareste af alt, men lad det kun være et af de gyldne Minder, lad det ikke blænde dig, saa du ikke kan se alt det dejlige, du har til gode. Du maa ikke blive tung, du skal blive moden og rig, hører du, min egen kære Unge.
Du lever videre og vil møde andre dejlige Eventyr, men lov mig, det skylder du alt det, jeg har levet for, at aldrig vil Tanken om mig stille sig mellem dig og Livet. Husk jeg er en Kerne i dig, og at jeg forlader dig, betyder kun, at alene Kernen lever videre. Den skal være sund og naturlig, den skal ikke optage for megen Plads, og efterhaanden som større,og vigtigere Ting Kommer for, skal den glide i Baggrunden og netop være en lille Del af en Jordbund, der er fuld af Lykke og Udvikling.
Du føler en Skæren i Sindet, det er Sorgen, siger man, men Hanne, se længere, vi skal dø, og om jeg sover hen lidt før eller senere, det kan hverken du eller jeg sige, om det er god eller ondt.
Jeg tænker paa Sokrates, læs om ham, og du vil høre Platon udtale, hvad jeg føler lige nu. Jeg holder grænseløst meget af dig, men ikke mere nu, end jeg altid har gjort. Der er ikke noget, der skærer mig i Hjertet, saadan er det nu engang, og det skal du indse. Jeg har noget, der lever og brænder i mig -en Kærlighed, en Inspiration, kald den hvad du vil, men noget som jeg endnu slet ikke havde fundet Udtryk for. Nu dør jeg, og jeg ved ikke, om jeg har tændt en lille Flamme i et andet Sind, en Flamme som skal overleve mig, men endda er jeg rolig, for jeg har set og ved, at Naturen er rig, ingen mærker om nogle enkelte Spirer bliver traadt under Fode og dør derved. Hvorfor skulde jeg saa fortvivle, naar jeg ser al den Rigdom, som endda lever.
Løft Hovedet du mit Hjertes aller dyrebareste Kerne, løft og se, Havet er blaat endnu, det Hav som jeg elskede, og som har indhyllet os begge. Lev du nu for os begge. Jeg er væk og borte, og det, der er tilbage, er ikke et Minde, som gør dig til Kvinde i… s Stil, men til en Kvinde, der er levende og varm, moden og lykkelig. Ikke noget med at hæve dig for at sidde oven paa Sorgen, for saa stivner du og bliver hellig i din Tro paa mig og paa dig selv, og du vil miste det, jeg elskede højest af alt hos dig - nemlig din Kvindelighed.
Husk, og det sværger jeg dig til er sandt, at al Smerte bliver til Lykke, men kun de færreste vil nogen Sinde senere indrømme det overfor sig selv. De hyllede sig i Smerten, og Vanen fik dem til at tro, at det stadig var Smerte, og de hyllede sig stadig i den. Sandheden er, at efter Smerte kommer Dybde, og efter Dybden kommer Frugt.
Se, Hanne, en Dag vil du møde en, der vil være din Mand, og vil Tanken om mig saa ikke skyde igennem dig, du vil maaske i Bunden have en svag Følelse af,
at du svigter mig eller noget, der er rent og helligt i dig. Hanne, se op igen, se ind i mine smilende blaa Øjne, og du vil forstaa, at den eneste Maade, du kan svigte mig paa, er ved ikke helt at følge ethvert naturligt Instinkt. Du ser ham, og lad dit Hjerte flyde ham i Møde. Ikke for at drukne Sorgen, men fordi du elsker ham af et ærligt Hjerte. Du vil blive meget, meget Iykkelig, for du har faaet en Grund, hvor endnu for dig ukendte Følelser vil gro frodigt.
Du maa hilse Nitte, jeg har tænkt en Del paa at skrive til hende, men ved ikke rigtigt om jeg har Tid, det er, som om jeg føler, at jeg kan gøre mere for dig, og du er Indbegrebet af alt levende Liv for mig. Jeg skal have blæst alt det Liv, der findes i mig, over i dig, saa det kan fortsætte, og saa lidt som muligt gaa til Spilde, saadan er min Natur engang.
Din ikke for evigt
4. April 1945
Kære Mor.
Jeg er sammen med Jørgen, Niels og Ludvig i Dag
blevet stillet for en Krigsret. Vi blev dømt til Døden. Jeg ved, at du er en stærk Kvinde, og at du vil tage dette, men, hører du, det er ikke nok, at du tager det, du skal ogsaa forstaa det. Jeg er kun en lille Ting, og min Person vil meget snart være glemt, men den Ide, det Liv, den Inspiration, som fyldte mig, vil leve videre. Du vil træffe den overalt - i Træerne om Foraaret, i Mennesker, du møder paa din Vej, i et kærligt lille Smil, du vil møde det, der maaske havde Værdi hos mig, du viI elske det, og du viI ikke glemme mig. J eg viI faa Lov til at vokse
mig stor og moden, jeg vil leve hos jer, hvis Hjerter jeg engang fyldte, og I vil leve videre, for I ved, at jeg er
forude, og ikke, som du maaske først vil mene, bagude. Du ved, hvad der altid har været min kæreste Lyst, og hvad jeg troede, jeg skulde blive. Følg mig, du kære Moder, paa min Vej, og stands ikke ved det sidste, men ved nogle af de sidste Leverum, jeg har haft, og I vil finde noget, som maaske vil være værdifuldt for hende, der er min Unge, og for hende, der er min Moder.
Jeg har vandret ad en Vej, som jeg ikke har fortrudt, jeg har aldrig svigtet, hvad der i mit Hjerte stod, og jeg synes nu, at jeg kan se en Sammenhæng. Jeg er ikke gammel,
jeg burde ikke dø, og dog synes det mig saa naturligt, saa ligetil. Det er kun den bratte Maade, der afskrækker os i første Nu. Tiden er kort, jeg kan ikke rigtigt forklare det, men mit Sind er fuldkommen roligt. Jeg vilde gerne have været en Sokrates, men Publikum manglede. Jeg føler den samme Ro som han og vil meget gerne have, at I helt forstaar det, baade du, Hanne og Nitte. Du maa hilse Nitte, jeg er fuld af Kærlighed til hende og staar ved hvert ord, jeg har skrevet til hende.
Hvor er det i Grunden mærkeligt at sidde og skrive dette Dokument for Livet. Hvert Ord bliver staaende, det kan aldrig gøres godt igen, aldrig slettes, aldrig forandres
- Jeg har saa mange Tanker. Jørgen sidder her foran mig og skriver Konfirmationsbrev til sin Datter. Et Dokument for Livet. Vi har levet sammen, og nu dør vi sammen, to Kammerater. Jeg har siddet sammen med Poul. Vi havde mange forskellige Meninger, men han, ved, hvad jeg indeholdt, og hvad jeg kan give. .
Endelig er der Børnene, de har staaet mig saa nær i den sidste Tid,og jeg havde glædet mig til at se dem og leve lidt sammen med dem igen. Mit Hjerte har banket af Glæde ved Tanken om dem, og jeg haaber, at de maa vokse op til Mænd, der ser andet og dybere end Vejen; Jeg haaber, at deres Sind maa trives frit og aldrig under ensidig Paavirkning.
Hils dem fra mig - min Gudsøn og hans Bror.
Jeg ser, hvad Vej det gaar i vort Land, og jeg ved, at Morfar vil faa Ret, men husk - og det skal I alle huske - at Drømmen ikke maa være at naa tilbage til den Tid inden Krigen, men at Drømmen for jer aIle, unge og
gamle, skal være at skabe et ikke ensidigt, men rent menneskeligt Ideal, som enhver skal se og føle er et Ideal for os aIle. Det er den store Gave, vort Land tørster efter, noget, hver lille Bondesøn kan se hen til og med Glæde føle, at han har Del i og arbejder og kæmper for.
Endelig er der hende, der er min. Faa hende til at se, at Stjernerne endnu tindrer, og at jeg kun var en Milesten. Hjælp hende videre, hun kan nu blive meget lykkelig.
I Hast - din ældste og eneste Søn
Brev fra Thue
Kære Far, kære mor og kære alle Søstre! Naar I faar dette Brev, er jeg sikkert ikke mere, men sørg ikke over mig, jeg er død med en god Samvittighed.
Mit Liv blev kort, men jeg har ikke noget at beklage mig over.
Jeg har maaske ikke faaet det ud af Livet, sam jeg skulde have haft, jeg har maaske heller ikke været saa god, sam jeg skulde have været, men jeg har ment det godt; det jeg har gjort, har jeg gjort i den bedste Mening.
Jeg har villet det godt for alle Mennesker, men har sikkert til Tider opført mig klodset.
Der er meget i mit Liv, jeg gerne har villet gøre om, men jeg har Tillid til Gud, han skal nok hjælpe mig, ogsaa gennem det sidste.
Jeg ved, at I begge to, Far og Mor, har vist mig den rette Vej her i Livet, særlig nu til sidst, har jeg kunnet se det, og jeg har inderlig fortrudt, at jeg ikke altid har fulgt den; men jeg har bedt og beder stadig Gud om Tilgivelse, og jeg tror ogsaa nok, han vil høre mig. .
Sørg ikke over mig, for jeg synes kun jeg har gjort, som min Samvittighed bød mig, og det maa jo være det, man skal gøre her i Livet.
Jeg tror ogsaa, jeg kan gaa Døden roligt i Møde, jeg ved, at Gud er med mig.
Tænk blot paa alle de mange, der har maattet dø som mig, under denne Krig, det vil sikkert gøre det hele lettere for jer, og jeg ved jo ogsaa, at Gud vil hjælpe jer over dette.
Jeg vil gerne Far, om du for de sidste Penge, jeg har fra min Forsikring, vilde oprette et Legat paa Skolen i Ribe, jeg tror, det er den bedste Maade, de kan bruges paa.
Jeg er ked af, at jeg ikke faar nogle af mine Søstre at se mere, og at jeg ikke kan faa sagt Farvel til jer; men jeg haaber, I tilgiver jeres Broder den Sorg og Fortræd, jeg maaske har gjort. Til jer vil jeg sige, at I blot skal blive ved at følge den Vej, Far og Mor har vist jer, saa skal det nok gaa godt altsammen.
Til Slut vil jeg bede jer hilse alle Venner og Bekendte.
Kærlig Hilsen til Far, Mor, alle Søstre og Svogre, ogsaa til Anne Margrethe og Aase fra
Jens Thue
(Sadan lyder det sidste brev, vi modtog fra vores bror, Thue, efter at han 22 aar gammel var blevet henrettet i Ryvangen den 10. marts 1945.)
Brev fra Hans
Kæreste Far og Mor!
Det er mit haab, at I vil tage efterretningen om min Død med saa megen Ro, som I kan. Jeg er jo kun en af de uendelig mange, der har maattet sætte Livet til i denne krig. Maaske bliver jeg selv befriet for en Mængde. Jeg er jo desværre ikke som jeg skulle Være, og i en alder, hvor andre selv har familie, var jeg ikke naaet saa vidt.
Jeg har sparet en Smule, og hvad der er, vil jeg bede jer om at bruge paa jer selv, nu, hvor I kun har Pension at leve af, vil i nok have Brug for det. Jeg havde drømt om at kunne hjælpe jer, men det maa nu blive ved det. Ikke mange har haft et hjem som jeg, og jeg kan ikke finde paa Ord, der kan sige jer Tak for alt, hvad jeg har nydt af godhed hos jer. Mine sidste tanker gælder jer, og jeg vilde ønske. at jeg helt kunne tro paa, at vi mødtes igen. I vil nok hilse alle mine Venner, efterhaanden som I ser dem.
Til Slut vil jeg saa ønske for jer, at I maa leve roligt og godt i mange Aar endnu, og at I maa være raske, saa I ikke kommer til at føle jer Alderdom som en Byrde.
Jeres Søn Hans«
Brev fra Helge
Kære Far, Mor og Mogens!
Nu er Timen slaaet, min Skæbne er beseglet: Vi skal aldrig mere ses. I Formiddags blev jeg dømt til Døden, og i Tiden, indtil Henrettelsen finder Sted, vil jeg skrive til jer, mine kære derhjemme. Først vil jeg takke jer for alt, hvad I har været for mig.
Jeg ser nu tilbage over mit korte Liv - ser alt med andre Øjne, end jeg har gjort tidligere. Min Barndom har været lykkelig og sorgløs. Jeg ved, at I altid har bestræbt jer for at gøre alt, hvad I kunne for Mogens og mig. I har slidt og slæbt, for at vi skulle have det saa godt som muligt, og for det er jeg jer inderlig taknemmelig. Jeg har rige Minder fra min Barndom, saa rige som ingen anden.
I, mine kære Forældre, har skabt os et Hjem, som jeg maaske ikke tidligere har vist min Taknemmelighed for, men nu i dette sidste brev skal I vide, at jeg inderst inde er taknemmelig for det.
Jeg tænker nu på vores dejlige Have. Jeg har altid, ligesom Far elsket den Have, Hvor mange dejlige og lykkelige Timer har den ikke givet mig, det Sted, hvor jeg som Barn altid bedst kunne lide at lege, jeg vil nu sige, at den var Rammen om hele min barndom…
(brev fra Helge)
Translation - English
Danish Letters
Kim to Hanne
4 April 1945
My own little young
Today I was tried before a court and condemned to death.
What a terrible message for a little girl of twenty years. I have been allowed to write this farewell letter, and what should I write? How should my swan song be written? Time is short- thoughts many. What is the last and dearest that I can give to you, what do I possess that I can give you now in parting, so that with sorrow but with a happy smile you can live on, grow, and be great.
We sailed the wild ocean, we met each other like playful children, and we loved each other. And we still do, and we will continue to do so, but one day a storm separated us; I ran aground and sank, you were washed up on a new coast, you will live on in a new world. You must not forget me, I don’t ask that, why should you forget something that is so beautiful, but you must not be dependent on it, you must travel on just as lightly, and twice as happy, because life gave you on your way the most beautiful beauty. Tear yourself loose, let this happiest happiness be everything for you, let it shine as the strongest and clearest of all, but only let it be one of the golden memories, don’t let it blind you, so you can’t see all the beauty you have in store. You must not be sad, you will grow and be rich, do you hear me, my own dear young?
You will live on, and have other beautiful adventures, but promise me, you owe all that I have lived for, that the thought of me will never stand between you and life. Remember that I am a seed in you, and that if I leave you it only means that the seed lives on. It should be healthy and natural, but not take up too much room. And gradually, as bigger and more important things come along, it should slip into the background and just be a part of the soil that is full of happiness and growth.
If you feel a tearing in your mind, that is sorrow they say, but Hanne, look farther, we shall die, and if I pass away sooner or later, neither you or I can say if that is good or bad.
I am thinking about Socrates; read about him, and you will hear Plato say what I feel right now. I feel a boundless love for you, but no more now than I have always felt. But nothing is tearing at my heart now, that’s the way it is, and you will understand. I have something that is living and burning in me- a love, and inspiration, call it what you will, but something that I have not yet found an expression for. Now I will die, and I don’t know if I have lit a little flame in another mind, a flame that will survive me. And yet I feel easy because I have seen, and I know, that nature is rich, and nobody notices if a few seeds are trampled under foot and die. Why should I despair when I see all the abundance that still lives.
Lift your head my heart’s dearest seed, lift and see; the ocean is still blue, the ocean that I loved, and that had engulfed us both. Now you will live for both of us. I am gone and what is left is not a memory that will make you a woman of style, but one that will make you alive and warm, mature and happy. Nothing about lifting yourself to sit on top of sorrow, because then you would become stiff and holy in your belief in me and yourself, and you will lose that which I loved most about you, your femininity.
Remember, and I swear to you that this is true, that all pain turns to happiness, though only the fewest will ever admit that to themselves. They wrap themselves in pain, and the habit makes them believe that it still hurts, and they stay wrapped in it. The truth is that after pain comes depth, and after depth comes life.
Look Hanne, someday you will meet someone, one who will be your love, and the thought of me will shoot through you, and maybe you will have a faint feeling that you betray me or something that is pure and holy in you. Hanne, look up again, look into my smiling blue eyes, and you will understand, that the only way you can betray me would be by not following every natural instinct. You see him, and let your heart meet his. Not to drown your sorrow, but because you love him with an honest heart. You will be very happy, because you stand on a ground where even for you unknown feelings will grow fertile.
You must tell Nitte, I have thought so much about writing to her, but don’t really know if I have time. It is as if I feel I can do more for you. You are the essence of all life for me. I must breathe all that life I have in me over into you, so it can continue, and as little as possible go to waste, as that is just my nature.
Yours not forever
Kim to his mother
4. April 1945
Dear Mom
Today, Jørgen, Niels, Ludvig, and me were court-martialed.
We were condemned to death. I know that you are a strong woman, and that you will accept this, but listen, it’s not enough that you accept it, you must also understand it. I am just a little thing, and will soon be forgotten, but the ideal, the life, the inspiration that filled me, will live on. You will find that inspiration everywhere- in the trees in spring, in the people you meet on your path, in a sweet little smile, you will meet that which perhaps had value for me, and you will love it, and you won’t forget me. I will still be able to grow up and mature, I will live with you, whose heart I once filled, and you will live on, because you know that I am ahead, and not, as you might first have thought, behind. You know what had always been my fondest desire, and what I thought I would become. Follow me, my dear Mother, on my way, and don’t dwell on the past, but rather on that last bit of life that I have had, and you will perhaps find something of value for her, who is my dearest, and for her, who is my Mother.
I have followed a path that I have not regretted. I have never betrayed what was in my heart, and I think now I can see a connection between things. I am not old, I shouldn’t die, and yet it seems so natural, so straightforward. It is just the sudden way that frightens us at first. Time is short, and I can’t really explain it, but my mind is completely calm. I would have been like Socrates, except there is no audience. I feel the same peace as he did, and really want you to understand, completely, both you, Hanne, and Nitte. You must give my greetings to Nitte, I am so full of love for her, and stand by every word that I wrote to her.
It is very strange to sit here and write this document of life. Every word is permanent, it can never be healed, never be erased, and never forgotten- I have so many thoughts.
Jørgen is sitting in front of me, writing a confirmation letter to his daughter. A document of life. We have lived together, and now we will die together, two comrades. I have talked with Poul. We had so many different ideas, but he knows what I believe, and what I can give.
And finally there are the children, they have been so close to me in this recent time, and I had looked forward to see them, and to live a while with them again. My heart has beaten with happiness with the thought of them, and I hope that they will grow up to be men who see more and deeper than just the journey. I hope that their spirit grows free, and never under outside pressure.
Greet them from me- my Godson and his brother.
I can see the direction that the country is going in, and I know that Grandpa will be right. But remember- and you must all remember- that the dream must not be to return to that time before the war, but the dream must be, for all of you, young and old, to create not a narrow, but a true humane ideal, one that all shall see and feel as an ideal for everyone. That is the great gift that our land is thirsting for, something that every farmers son can look forward to, and know in his heart that he has a part in, and will work and fight for.
And finally there is her, who is mine. Make her see that the stars still shine brightly, and that I was just a milepost. Help her along, now she can be very happy.
In haste- your oldest and only son.
Letter from Thue
Dear Dad, dear Mom, and dear all sisters.
When you get this letter, I will probably be no more. But don’t grieve over me; I have died with a good conscience.
My life was short, but I have nothing to complain about.
I have perhaps not gotten as much out of life as I should have. I probably haven’t been as good as I should have been, but I meant well. Whatever I did, I did with the best intentions.
I wanted to do the best for everyone, but have probably, at times, acted rather clumsily.
There is a lot in my life that I would like to do over, but I have faith in God, that He will help me, also now through this last time.
I know that both of you, Dad and Mom, have shown me the right path in life. Especially now, at the end, I have understood that, and I regret deeply that I have not always followed that path. But I have prayed, and still pray, that God will forgive me, and I really do believe that he will hear me.
Do not mourn over me. I believe that I did what my conscience told me, and that, after all, is what we must do in this life.
And I believe that I can calmly meet my fate, as I know that God is with me.
Just think about all those that have had to die like me during this war. That should make it all easier for you, and I know that God will help you through this as well.
Dad, I would like it if, for whatever money is left from my insurance, you could set up a scholarship at the school in Ribe. I think that is the best way the money could be used.
I am sorry that I won’t be able to see any of my sisters again, and that I can’t say goodbye to you. But I hope that you will forgive your brother for that sorrow and hurt that he might have caused. To you I will say, that you should continue to follow that path that Dad and Mom have shown you, and everything will be fine.
And now I will just ask that you say hello to all my friends and acquaintances.
With love to Dad, Mom, all my sisters and relatives, and also to Anne Margrethe and Aase, from
Jens Thue
(That was the last letter we received from our brother, Thue, after he was executed, just 22 years old, in Ryvangen, 10th march, 1945)
Letter from Hans
Dear Dad and Mom
I hope that you will take the news of my death with as much ease as possible. After all, I am just one of the endless number who have had to sacrifice their lives in this war. Perhaps I myself will be spared a lot of anguish. I am, unfortunately, not what I should have been. And now I am at the age where others have their own families, and I have not gotten that far.
I have saved up a bit of money, and what there is I would like you to use on yourself, and now that you only have your pension to live on you will probably need it. I had dreamt about being able to help you, but now that can’t be. Not many have had a home like I had, and I can’t find the words that could tell you how thankful I am, and how I have enjoyed the goodness that you had shown me. My last thoughts concern you, and I wish that I really could believe that we will meet again. Please say hello to all my friends as you see them.
And finally I wish for you that you may live well and happily for many years yet, and that you can remain healthy, so that age does not become a burden for you.
You son
Letter from Helge
Dear Dad, Mom, and Mogens
Now the hour has struck, my fate is sealed: we will never see each other again. This morning I was condemned to death, and in the time left until the execution takes place I will write to you, my loved ones at home. First I want to thank you for everything that you have been for me.
Now I look back over my short life- now I see everything with different eyes than I had earlier. My childhood had been so happy and carefree. I know that you had always tried to do everything that you could for Mogens and me. You have worked so hard so that we could have it as good as possible, and for that that I am so thankful. I have rich memories from my childhood, richer than any other’s.
You, my dear parents, had given us a home that, maybe, I had not earlier shown my gratitude for. But now, in this last letter, I want you to know that I am so deeply grateful for it.
I am thinking now about our beautiful garden. I had always loved that garden, just like Dad. How many beautiful and happy hours it had given me, that place, where, as a child, I always most liked to play in. Now I will say that it was the setting for my entire childhood…
(letter from Helge)
Translations from “Kim”, and “Thue og hans tid”
These two books came into my possession almost by accident. Both tell the stories of young Danes who were caught up in the resistance movement against the German occupation during World War ll.
Those in the group that included Kim Malthe-Bruun were executed by the Germans on the morning of April 5, 1945, one month before the war ended. The other members of that group were Ludvig Reventlow, Jørgen Winther, and Peter Fyhn.
Kim was just 21 years old when he was executed.
The collection of letters, and excerpts from his diary, that were published by his mother in 1945, clearly show that Kim was an exceptional young man, with a gift for language.
It seems certain that Kim would have matured into an exceptional and important writer had he lived.
The two letters that I have translated were written after he had been sentenced to death. He knew that he was to die the next morning, but still found the peace of mind, and inner strength, to write a letter to his mother (Vibeke Malthe-Bruun), and one to his sweetheart (Hanne), who he calls “My own little young”. “Nitte”, who he mentions in his letters, was an older cousin who had shown great affection for him from an early age.
(see: KIM, Uddrag af dagbog og breve skrevet af Kim fra hans syttende til hans enogtyvende Aar. Udgivet af hans Moder, Vibeke Malthe-Bruun, København, 1945)
Thue (Jens Thue Jensen) was among seven young men executed by the Germans on March 10, 1945. They were all described as “terrorists”. Thue was 22 years old.
The story about Thue was not told until 1992, more than 45 years after his death. This story was written by his sister, Dorthe Petersen, and describes in detail not only Thue’s
short life, but also a great deal about the resistance movement that took place in southern Jutland, around Esbjerg and Ribe. I have translated three letters from this book. All three were written after these young men had been sentenced to death, and knew that they would die the next morning. Besides Thue’s letter to father, mother, and sisters, there is a letter from Helge Iversen to his family, and one from Hans Silas Nielsen to his family.
(see: THUE og hans tid. Udgivet af Dorthe Petersen, Esbjerg Byhistoriske Arkiv)
All of these letters are deeply moving, and have not been easy to translate. I wanted to remain faithful to the original Danish, and at the same time give them a language that seemed natural and true in spirit, matching the originals in depth and feeling.
Years of experience: 60. Registered at Apr 2008.
I offer translation from Danish to English. I lived in Denmark from 1964 until 1982. I raised a family of four in Denmark, and worked at a wide variety of jobs; Danish merchant marine, the Danish fishing fleet, the forest service, carpentry, land surveying, and technical drafting. I have an in depth knowledge of Danish society, and the Danish language. I have been writing in Danish for over forty years, and correspond with Danes on a regular basis.
I have translated two books from Danish to English, worked with the Kaj Munk Research Center on the project to transcribe all of Kaj Munk's sermons from handwritten notes (not translation). Kaj Munk was one of the best known poets, playwrights, pastors, and resistors to the German occupation.
I have made the first Danish to English Translation of the Selected Poetry of Gustaf Munch-Petersen, who died in the Spanish Civil War in 1938, at the age of 26. He was a member of the International Brigade, fighting against Franco. This has been published in a bilingual edition by Lur Publications at Dana College, on June 5, 2010.
I am working on a translation of "Kaj Munk og Tyskland" (Kaj Munk and Germany) by Søren Daugbjerg, to be published by Lur in 2011. This is a 250 page book about Kaj Munk's interest in German theater during the pre-war years leading up to WWll. This book was published in 2008 by Aalborg University.
I translated university theses during a five year period while I was a student at the University of Aarhus; math, geography, history, politics, and economics.
I can work with Word or PDF,s, Excel spreadsheets, and AutoCAD drawings. I guarantee accurate translations into fluent English.