English to Chinese: Korean Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology | |
Source text - English Established in 1985 with full government funding, KRIBB is the leading center in Korea for advanced research in BT, development of BT platforms, establishment of BT infrastructure and commercialization of BT. KRIBB has a budget of USD $108 Million (2008) or 7.9% of Korea's BT R&D expenditures. Researchers have published articles in Nature, Cell, and Science over the last two years & KRIBB came in 3rd place in the amount of technical transfer among GRI.
KRIBB is a center of integrating the capacity of bio-innovation from multi-sectors in Korea. KRIBB is taking the role of a think-tank in establishing national BT policies. Moreover, by providing research infrastructure, KRIBB is encouraging a reciprocal collaboration among universities, research institutes, and companies through its Bio-Vision2016: the Second National Framework Plan for Biotechnology Promotion. KRIBB launched a strategic cooperation and collaborative research with Pfizer in 2007 and received the Merck Award. It has several global collaboration centers abroad. KRIBB established domestic protocols and international agreements related to the Convention on Biodiversity and the Biosafety Protocol and has been active in anti-desertification efforts through its Environmental Biotechnology Research Center.
Leading Research
Systemic Proteomics Research Center
Stem Cell Research Center
BioNanotechnology Research Center
Genome Research Center
Therapeutic Antibody Research Center
Metabolic Syndrome Research Cener
Biointegration Research
Medical Genomics Research Center
Disease Model Research Center
Regenerative Medicine Research Center
Omics and Integration Research Center
Translational Research Center
Molecular Therapeutics
Molecular Cancer Research Center
Natural Sciences Research Center
Functional Metabolite Research Center
Biomaterials Science
Plant Genome Research Center
Systems Microbiology Research Center
Environmental Biotechnology Research Center
Human Genome Functional Analysis Center
Plant Diversity Research Center
Microbial Genomics & Applications Center
Korean Bioinformation Center (KOBIC)
International Biological Material Research Center
Daejeon-KRIBB FHCRC Research Center
Korea Biosafety Clearing House
Biotech Policy Research Center
National Primate Research Center
Bio-evaluation Center
Molecular Bioprocess Research Center
Bioindustry Research Center
| Translation - Chinese 成立于1985年以充足政府资金建立的kribb引领着韩国生物技术高级研究,作为生物发展的技术平台的它建立了生物技术的基础设施并进行商品化发展。 kribb拥有预算1.08亿美元( 2008年)或7.9 % 韩国的生物技术 R&D支出。在过去两年中。研究人员已经在《自然,细胞和科学》上发表文章,kribb在GRI技术转移中排名第三。
在韩国多种行业中kribb是具有生物创新整合能力的中心。 kribb在建立国家生物技术政策中扮演一个智囊型角色。此外,通过提供研究基础设施, kribb通过其生物vision2016 (第二届全国框架计划生物技术的推广)鼓舞大学,科研院所,公司之间进行相互协作。 2007年kribb与辉瑞公司开展了一项战略合作和协作研究并获得了Merck奖。它在国外有许多的全球协作中心。 kribb建立了关于生物多样性和生物安全的国内议定书和国际协议公约,并一直通过其环境生物技术研究中心在防治荒漠化的方面不懈努力。
环境生物技术研究中心 |
English to Chinese: Purpose of the Asian Ecocity Summit | |
Source text - English The Asian Ecocity Summit will bring together representatives from cities throughout Asia that are deeply committed to achieving an ecologically sound model for development through the use of renewable energy, effective urban planning and the promotion of a culture of environmental sensitivity. Representatives will include government officials, environmental experts and representatives from business & NGOs. The conference will serve as an opportunity for representatives of each city to present their successes and discuss frankly the challenges they face in making their cities more environment-friendly and more energy efficient. The Summit will also provide an opportunity to strengthen existing relationships and to develop new networks for international collaboration.
Cities invited to participate will include those with strong environmental track records, but also those who are just starting out and wish to explain the challenges they face and to learn from world-renowned experts. Representatives from several well-established ecocities will also be on hand.
An important aspect of this summit will be the time set aside for participants to discuss possible strategies for international cooperation and make the first steps towards establishing working relations between each other. Such cooperation could take the form of exchanges of information concerning advantageous approaches to city planning, technology, policy & education. Specific topics to be discussed could include:
| Translation - Chinese 亚洲生态城市峰会将会聚集来自亚洲各个城市的代表,他们都坚定地忠于实现正确生态模式的立场,即利用可再生能源的发展 ,有效的城市计划和各种文化对环境敏感度的提升。此次代表将会包括政府官员,环境专家和来自商务
该会议的一个重要方面表现在它将会为代表们留出时间讨论国际合作的可实现策略,并为彼此间建立合作关系走出第一步。这种合作可表现为针对城市计划、科技、政策和教育信息交换的形式。特殊主题将会包括: |