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English to Spanish: American Board of Disabilities
Source text - English The mission of ABDA is to contribute to understanding the etiology, diagnosis and rehabilitation of disabling conditions. ABDA supports technological advances that make employment, education, transportation, independent living and leisure pursuits more accessible to the disabled. ABDA is composed of practitioners in medicine, rehabilitation, psychology, nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, respiratory therapy, epidemiology, osteopathy, chiropractic, counseling, education, applied economics, social work, public health, forensic sciences and other allied health professions.
Translation - Spanish El propósito de ABDA es contribuir al entendimiento de la etiología, diagnostico y rehabilitación de condiciones incapacitantes. ABDA apoya los avances tecnológicos que permiten un mejor y más amplio acceso al empleo, educación, transportación, vivir la vida por sí mismo y actividades de recreación para personas incapacitadas. ABDA consta de profesionales de medicina, rehabilitación, psicología, enfermería, especialistas de riesgo y reclamaciones del seguro, fisioterapia, terapia ocupacional, terapia del habla, terapia respiratoria, epidemiología, osteopatía, medicina quiropráctica, asesoramiento psicólogico, educación, manejo de casos, salud pública, Ciencias Forenses, y otras profesiones aliadas a la salud.
English to Spanish: International Trade Contract
Source text - English 4. This is the entire Agreement of the Parties. Any changes must be in writing and signed by both Parties. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of Switzerland;
5. If any portion of this Agreement is deemed unenforceable, void, or illegal such portion shall be considered not a part of this Agreement and the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect;
6. Time is of essence in this Agreement. Further, if this Agreement is not executed by both parties by May 11, 2008 or 7 days after conforming to article number 1 of this document , this Agreement is null and void;
7. This Agreement is executed in duplicate originals and shall be effective on the date first above written. Executed facsimiles and/or electronic communication are binding and shall serve as originals;
Translation - Spanish 4. Este es el Acuerdo entero entre las Partes. Cualquier cambio necesita ser escrito y firmado por ambos Partes. Este Acuerdo será regulado y interpretado debajo de las leyes de Suiza.
5. Si alguna de las disposiciones de este acuerdo fuera considerada inejecutable, nulo y sin efecto, o ilegal, tal disposición será considerada no parte del contrato presente y el resto se queda impuesto en su totalidad.
6. El tiempo es de suma importancia en este Acuerdo. Además, si ambos Partes no cumplen con este Acuerdo por el día 11 de mayo del año 2008 o siete (7) días después de cumplir con el Artículo 1 de este documento, este Acuerdo será nulo y sin efecto;
7. Este Acuerdo es formalizado por originales duplicados y tendrá la fecha vigente mencionada arriba. Facsimiles completadas y/o comunicaciones transmitidas electronicamente son vinculantes y serán tratados igual como los originales;
English to Spanish: Bank/Finance Email
Source text - English Would you write an email to the "client" and ask him to have the bank issue a letter to him or to me stating the dollar amount and the coordinate to which the funds need to go. Tell him that this letter should be on bank letterhead and should include the name and contact information of the bank officer who will oversee the transfer of the bonds. Email or fax is fine. Thanks.
Translation - Spanish Muy buenas dias, estimado "cliente",
Para completar nuestro pago para transferir los bonos, nos gustaría si Ud. nos pudiera pedir una carta en papel oficial del banco que nos indica (1) la cantidad expresada para trasladarlos, (2) los coordinados del banco para depositar nuestro pago y (3) los datos de la persona quién supervisará la transferencia de los bonos. La carta puede ser dirigido a Ud. o a mí y se puede escanearla y enviarla por correo electrónico o por fax.
Agradeciendo de antemano su atención, le saluda atentamente
Spanish to English: Corporate Resolution
Source text - Spanish Que por el presente acto y mediante este instrumento, vienen en constituir una sociedad anónima cerrada, de acuerdo a las disposiciones de la ley número dieciocho mil cuarenta y seis, y su Reglamento, y por el Estatuto Social que aquí se pacta:
TITULO PRIMERO: Nombre, Domicilio, Objeto y Duración.
Se constituye una sociedad anónima cerrada que se denominará “Client.”, pudiendo usar, incluso ante bancos, el nombre “La Compañía S.A.”,
ARTÍCULO SEGUNDO: El domicilio de la sociedad será la ciudad de Santiago, pudiendo establecer sucursales, agencias, oficinas, u otras sedes que contribuyan al giro social, en cualquier otro lugar del territorio nacional o del extranjero.
El objeto de la sociedad será:
a) Efectuar inversiones inmobiliarias, para lo cual podrá comprar y vender bienes raices y construir en ellos, refaccionarlos, dividirlos y restaurarlos por cuenta propia o ajena, administrarlos y darlos en arrendamiento o cualquier otra forma de explotación y aprovechamiento de los
mismos, y percibir sus frutos;
b) Invertir en toda clase de bienes muebles, corporales o incorporales, especialmente acciones, bonos y toda clase de valores mobiliarios, administrarlos y percibir sus frutos;
c) Comercializar, adquiriendo y distribuyendo, o arrendando, toda clase de bienes muebles incluyendo instrumentos y maquinarias.
Translation - English That for the present act and through this document, they come to incorporate this private stock corporation, in accordance with the legal requirements of Law number 18046 (Eighteen thousand forty-six) and Regulation, and through the Corporate By-laws which here bind their agreement:
TITLE 1 (ONE): Name, Business Address, Purpose and Term.
It is hereby incorporated a private stock corporation being named “Cliente.” with option to use, including with banks, the name “The Company S.A.”.
ARTICLE 2 (TWO): The primary business address is the city of Santiago, being able to establish branches, subsidiaries, agencies, offices, and other locations that contribute to the company interest in any place nationally or internationally.
The purpose of the company is:
a) To execute real estate investments; buying and selling real estate and constructing in those; building, constructing, destroying, dividing and renovating through personal or otherwise accounts; administering,
managing, leasing or any
exploitation desirable in the pursuit and collection of profits;
b) Invest in any class of assets, tangible or intangible, namely stocks, bonds and any class of assets, manage them and attain their revenue;
c) Marketing, negotiating, acquiring and distributing, or leasing any class of assets, including tools and machinery.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Belmont University
Years of experience: 18. Registered at Jun 2008.
English to Spanish (American Translators Association) English to Spanish (Tennessee Association of Professional Interpreters) Spanish to English (American Translators Association) Spanish to English (Tennessee Association of Professional Interpreters)
ATA, Tennessee Association of Professional Interpreters and Translato
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Frontpage, Indesign, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint
Presently full-time freelance interpreting in hospitals, depositions, courts
Completed Mental Health Training for Interpreters sponsored by Tennessee Department of Health and Developmental Disabilities May 2008
Achieved Advanced High Proficiency on Oral Proficiency Interview administered by TN Administrative Office of the Courts March 2008
Tennessee State Court Interpreter Ethics & Training Workshop April 2007
Passed TN State Court Written Exam June 2007
Website Marketing & Publishing
Financial Services Emphasis
American Embassy USDOC, Buenos Aires, ARG Intern Commercial Section 1998
BA in Spanish Belmont University 1998
BBA Belmont University 1998
Keywords: conference interpreter, immigration translator, airport interpreter, domestic violence, tourism, localization, fast service, legal interpreter, medical interpreter, finance interpreter. See more.conference interpreter, immigration translator, airport interpreter, domestic violence, tourism, localization, fast service, legal interpreter, medical interpreter, finance interpreter, translator. See less.