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Specializes in:
Finance (general)
Human Resources
Real Estate
Law (general)
Law: Contract(s)
Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
Romanian to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR per word / 25 - 35 EUR per hour English to Romanian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR per word / 25 - 35 EUR per hour
Sample translations submitted: 1
Romanian to English: mortgage agreement
Source text - Romanian “Imobilele prin Destinatie”
inseamna toate cladirile si structurile in curs de construire pe/in cadrul Cladirii precum si oricare si toate bunurile care vor fi atasate sau fixate pe Cladire, si imbunatatirile, adaugirile sau extinderile aduse Cladirii dupa cum acestea sunt necesare in conformitate cu destinatia si pentru buna exploatare a Cladirii, inclusiv dar fara limitare la sistemul de incalzire centrala, sistemele de ventilatie si aer conditionat, sistemele de aprovizionare centralizata cu apa si curent electric, echipamente de legatura/comutare, aparatura, etc.;
“Contractele de Credit”
inseamna impreuna, Contractul de Credit si Contractul de Credit TVA si referirile la prevederile Contractelor de Credit vor fi referiri la prevederile fiecaruia dintre Contractul de Credit si Contractul de Credit TVA, cu privire la respectiva prevedere;
“Caz de Neindeplinire”
inseamna oricare dintre evenimentele sau circumstantele mentionate in Articolul 21 al Contractului de Credit si Articolul 20 al Contractului de Credit TVA, precum si orice eveniment ce se califica drept caz de neindeplinire conform prevederilor Contractelor de Credit si conform prevederilor prezentului;
Translation - English “Fixtures”
means any and all items and structures in course of construction on/within the Building, and any and all items which are or will be attached or fixed to the Building, and improvements, additions or extensions to the Building, being necessary in accordance with the destination and for the good exploitation of the Building, including but not limited to centralized heating, ventilation and air conditioning system, centralized electrical and water supply related equipment, junction/switching equipment, fittings, etc.;
“Credit Agreements”
means together the Credit Facility Agreement and the VAT Financing Facility Agreement and references to provisions of the Credit Agreements shall mean references to the provisions of each of the Credit Facility Agreement and the VAT Financing Facility Agreement on the relevant subject matter;
“Event of Default”
means any of the events or occurrences specified under Clause 21 of the Credit Facility Agreement and Clause 20 of the VAT Financing Facility Agreement, as well as any event qualifying as event of default pursuant to the provisions thereof or hereof;
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - University of Bucharest
Years of experience: 27. Registered at May 2008.
Since 1998 I've been working as a TRANSLATOR and Business English TEACHER in Romania.
I’ve graduated UNIVERSITY of BUCHAREST and I've attended the course “TEACHING ENGLISH for BUSINESS” at INTERNATIONAL HOUSE in London (accredited by the LONDON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY). I've delivered Business English courses to the major multinational companies operating in Romania (XEROX ROMANIA, INTERBREW ROMANIA, LUKOIL ROMANIA, COCA COLA ROMANIA, WRIGLEY ROMANIA).
I've also worked as an assistant lecturer for the ACADEMY OF ECONOMIC STUDIES in BUCHAREST so I’m very familiar with of the economic terminology.
As a translator I have assisted major law firms in Romania in important projects of privatization. I’ve had the opportunity to work with the most important law firm in Romania, NESTOR NESTOR DICULESCU KINGSTON PETERSEN, as Head of the Translation Department and I specialize in translations related to MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS, REAL ESTATE, CORPORATE, EU COMPETITION, EU LAW, BANKING & FINANCE, EMPLOYMENT, LITIGATION, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY.
Keywords: Contracts, Mergers&Acquisitions, Real Estate, Corporate, EU Competition, EU Law, Banking & Finance, Employment, Litigation, Intellectual Property