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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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Translation, Editing/proofreading
Specializes in:
Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Business/Commerce (general)
Also works in:
Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Finance (general)
German to English - Rates: 0.10 - 0.13 USD per word / 30 - 35 USD per hour English to German - Rates: 0.10 - 0.13 USD per word / 30 - 35 USD per hour
German to English: MIG Welding and Brazing General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Automation & Robotics
Source text - German Automatisierte Schutzgasschweiß-/-lötzelle:
Bei automatisierten Schutzgasschweiß-/-lötanlagen (Schweiß-/Lötzellen) muss folgendes
beachtet werden(Ausnahmen werden im Projektlastenheft definiert):
Alle Nähte sind durch eine geeignete Sensorik zu erfassen und zu schweißen.
Entscheidungskriterien sind festzulegen und bei der Angebotsabgabe der Anlage
vorzulegen. Eine Regelung muss durch Korrektur oder Anpassungen z.B. der
Brennerführung, Bearbeitungsparameter oder Systemparameter für i.O.-Schweißnähte
sorgen. Wenn trotz Regelung keine i.O.-Schweiß-/Lötnähte zu erreichen sind, dürfen diese
Nähte nicht geschweißt werden.
Die nötige Sensorik und Algorithmen (Anzahl der Messungen, sowie die dazu gehörenden
Entscheidungskriterien, d.h. schweißbar und nicht-schweißbar) sind für jede Schweißstelle
auszulegen und gehören zum Lieferumfang des Schweißzellenlieferanten. Entsprechendes
gilt für das MSG-Löten.
Durch den Einsatz dieser Sensorik sollen folgende Ziele verfolgt werden:
- Minimierung und Optimierung von Nacharbeitsumfängen,
- Vermeidung von Durchbrennlöchern bei auftretenden Bauteilpassungsproblemen,
- Bauteilfehler werden durch die Anlage frühzeitig "on-line" erfaßt,
- Automatische Optimierung von Prozessparametern für jede Schweißaufgabe,
- Geringer Verschleiß am Schweißbrenner, da möglichst angepaßte und optimierte
Schweißparameter verwendet werden.
Statistische Auswertesoftware für alle möglichen Fehler (Schweißfehler, Sensorfehler und
Anlagenfehler) pro Schweißzelle. PC und Bildschirm sind vor Ort in der Schweißzelle
aufzustellen. Dieser Umfang gehört zum Lieferumfang des Schweißzellenlieferanten.
Translation - English Automated Inert Gas Welding/Brazing Cell:
For automated inert gas welding/brazing systems (welding/brazing cells) the following must be observed (exceptions are defined in the project performance specification):
All joints are to be detected by a suitable sensor technology and welded. Decision criteria are to be determined and be submitted with bid submittal for the system. A control must ensure OK welding joints by adjustment or adaptations of e.g., the burner guide, processing parameters or system parameters. If despite the control, no good welding/brazing joint is achieved, these joints must not be welded.
The necessary sensor technology and algorithms (number of measurements, as well as the relevant decision criteria, i.e. weld-able and non weld-able) are to be designed for each welded joint and belong to the scope of delivery of the welding cell supplier. Corresponding applies for MSG brazing.
The following goals are to be pursued through the application of this sensor technology:
- Minimization and optimization of scope of rework,
- Avoidance of burning through holes when component fit problems occur,
- Component errors are detected by the system promptly “on-line”,
- Automatic optimization of process parameters for each welding function,
- Low torch wear, since the best possible adapted and optimized welding parameters are applied.
Statistical evaluation software for all possible errors (weld defects, sensor errors and system errors) per welding cell. PC and display are to be installed locally in the welding cell. This scope belongs to the scope of delivery of the welding cell supplier.
German to English: Software Work Instructions General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Computers: Software
Source text - German 4.3 Variantenkriterien
Variantenkriterien sind die Hauptparameter über die Varianten definiert werden.
Jedes Variantenkriterium hat einen Namen, wie z. B. Fahrzeugtyp, Anzahl der Türen
und einen begrenzten Satz der möglichen Werte. Beispiele für Variantenkriterien der
Automobile sind Fahrzeugtyp (Cabrio oder Limousine) und Anzahl der Türen (2, 3,
4.4 Variantensätze
Ein Variantensatz ist ein logischer Ausdruck von Variantenkriterien. Der
Variantensatz beschreibt die anwendbare Kombination von Kriterien und anderen
Variantensätzen die erforderlich, erlaubt oder verboten sind. Variantesätze sind
Objekten, wie z. B. Teilen, Ressourcen und Operationen zugewiesen. Ein
Variantensatz kann mehreren Objekten zugewiesen werden.
Translation - English 4.3 Variant Criteria
Variant criteria are the main parameters about which variants are defined. Each variant criterion has a name, as e.g., motor vehicle type, number of doors and a limited set of the possible values. Examples of variant criteria of the automobiles are motor vehicle type (convertible or sedan) and number of doors (2, 3, 4).
4.4 Variant Sets
A variant set is a logical expression of variant criteria. The variant set describes the applicable combination of criteria and other variant sets, which are required, permitted or forbidden. Variant sets are assigned to objects, like e.g., parts, resources and operations. A variant set can be assigned to several objects.
German to English: Major German Language Diploma (GDS) General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - German Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom
Mit dem Großen Deutschen Sprachdiplom weisen Sie ein nahezu muttersprachliches Sprachniveau nach.
Das GDS ist der höchstqualifizierende Abschluss in Deutsch als Fremdsprache, der nicht im Rahmen eines Universitätsstudiums oder einer Dolmetscher-/Übersetzer-Ausbildung erworben ist. Es hat einen hohen Bekanntheitsgrad und wird weltweit von privaten und öffentlichen Arbeitgebern geschätzt.
Wie die ZOP und das KDS ist das GDS anerkannt als Befreiungsgrund von der sprachlichen Aufnahmeprüfung an deutschen Hochschulen und Universitäten (das GDS überschreitet deren Anforderungen bei weitem). In einzelnen Ländern ist es anerkannt als Sprachnachweis für angehende Deutschlehrende. Das GDS dient als Sprachnachweis für Lehrende aus der EU, die in Deutschland arbeiten wollen.
Das Große Deutsche Sprachdiplom wird seit 1962 vom Goethe-Institut im Auftrag der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität zu München verliehen. Die Prüfungsaufgaben werden vom Goethe-Institut in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität erstellt.
von der Webseite:
Translation - English Major German Language Diploma
The Major German Language Diploma (GDS) certifies the achievement of a near native speaker level of German language proficiency. Other than completion of a university degree or a training program as interpreter/translator, the GDS is the highest level of graduation in German as a foreign language. It enjoys a high degree of recognition and is valued worldwide by employers both in the private and the public sectors.
As with the Central Upper Level Examination (ZOP) and the Minor German Language Diploma (KDS), the GDS is acknowledged as an exemption from the language acceptance examination requirement in order to study at German colleges and universities (the GDS far exceeds their requirements). In particular countries, it is recognized as verification of language proficiency for prospective German teachers. The GDS serves as verification of language proficiency for teachers from the European Union, who desire to work in Germany.
The Major German Language Diploma has been awarded by the Goethe Institute on behalf of the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich since 1962. The exam content is established by the Goethe Institute in cooperation with the University.
Years of experience: 27. Registered at Jul 2008.
Although, as you can see in the text below, I have functioned as interpreter, at present I am interested primarily in written translation. I have for more than 25 years a career as a manufacturing engineer or consultant and I have translated professionally and as an amateur.
Professional work:
Automotive Engineering documents: text and drawings related to the body shop including design, mechnical equipment and controls translated German to English and English to German - 335,000 words (including extensive use of Systran SW). Copies retained.
Automotive engineering organization - body shop - interpreted in meetings.
Miscellaneous automotive engineering documents translated ad hoc from German into English for English speaking engineers on assignment in Germany. Copies not retained.
Legal documents associated with immigration laws translated from German into English for engineers on assignment in Germany. Copies not retained.
Interpreter for visiting engineers in the vehicle prototype build shop - both English to German and German to English. Several occasions.
Interpreter for English speaking engineers visiting in engineering when subtle misunderstandings occurred (English to German translation - meetings were conducted in English).
Created German language grammar learning aids (can be seen at: )
Real estate and banking translation for FCI - 6,400 words
Solar Power bid submission translation Lingo24 - 2,311 words
Amateur work:
Unsolicited translation editing project of a German translation of an English source language religious text (The Book of Mormon). Length about 500 pages in the German translation at that time. English language style similar to that in the King James translation of the bible. Fourteen pages of recommendations were submitted, some of which were incorporated into the next (current) translation. Copy of recommendations submitted is available on request.
Functioned as German language religion teacher 1996-2001. Taught religion to adults and youth at least weekly in German. Translated lessons into German which I had previously written in English for English speaking audiences.
Functioned as the German language speaking bishop of the local congregation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 1997-2001. This activity also included language interpretation German to English. Most of the work was in German.
Literary: partially complete translation of a poem. This is a work in process as a hobby. The partial translation is available for viewing.
Translated the definition of the Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom, which is awarded by the Goethe-Institut and the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität at Munich. The Goethe version is found only in German so far as I know. Copy of the translation is available.