Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 May 4 '19 eng>ind cranked up mulai panas pro closed ok
- May 4 '19 eng>ind endure meladeni pro open no
- May 4 '19 eng>ind How much you fight kelewatan kamu bertengkarnya pro open no
- Mar 18 '15 eng>ind Negotiating traffic in the hills with grace melewati padatnya lalu-lintas tanjakan dengan santai pro closed no
- Feb 12 '13 eng>ind in others the opposite is true dalam perekonomian lainnya kebalikannya-lah yang berlaku pro closed no
- Feb 12 '13 eng>ind Going even further back in time melongok makin jauh lagi di masa silam pro closed no
- Nov 28 '12 eng>ind discrete transaction transaksi tak berkaitan pro closed ok
- Nov 27 '12 eng>ind natural amphitheatre of wooded hills lembah berbatas perbukitan belantara pro closed ok
4 Nov 27 '12 eng>ind set on the shores of a deep harbour berada di tepi pelabuhan (perairan) dalam pro closed no
- Nov 22 '12 eng>ind appear out of the blue muncul begitu saja pro closed ok
- Oct 17 '12 eng>ind in caring for that with which he/she is entrusted mengemban amanah yang ia dipercayakan pro closed ok
- Oct 10 '12 eng>ind what is important for carrying it out. pentingnya menjalankan (misi tersebut) pro closed ok
- Oct 10 '12 eng>ind which we can never compromise or let go of yang tidak pernah kita kompromikan atau abaikan pro closed ok
4 Oct 8 '12 eng>ind A vote for a post dukungan terhadap postingan pro closed ok
- Jun 26 '12 eng>ind stays vibrant tetap mentereng pro closed ok
- Apr 6 '12 eng>ind fan deck kipas lipat pro closed ok
- Mar 20 '12 eng>ind No Day or Night Out tidak boleh keluar siang atau malam pro closed ok
- Mar 20 '12 eng>ind Best Love Matches jodoh cinta terbaik pro closed ok
- Mar 2 '12 eng>ind static screenshots cuplikan layar diam pro closed ok
- Mar 2 '12 eng>ind hand-drawn shapes gambar goresan tangan pro closed ok
- Dec 8 '11 eng>ind You get so used to having complete strangers around you... kamu dulu selalu dikelilingi orang-orang asing, yang sekarang kamu mulai menjauhinya pro closed ok
- Dec 1 '11 eng>ind wishing ginseng ginseng yang memberkati pro closed ok
4 Mar 25 '11 eng>ind Delightfully D-licious D-uh lezatnya pro closed ok
- Jan 12 '10 eng>ind around the problem berkutat pada masalah pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered