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Sample translations submitted: 2
Italian to English: Paintress website
Source text - Italian “Dipingevo la mia infanzia fatta di distese verdi,
spazi azzurri e farfalle variopinte… trasfigurate
in eteree immagini spaziali, tutte grazia e armonia,
sospese in un tempo indefinito e indefinibile.
Così ora in quei luminosi spazi verdeazzurri
dipingo mulini sognanti,
cavalli che vi irrompono con un battito ritmico
e la fanciulla dalla maschera d’oro.”
Translation - English “I painted my childhood made of green fields, sky-blue spaces and iridescent butterflies…transformed into ethereal images in space, all grace and harmony, suspended in an undefined and undefinable time. And now in those luminous, acquamarine spaces I paint dreamlike mills, and horses bursting in with a steady beat, and a young girl with a golden mask.”
Italian to English: Discorso Padoa-Schioppa
Source text - Italian Quei giovani erano nel passaggio, per voi imminente, dall’università all’impiego. Interessatissimi all’economia, fieri di essere in cima all’Europa, avvertivano tuttavia il quotidiano lavoro come un restringimento dell’orizzonte, una discesa nel particolare, un’ibernazione e un uso troppo limitato delle conoscenze acquisite, uno scadere a compiti ripetitivi. Esaltazione e mortificazione, la gamma della malinconia.
I temi di quelle conversazioni si sollevavano dalla routine del lavoro, ma vi erano collegati: dove va l’Europa che si allarga, che sarà della costituzione, come rianimare la crescita, che fare perché la Bce divenga quella che vorremmo. Coglievo spesso un loro atteggiamento più contemplativo che attivo, una sfiducia di poter ‘contare’. Non era facile persuaderli che le risposte verranno da loro, che il futuro dell’euro, quello della Banca centrale europea, l’avvenire stesso dell’Europa e del disegno di unione concepito dai loro nonni o bisnonni è ormai nelle loro mani. Essi, come voi, conoscono un’Europa pacificata e prospera, malinconica e forse accidiosa. Un’Europa che sembra fatta e non lo è; che è minacciata non dalla distruzione, ma dal declino.
C’è invece un’opera da completare, che chiede e merita sforzi e sacrifici. Darsi un punto di riferimento significa proprio assumere quale guida qualcosa che, pur connesso al tempo e al luogo in cui siamo, sia più alto e più lontano, e perciò dia senso, orientamento al nostro incedere. Non una previsione o una scommessa, ma un obiettivo e un proposito. Significa alzare lo sguardo oltre il proprio momento.
Allora: non scoraggiatevi, non perdete la spinta che vi ha accompagnato negli studi, non rifugiatevi nel solo privato, non abbracciate l’idolo della carriera o del guadagno, non rivolgetevi allo psicologo. Datevi invece, sceglietevi, punti di riferimento. Dalla malinconia si esce guardando in alto dentro se stessi.
Translation - English Those young people were at the same transition from university to employment which is now imminent for you. Extremely interested in economics, proud to be at the top in Europe, they still felt that their daily work was a narrowing of their horizons, a descent into details, a hibernation and too limited use of the knowledge they’d acquired, and a decline into repetitive tasks. Exaltation and mortification, the range of depression.
The topics of those conversations raised them up from the routines of their jobs, but the two were connected: where is Europe going now that it’s expanding, what will happen to the constitution, how to reanimate growth, what to do so that the ECB becomes what we want it to. I often noticed a more contemplative attitude than an active one in those young people, as if they were suspicious of truly ‘mattering.’ It wasn’t easy to persuade them that the answers will come from them, that the euro’s future, the European Central Bank, that Europe’s birth itself and the design of the union conceived by their grandparents and great-grandparents is already in their hands. They, like you, are familiar with a peaceful and prosperous, melancholy and perhaps apathetic Europe. A Europe which seems finished but isn’t, that’s threatened not by destruction, but by decline.
But there’s a job to finish, and it requires and deserves effort and sacrifice. Giving yourself a benchmark means taking something as your guide which, while connected to the time and place in which you live, is much higher and far-off, and therefore gives meaning and direction to your gait. Not a prediction or a bet, but an objective and resolution. It means looking beyond the present moment.
So: don’t get discouraged, don’t lose the drive which has accompanied you throughout your studies, don’t retreat into completely private lives, don’t embrace the idols of career and profit, and don’t go to the psychologist. Instead give yourselves a benchmark, choose it for yourselves. The way to overcome depression is to look upwards, from within.
Years of experience: 33. Registered at Apr 2008.
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint
Born in the U.S., I have lived and worked in Italy for 20 years as a translator, ESL teacher and preschool teacher. I have a bachelor degree in Literature with a minor in Art History, and a Montessori Early Childhood certificate. Fluent in Italian, I recently won a literary competition in Italian, for foreign women living in Italy.
I have worked for Bocconi University in Milan for the past three years, where I have gained experience in a variety of fields related to University education and training.
I am a meticulous, diligent and dependable translator. References are available upon request.
Keywords: early childhood education, university education, art history, visual art, literature, poetry, educazione della prima infanzia, formazione universitaria, storia dell'arte, letteratura. See more.early childhood education, university education, art history, visual art, literature, poetry, educazione della prima infanzia, formazione universitaria, storia dell'arte, letteratura, poesia. See less.