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Sample translations submitted: 1
English to Romanian: complaint
Source text - English Doamna/Domnule Procuror General
In cursul lunii martie 2006 am inaintat Procurorului General al Parchetului de pe langa ICCJ o plangere penala in cuprinsul careia ne-am referit la grave incalcari ale legii savarsite de catre …..presedinte in exercitiu al …...
Cu toate ca am mentionat fapte concrete, temeinic sustinute, spre surprinderea noastra nu s-a actionat pentru verificarea acestora (sa banuim ca dl….. se bucura de imunitate in fata legii, cu toate ca o incalca?!), astfel ca dl …… isi exercita in continuare functia continuand si actele de incorectitudine, in primul rand in dauna prestigiului social al institutiei pe care o reprezinta, cat si in dauna unora dintre agentii economici cu care vine in contact.
Printre altele am sesizat faptul ca in declaratia de avere obligatorie conform legii in virtutea functiei de demnitate publica pe care o indeplineste, a indus in eroare autoritatile statului prin ascunderea unor valori patrimoniale, cat si a unora dintre sursele de venit.
De asemeea am relatat in plangere ca domnul ….. inainte de 1989 a indeplinit in Franta importante functii cu caracter economic in cadrul reprezentantelor statului roman fiind in acelasi timp si astazi ofiter (acoperit) al structurilor represive ale securitatii.
Domnul …., in calitate de presedinte al ….., are obligatia legala de a exercita un temeinic control al raporturilor comerciale dintre agentii economici in legatura cu modul in care se aplica principiile si regulile liberei concurentei astfel cum acestea sunt reglementate prin legea….. In unele cazuri, aplicarea dispozitiilor legale se face preferential, tolerand si nesanctionand actele ce vin in contradictie cu prevederile textelor legii concurentei in raporturile comerciale, in schimbul unor beneficii care se adauga la sursele sale de imbogatire (reiteram o singura preizare din prima plangere formulata: astfel, in perioada 2004-2006, firma ….., in care sotia dlui …… este actionar, nu si-a depus bilantul contabil la autoritatile fiscale, lucru care credem ca dovedeste intentia de escamotare a unor venituri substantiale, eventual remuneratii pentru acoperirea unor incalcari ale legii).
Pentru edificarea d-voastra anexam o copie a plangerii in care am relatat actele de incorectitudine savarsite de catre domnul….., demers ramas pana in prezent fara rezultatul corespunzator.
Este cazul sa mentionam ca si presa centrala prin unele articole pe care le anexam in copie a luat pozitie deosebit de critica in legatura cu faptele la care ne-am referit, cat si in referire la activitatea pe care domnul…. o desfasoara in calitate de presedinte al ….. In scopul anterior mentionat anexam copii ale respectivelor depozitii ale presei centrale.
Adresandu-ne d-voastra ne exprimam convingerea ca veti cere neintarziat Ministerului Public sa efectueze verificarile care se impun in vederea restabilirii legalitatii fara a mai fi nevoie de o noua revenire catre institutiile abilitate ale statului roman sau ale celor europene.
Cu consideratie,
Translation - Romanian Dear Mr. / Ms. Attorney- General,
During March 2006, I have handed over a penal complaint to the Attorney-General of the Prosecutor’s Office of the ICCJ. In this complaint, I made reference to serious breaks of the laws, committed by ………, who is the present Chairman of…..
Although I have mentioned definite facts, thoroughly sustained (upheld), we were very surprised to discover that nothing was done in order to check them (should we believe that Mr….. is immune from the law, even though he breaks it?), and Mr….. is still practising his job, as well as his incorrect behaviour. Firstly, all of the above have an impact on the social prestige of the institution he leads (represents), as well as on the economic agents he works with (comes into contact with).
Among other things, I have also noted that in his compulsory property declaration (statement) in accordance with the law, by virtue of the public dignity (statesman’s) position that he carries through, he has completely misled the state’s authorities (representatives), by hiding some valuable patrimony, as well as some of the income sources.
In my complaint, I have also gone into further details, mentioning that before 1989, Mr…… has carried out in France some important economic positions, with the occasion of the Romanian State’s representations, being at those times as well as today, an (undercover) officer of the repressive structures of the secret (security) services.
As Chairman of the ………, Mr………. has the legal obligation to fulfil a thorough control of the commercial reports, done among the economic agents, with regards to the way in which the principles and rules of the free competition are put into practice, as they are settled by the law…… In some cases, the application of the legal orders is done preferentially, tolerating and not sanctioning the acts (actions) that come into contradiction with the texts of the law of competition, in the commercial reports, in exchange with some benefits that add up to his enrichment sources (we quote one explanation (statement) from the first complaint: therefore, between the years 2004-2006, the Company……, where Mr…. ‘s wife is a shareholder, has not handed over the balance sheet to the fiscal authorities, fact which leads us to believing that this is a solid proof of his intention to hide some substantial incomes, eventual (potential) pays for covering up the breaks of law.
For your better edification, we attach a copy of the complaint, where we have described the unfair deeds done by Mr……., complaint which had no proper outcome till now.
We should also mention that even the central press, in some of their written articles whose copies we attach in here, vehemently (virulently) criticized Mr…….’s deeds, as well as his activity as Chairman of the …….., things we have already referred to. Having the above mentioned goal, we attach copies of the respective testimonies of the central press (media).
We address ourselves to you, voicing our strong belief that you will immediately (urgently) ask the People’s Ministry to make a thorough verification, in order to re-establish the legality, without us needing to go further to other Romanian or even European skilled institutions in this domain.
Years of experience: 21. Registered at Nov 2004.
I am a hardworking person, with good grammar skills. I like working as a translator and each person that works with me will not be disappointed. As I went to high-school in England, for 5 years, I consider English my second native language. I would also like to mention that as it was an international school, I had the opportunity to speak French with my French colleagues, as well as study it as an academic course.
Keywords: literature, drama, children's books, user's manuals in several domains, advertising