I am a professional translator/interpreter with exceeding 19 years within entertainment industry. I have also developed a business management expertise through experience in sales and marketing of technical products and services. I established a large international network of contacts within entertainment industry. I have experience in people supervision.
Most recent employment:
08/2000 – 03/2008 CHIEF SUBTITLES EDITOR
Company: Balkan News Corporation, Sofia
(A Bulgarian company owned by News Corporation. The Company currently runs bTV, Bulgaria's first private national TV station, and FOXlife and FOXCrime - cable and satellite channels)
Duties: - Managing bTV's Subtitles and Dubbing Department
- Working out monthly and annual budgets for TV translations, subtitling and
post production
- Coordinating the marketing activities of the Translations and Subtitles Segment
- Coordinating the activity with several other departments of the company on
the basis of weekly prognosis, planning and information analysis
- Coordinating the translation of the bibles of world famous reality TV formats
such as Survivor, Dance With The Stars, The 5-th Grader, etc. |