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Spanish to English - Rates: 0.02 - 0.04 GBP per word / 8 - 20 GBP per hour Norwegian to English - Rates: 0.02 - 0.04 GBP per word / 8 - 20 GBP per hour French to English - Rates: 0.02 - 0.04 GBP per word / 8 - 20 GBP per hour Welsh to English - Rates: 0.02 - 0.04 GBP per word / 8 - 20 GBP per hour Italian to English - Rates: 0.02 - 0.04 GBP per word / 8 - 20 GBP per hour
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Source text - Spanish I did this translation as part of my studies
La desertificación es la degradación de las tierras áridas, semiáridas y zonas subhúmedas secas. Causado principalmente por variaciones climáticas y actividades humanas tales como el cultivo y el pastoreo excesivos, la deforestación y la falta de riego. La desertificación no se refiere a la expansión de los desiertos existentes. Sucede porque los ecosistemas de las tierras áridas, que cubren una tercera parte del total de la tierra, son extremadamente vulnerables a la sobreexplotación y a un uso inapropiado de la tierra.
Según el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente, la desertificación amenaza a la cuarta parte de las tierras del planeta, así como a 250 millones de personas y el sustento de más de 1,000 millones de habitantes de 100 países a causa de la disminución de la productividad agrícola y ganadera. Estas personas incluyen muchas en los países más pobres, los más marginados y los ciudadanos políticamente más débiles.
Convención contra la desertificación
ONU ha elaborado la "Convención Internacional de lucha contra la desertificación en los países afectados por sequía grave o desertificación, en particular en Africa", que cuenta con 172 Estados partes.
Esta Convención tiene como objetivo principal el promover una acción efectiva a través de programas locales innovadores y cooperación internacional de apoyo, estableciendo las pautas para luchar contra la desertificación y mitigar los efectos de la sequía en los países afectados por sequía grave o desertificación, en particular en Africa, a través del mejoramiento de la productividad del suelo, su rehabilitación y la conservación y ordenación de los recursos de las tierras y los recursos hídricos, en el marco de un enfoque integrado acorde con el Programa 21, para contribuir al logro del desarrollo sostenible en las zonas afectadas.
También enfatiza la creación de condiciones que ayuden a la población local a evitar la degradación de los suelos de forma autosuficiente. Por otro lado, asigna a las organizaciones no gubernamentales una función sin precedente en la preparación y ejecución de programas para evitar la desertificación.
La Convención reconoce que la batalla para proteger las tierras áridas será muy larga, ya que las causas de la desertificación son muchas y complejas, por lo que se tendrán que hacer cambios reales y difíciles, tanto a nivel internacional como local.
Otro organismo que presta asistencia a la lucha contra la desertificación es el Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola que presta asesoramiento técnico y apoya programas de control de la desertificación movilizando más de 400 millones de dólares más otros 350 millones de cofinanciación para países africanos afectados por la desertificación.
Por otro lado, el Banco Mundial organiza y financia programas destinados a proteger a las frágiles tierras de secano y aumentar la producción agrícola sostenible.
Asimismo, la prioridad estratégica de la FAO es la seguridad alimentaria. En este sentido, FAO reconoce que un elemento esencial para la seguridad alimentaria es la protección del medio ambiente que provea los recursos naturales necesarios para la producción alimentaria. Por lo tanto, el desarrollo rural y la agricultura sostenible en tierras áridas implican combatir la desertificación. La FAO apoya la lucha contra la desertificación por medio de asistencia práctica a los gobiernos.
El PNUD apoya la lucha contra la desertificación financiando actividades a través de la "Oficina de las Naciones Unidas para el Sahel", que ayuda a elaborar políticas. Además, el PNUD está a la cabeza de las acciones de las Naciones Unidas encaminadas a fomentar la capacidad nacional para un desarrollo sostenible desde el punto de vista del medio ambiente, promoviendo las mejoras prácticas en todo el mundo.
United Nations
Translation - English I did this translation as part of my studies
Desertification refers to the deterioration of arid and semi-arid land, as well as dry areas of low humidity. It is caused primarily by changes in climate, human activities such as excessive farming (both arable and pastoral), deforestation and a lack of irrigation. Desertification does not mean the expansion of existing deserts: it occurs because the eco-systems of arid areas (which make up a third of the world’s land surface) are extremely vulnerable to over-exploitation and inappropriate land-use.
According to the United Nations Environmental Programme, a quarter of land on the planet is at risk from desertification, along with 250 million people, and the food supply of more than a billion inhabitants in 100 countries- due to declining production in both arable and livestock farming. Many of these people live in the world’s poorest areas, making them some of its most marginalised and politically impotent citizens.
The Convention against Desertification
The UN has set up the “International Convention to combat desertification in countries affected by serious drought or desertification, particularly in Africa”.
The main aim of this Convention, which has 172 member states, is to bring about effective action through innovative, internationally-backed local programmes, establishing guidelines to fight against the process and mitigate the effects of drought in countries affected by serious drought or desertification, particularly in Africa. This will involve improving soil productivity (along with helping it to recuperate) as well as conserving and managing the world’s land and water resources through an integrated approach, in accordance with Article 21, thus contributing to the success of sustainable development in affected areas.
It is also seeking to create conditions where local populations can become self-sufficient in tackling the threat of soil-deterioration. On the other hand, it is also giving non-governmental organisations an unprecedented role in the preparation and execution of anti-desertification programmes.
The Convention is aware that the battle to protect arid areas will be a long one, since the causes of desertification are numerous and complex, meaning that genuine and difficult changes will have to be made, at a local and international level.
Another body helping in the fight against desertification is the International Agricultural Development Fund, which gives technical advice and supports programmes to control the process, distributing more than 400 million dollars (plus a further 350 million raised through joint-financing) to African countries affected by desertification.
Elsewhere, the World Bank organises and finances programmes aimed at protecting vulnerable dry regions, and increasing sustainable agricultural production.
Likewise, the strategic priority of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) is security of food supply. With this in mind, the FAO acknowledges that the protection of the environment (which provides the natural resources necessary for food production) is a vital contributing factor towards achieving this. Therefore rural development and sustainable agriculture go hand in hand with tackling desertification. The FAO is joining the fight by offering practical assistance to governments.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is giving its support to the fight against desertification, financing activities through the United Nations Office for the Sahel”, which helps to shape policy. In addition, the UNDP is at the forefront of UN efforts to encourage environmentally-aware sustainable development in each country, promoting the best practices throughout the world.
United Nations
Norwegian to English: Football Article
Source text - Norwegian This is an article I found on the Stoke City Supporters Club of Scandinavia site by Richard Prestegård:
Delap:Hold beina på jorda
Stoke Citys nye visekaptein Rory Delapp har insistert fansen på at holde beina godt planta på jorda og fremlegger et det fortsatt er en lang vei å gå før opprykket til Premier League er sikret.
Den 31 år gamle erfarne midtbanespillern har fortalt at begge de to neste matchene er vanskelige og det kreves fullt fokus fra laget. Delap tok nettop over kapteinsbindet etter at kaptein Dominic Matteo og Visekaptein Andy Griffin begge er ute med skader. Delap har vært utrolig viktig for oss denne sesongen og han har spilt samtlige kamper med kun noen få unntak. Hans lange innkast er blitt et slagkraftig angrepsvåpen for Stoke og det har sikret Stoke mange mål i løpet av årets sesong. Men han forteller pressen at laget er skjerpa. Colchester borte førstkommende lørdag og vi vinne ikke den matchen hvis vi ikke er fullt skjerpa og holder konsentrasjonen hele kampen.
Stoke kan sikre direkte oppryk nå på lørdag om de slår Colchester samtidig som Hull avgir poeng, altså ikke vinner sin hjemmekamp mot Crystal Palace.
Translation - English This is my translation of an article I found on the Stoke City Supporters Club of Scandinavia site, by Richard Prestegård:
Delap: Keep Your Feet on the Ground
Stoke City's new vice-captain Rory Delap, has urged fans not to get carried away, and points out that there is still a long way to go before promotion to the Premier League becomes a reality.
The 31 year-old experienced midfielder points out that the next two matches will be tough, and that the team will need to be completely focused. Delap recently took the captain's armband after skipper Dominic Matteo and vice-captain Andy Griffin were both laid out through injury. Delap has been incredibly important for us this season and has enjoyed a good run in the side. His long throw has become a powerful weapon for Stoke, and it has brought the team many a goal over the course of the season. He told the press that the team is raring to go. It's Colchester away on Saturday, and we won't win that one unless we are on top of our game and concentrate for the full 90 minutes.
Stoke can win automatic promotion on Saturday by beating Colchester, as long as Hull drop points by failing to win their home game against Crystal Palace.
French to English: British History
Source text - French Here are a couple of passages from "Histoire d'Angleterre" by Maurois.
La première page de l’Histoire d’Anglettere n’est pas, comme on l’a souvent écrit, une page blanche, mais plutôt une page couverte de caractères qui appartiennent à plusieurs alphabets dont nous ne possédons pas la clef….
Pytheas était un Grec de Marseille, mathématicien et astronome, chargé d’une exploration de l’Atlantique par un syndicat de marchands. Ce fut lui qui, le premier, tourna le phare de l’histoire vers une région obscure où les hommes de son temps plaçaient les limites de l’univers….
Entre les Celte de Bretagne et les Belges, qui vivaient de l’autre côté de la Manche, les rapports étaient étroit et constants. Au moment de l’invasion romaine, les Celtes bretons envoyèrent des renforts à leurs frères du Continent. César remarqua pourtant que les Celtes des îles étaient moins bien armée que ceux des Gaules. Les Celtes gaulois avaient abandonné le char de combat, instrument archaïque, parce qu’ils avaient trouvé dans les plaines du Midi d’assez bons cheveux. Les Bretons, qui ne possèdaient pas de cheveux capables de porter un guerrier, combattaient comme les guerriers d’Homère et avaient encore, au lieu de cavalerie, une infanterie portée….
Translation - English Here is my translation of a couple of passages taken from "Histoire d'Angleterre" by Maurois.
The first page of English history is not, as has often been written, a blank one, but rather a page covered in characters belonging to several alphabets to which we do not have the key....
Pytheas was a Greek from Marseille, a mathematician and astronomer, sent to explore the Atlantic by a merchant association. It was he who was the first to turn the glare of history upon a mysterious region, which was considered by his contemporaries to be the very edge of the universe....
Relations between the Celts in Britain and those living on the other side of the Channel were direct and constant. From the time of the Roman invasion, the Britons sent reinforcements to their continental cousins. Caesar observed how the islanders were less well-armed than those in Gaul, who had abandoned the outmoded war-chariot, having found sufficient horses on the plains of southern France. The Britons, who had no horses capable of carrying a warrior, fought as in the age of Homer, and instead of cavalry, still employed infantry.
Years of experience: 18. Registered at May 2008.
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CV available upon request
I am trained as a tutor of Welsh as a second language, and am currently studying Spanish Translation with the University of Cardiff. I have a BA degree (2:1) in History, a Postgraduate Certificate in Education, and a Master of Science degree in Integrative Psychotherapy.
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