Served as an interpreter and translator on the projects related to the business commodity and economic development in the Republic of Georgia.
The World Bank Mission. Re: Weatherization of secondary schools and priority hospitals in Tbilisi; September-October,1994; contracted as a translator
The I nternational Monetary Fund Mission. Re: Stabilization of the local currency in the Republic of Georgia; July-August 1994; contracted as interpreter
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development; 1994; contracted as an interpreter for the projects concerning electric power section
Coopers & Lybrand; 1994; contracted as a translator for restating Georgian financial and accounting records
Burns and Roe; 1994; contracted as an interpreter for a team of engineers visiting electric power station
The World Bank Mission; 1994; contracted as a translator for the project concerning banking sector and accounting reform
The World Bank Mission; 1993; contracted as an interpreter for the project concerning customs system and it's reform
English-Georgian Phrase-Book; printed in Atlanta in 1990, participating in editing
Technical Translator; from1977- ; translating from English into Georgian and vise versa
NLP an intensive program in the application of basic skills and patterns of Neiro Linguistic Programming; 1994 |