English to Chinese: sample translation one | |
Source text - English Excerpt 1
Run your world without running all over. AdminEngine makes true remote management possible.
Powerful, flexible, standards-based software for lights-out website management
AdminEngine™ enables you manage up to 256 Network Engines appliances, from any location, through any standard web browser or SNMP-based network management application. If your job is to make sure that your website delivers content and is open for e-business with 24x7 availability, AdminEngine gets you there from wherever you are.
Why drive when you can browse–securely?
No matter how proactively you manage your site, occasionally things will go wrong. Of course, that’s most likely to happen at the worst possible time–when you’re not there! If Murphy’s Law visits your operation, AdminEngine is a great way to quickly and easily solve a variety of problems that used to require a trip to the server room. Our browser-based interface, protected by access rights that you define, enables you to take the same actions you would if you were onsite–but from anywhere, and at any time of the day or night.
It’s for you…
To provide the service your customers demand, you have to be able to react to problems as they arise, and anticipate as many as you can before they get out of hand. Our RulesEngine lets you decide which events or performance metrics are important, then automatically notifies you by e-mail or pager whenever something requires your attention. AdminEngine helps you conserve precious network management resources in two important ways: first by telling you exactly what’s wrong (or might go wrong), then by providing all the features and functions you need to set things right again.
Management software that works the way you do
If you use a standard SNMP application to manage your site, AdminEngine brings even more to the table. All the important tasks you can perform from our browser interface are easy to invoke as SNMP "set" conditions, and you can automatically trap critical events such as overheating or circuit breaker tripping. For more sophisticated troubleshooting, a wide array of "get" information is available to help you peer deeply into the hardware and software appliance to anticipate problems or solve them quickly.
| Translation - Chinese 摘錄 1
AdminEngine (管理引擎)
毋須東奔西跑即能輕鬆地駕馭您的工作世界。 管理引擎能讓真的遙控管理成為可能。
AdminEngine� (管理引擎) 能讓您從任何地點﹐透過任一標準瀏覽器﹑或任一建基於 SNMP 協定的網管系統來管理多達 256 個網路引擎裝置。假如您的職責是確保您的網站能如期交差﹑不負所望﹐並且可一週七天﹑一天二十四小時永不間斷地開放給電子商務營運使用﹐那麼無論您身在何處﹐管理引擎將能助您畢竟其功﹑達成使命。
不管您如何主動自發地管理您的網站﹐事情偶而總會有出差錯的時候。當然﹐這些差錯往往總是在最壞的節骨眼發生 � 那就是當您不在場的時候﹗假如這個所謂的 墨非定律光顧您的操作環境﹐那麼管理引擎正是一款能輕易地對各式各樣的問題快刀斬亂麻的絕佳工具﹐而在以往﹐這些問題是需要工作人員親赴主機房處理的。在您所設定的存取權限保護之下﹐我們的瀏覽器介面可讓您不分晝夜﹑ 在任何時刻﹑從任何角落透過它施于您若親臨現場時同樣的舉動。
為了要提供給您的客戶所要求的服務﹐您必須能在問題剛出現的第一時間迅即反應﹐且能在問題多的快要應接不暇之前預先採取對策。我們的 RulesEngine (通則引擎) 可助您判定那些事件或 效能度量是較緊要的﹐然後當事情需要您關照處理時﹐它會自動以電郵或呼叫器通知您。管理引擎可以兩種重要方式來幫助您保存寶貴的網路管理資源﹕首先它會告知您到底出了什麼差錯 (或可能會出錯) ﹐然後它會提供給您使系統回復正常所需的一切特性和功能。
如果您是採用一個標準的 SNMP 系統軟體來管理您的網站﹐那麼管理引擎所能展現 給您的效用可就更多了。您能輕易地使用 SNMP 協定的條件參數之 "set (設定)" 機制來引發起動所有您可以從瀏覽器介面操作的重要任務﹐而且您可以自動 trap (捕捉到) 一些關鍵緊迫的事件﹐譬如系統過熱或電路切斷器之偵錯。至於對一些較複雜的故障維修處理情況﹐您則可以使用 SNMP 協定所提供的一大串列 " get (擷取) " 參數資訊之相關指令來幫助您深入硬體及軟體裝置中去一探究竟﹐ 從而對可能發生的問題預先防範或速戰速決。