Working languages:
Spanish to English
English to Spanish

Maria Eugenia Azocar
Reliable translations-Petroleum-Legal

Local time: 12:37 -05 (GMT-5)

Native in: Spanish Native in Spanish
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Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Transcription
Specializes in:
Law (general)Law: Contract(s)
Law: Patents, Trademarks, CopyrightPetroleum Eng/Sci

Spanish to English - Standard rate: 0.10 USD per word / 30 USD per hour

Payment methods accepted Wire transfer
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 1
Experience Years of experience: 20. Registered at Oct 2008. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials N/A
Memberships N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint
CV/Resume CV available upon request
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My name is Maria Eugenia Azocar, I'm chilean but I`ve lived in Ecuador for the past 30 years. I just retired from an international law firm were I worked as a translator. I would like to continue translating, thus increasing my working horizon. I'm interested in translating books and novels, but I also enjoy translating all kind of documents related to the petroleum and mining industries, as well as documents related to airports, patents, legal documents, etc.
Keywords: appraisal well - pozo de avanzada blended stream - línea de crudo mezclado load window - intervalo de carga metering skids - paquetes de medición mineralization - extracción overlifts - excedentes pad construction - plataforma spot contract - contrato ocasional tender - buque nodriza underlift - faltante vibratory flat roller - plataforma vibratoria wind turbine - turbina eólica wire line - línea de cableado well head - cabeza de pozo wild cat - pozo exploratorio assesment proccedings - glosas auction - subasta capital expenditure - egresos de capital chattel papers - títulos ejecutivos comprehensive general liability - Seguro de Responsabilidad Civil de Cobertura Global control - dominio domestic concern - entidad nacional equity capital - recursos propios equity interest - intereses accionarios funding default - insuficiencia de fondos funded - consolidado hedge funds - fondos de compensación facility agreement - acuerdo de crédito first refusal - primera opción incidence - siniestro internal auditor - comisario legend - marginación, razones loss of profit - lucro cesante minor tender board - formulario para oferta de menor cuantía non disclosure agreement - acuerdo de confidencialidad operating agreement covering - acuerdo privado place of profit - sujeto a ingreso porous borders - fronteras permeables probate judge - juez de familia receivership - concurso de acreedores record - expediente ruled by law - resolverá en derecho secondment - comisión de servicio settlement of claim - desestimiento de la demanda severability - autonomía de las cláusulas spin-off - escisión take over - fusión por absorción termination for convenience - terminación unilateral trade dress - apariencias distintivas voting securities - valores con derecho a voto willful default - culpa leve white paper - informe oficial withdrawal of appeals and dispute claims - desestimiento de los recursos de casación y juicios de impugnación

Profile last updated
Feb 8, 2009

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