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Sample translations submitted: 4
English to Turkish: DSM-Oriented Scales General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Psychology
Source text - English Chapter 4
DSM-Oriented Scales for Scoring ASEBA School-Age Forms
Chapters 2 and 3 presented profiles for scoring syndrome scales derived from statistical analyses that reflect patterns of co-occurring problems. Children's problems can also be viewed from the perspectives of formal diagnostic systems. The dominant system in the United States is embodied in the American Psychiatric Association's (1994) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Dissorders, 4th Edition ("DSM-IV").
The DSM diagnostic categories are intended to serve many purposes. Unlike the syndromes deerived statistically from the CBCL, YSR, and TRF, DSM categories for behavioral/emotional problems were not derived directly from problem scores obbtained from standardized assessment of children. Nevertheless, assessment instruments such as the CBCL, YSR, and TRF are often used to obtain data on which to base diagnoses.
Studies have shown significant associations between DSM diagnoses and ASEBA scale scores (e.g., Arend, Lavigne, Rosenbaum, Binns)
Translation - Turkish Bölüm 4
ASEBA Okul-Yaş formları derecelendirmek için DSM-yönelmiş ölçekler
2. ve 3. Bölümlerde, birlikte-ortaya çıkan problemlerin örneklerini yansıtan istatistiki analizlerden türetilmiş sendrom ölçeklerini derecelendirmek için profiller sunulmuştur. Çocukların problemleri aynı zamanda biçimsel tanı sistemleri perspektiflerinden de incelenebilir. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’ndeki dominant sistem Amerikan Psikiyatrik Derneği’nin (1994) Akıl Hastalıkları Tanı ve İstatistik elkitabı, 4.üncü Baskı (“DSM-IV”) ile temsil edilmektedir.
DSM tanı kategorileri çok fazla amaca hizmet etmeyi tasarlar. Duygu/davranış problemlerin CBCL, YSR ve TRF, DSM’den türetilmiş istatistiksel sendromların kategorileri aksine, çocukların standartlaşmış değerlendirilmesinden elde edilmiş problem derecelerinden doğrudan doğruya türetilmez. Bununla beraber, CBCL, YSR ve TRF gibi değerlendirme araçları tanı bazında bilgi edinmek için sık sık kullanılmaktadır.
DSM tanıları ve ASEBA ölçek dereceleri arasında önemli ilişkiler olduğunu çalışmalar göstermiştir (örnek olarak; Arend, Lavigne, Rosenbaum, Binns)
English to Turkish: Text from a crime investigation game General field: Other Detailed field: Gaming/Video-games/E-sports
Source text - English I sent someone to inspect Matthew’s room, and it appears there was some very interesting evidence. There was a threatening letter in the garbage can with two different sets of fingerprints on it and some long hairs in Matthew’s bed. Those hairs couldn’t have been his, but they might be Jenny’s… She’s his girlfriend right? The most unusual things are a note with the name of a compost on it and a whole jar of compost. Could this be related to the pollen found at the crime scene? We also found a pair of working shoes and took some prints, just in case.
Translation - Turkish Matthew'nun odasını incelemesi için birini göndermiştim, çok ilginç deliller varmış gibi görünüyordu. Çöp kutusunda, üzerinde iki farklı kişinin parmak izi bulunan bir tehdit mektubu ve Matthew'nun yatağının üzerinde bir miktar uzun saç vardı. Bu saçlar ona ait olamazdı, belki de Jenny'ye aitlerdi... Jenny onun kız arkadaşıydı değil mi? En olağandışı şeyler, üzerinde bir kompostonun adı yazılı bir not ve tamamı dolu bir kavanoz kompostoydu. Bunun, suç mahalinde bulunan polenle bir bağlantısı olabilirmiydi? Aynı zamanda bir çift iş ayakkabısı bulduk ve ayak izi örneklerini aldık, her ihtimale karşı.
English to Turkish: Text from an action game General field: Other Detailed field: Gaming/Video-games/E-sports
Source text - English Welcome to Berlin. One of our operatives was taken captive two days ago while investigating claims of a new biochemical weapon and its connection to an unidentified terrorist. She is being held in an abandoned prison on the outskirts of Berlin. You will assume the identity of an operative from Sarah's cell... And be taken to the terrorists as another hostage. Once you get inside, do whatever it takes to rescue her. Good luck, Mr. Hunt!
Translation - Turkish Berlin'e hoşgeldiniz. Ajanlarımızdan biri, yeni bir biokimyasal silah geliştirme iddiası ve bu silahın kimliği belirlenemeyen bir teröristle bağlantısını araştırırken iki gün önce esir düştü. Ajanımız, Berlin dolaylarında terkedilmiş bir hapiste tutuluyor. Sarah'nın hücresinden bir ajanın kimliğine bürüneceksiniz... Ve bir başka rehine gibi teröristlere götürüleceksiniz. İçeri girdiğinizde, onu kurtarmak için ne gerekiyorsa yapın. İyi şanslar, Bay Hunt!
English to French: Account Management General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - English Account management is a fundamental service within each application which has the need to manage accounts in order to collect transactions, managing balances and billing of any kind of services.
Main functionality provided by XYZ Pay CAS is:
1. Management of three different account types with Pay Later, Pay Now and Pay Before type accounts
2. Account hierarchies supporting multi-currency, multi-level accounts with simple reorganisation of accounts. Shared invoicing and payment management and risk verifications possible. Mix of credit and debit accounts possible within hierarchy.
3. Highly flexible and modifiable transaction processing with complex calculations and fee or interest associations. Classification and categorising of transactions allows for filtering based on transaction operation typing in different currencies. Operations include all type of purchases, cash advances and balance transfers.
4. Account components manage account-related balances, transactions, fees, interest rates and keep a log of its operations
5. Flexible and unlimited fee models management for periodical, volumetric, mark-up and event fees. This includes transaction processing, account settlement, account service billing and statement generation for fees or charges.
Translation - French Gestion du compte est un service fondamental dans les limites de chaque application laquelle a une nécessité de ménager les comptes afin de collectionner les transactions, gérer les balances et facturation de n’importe quel service.
La fonctionnalité principale fournissant par XYZ Paie CAS est:
1.Gestion de trois types des comptes variables avec Paie Apres, Paie Maintenant et Paie Avant types des comptes.
2.Les hiérarchies de comptes supportant les comptes de multi-monnaie, multi-niveau par réorganisation pratique des comptes. Facturation commune et gestion de paiement et les vérifications des risques sont acceptables. Mélanges des comptes de crédit et débit sont acceptables dans les limites d’hiérarchie.
3.Traitement de transaction extrêmement flexible et modifiable par les estimations complexes et les associations de frais ou intérêts. Classification et catégorisation de transactions, permettent opération de transaction basée sur filtration à faire de la saisie en monnaies variables. Les opérations comprennent tous types des acquisitions, crédits de caisse et transferts des soldes.
4.Composants des comptes gèrent les soldes compte apparentés, transactions, frais, taux d’intérêts et gardent un journal de ses opérations.
5.Gestion de modèles des frais flexibles et illimités pour les frais périodiques, volumétriques, marge et événement. C’est comprend traitement de transaction, solde de toute compte, facturation de service de compte et génération de relevé de compte pour les frais ou prix.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - University of Ankara
Years of experience: 20. Registered at Sep 2009.
English to Turkish (United Kingdom / Stanton School of English, verified) Turkish to English (United Kingdom / Stanton School of English, verified) French to Turkish (University of Ankara, Bachelor's Degree Diploma, F, verified) Turkish to French (University of Ankara, Bachelor's Degree Diploma, F, verified) English to Turkish (Foreign language proficiency examination for state, verified)
Turkish to English (Foreign language proficiency examination for state, verified) English to Turkish (Translator Certificate of Oath, verified) Turkish to English (Translator Certificate of Oath, verified) French to Turkish (Translator Certificate of Oath, verified) Turkish to French (Translator Certificate of Oath, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Alchemy Publisher, Catalyst, DejaVu, Dreamweaver, FrameMaker, Frontpage, Idiom, Indesign, memoQ, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Multilizer, Catalyst, Pagemaker, Passolo, Powerpoint, QuarkXPress, SDLX, STAR Transit, Trados Studio, TransSuite2000, Wordfast, XTM
I have 12 years of experience as Translator/Interpreter/Proofreader/Editor/Copywriter and DTP operator. 19 years of formal English language education, 6 years of formal French language education. Strong IT skills. Academic background. High working capacity, high quality and accuracy on translations. Experienced in working with international outsourcers. Philip Morris Turkey Former Chief Translator. IZKA Construction Company Former Manager of International Affairs Department. Silahtaroglu Road Construction Company Former Director of Import-Export Research and Development Department.
I have studied both English and French Language and Literature. This particular field of studies has allowed me to develop my analytical, oral and writing skills, as well as my ability to work at an intercultural environment. Working as an official sworn translator and interpreter in an international company "Philip Morris International" has allowed me to adopt a corporate culture of business. Accuracy and attention to detail are two of the most important qualities I have gained through my work as a simultaneous interpreter and translator for various companies during conferences and trainings, since it requires self-motivation, discipline and multitasking.
During my career development I have worked on the dynamic sector of import/export gaining a sound understanding of the international environment and legal regulations, while at the same time enhanced my skills in financial management and communication.
Lastly, I would like to stress out that I am computer literate. I can drive most of the operating systems, I am an excellent, MS Office Suit, Adobe designing applications, MS Localization Studio, MS Helium, Passolo, SDL Trados, Transit Satellite, Déjà vu, Wordfast user and my skills extend to hardware adjustments and repairs. The time spent as an intern at as a PC helpdesk service provider allowed me to establish my PC skills on a sound bases and also to communicate briefly and concise.
I am highly motivated and committed as a Professional Translator.
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
100% positive (3 entries)
Job type
Software localization
Desktop publishing
Language pairs
English to Turkish
French to Turkish
English to French
Turkish to English
Turkish to French
Specialty fields
Medical (general)
Computers: Software
Engineering (general)
Human Resources
Tourism & Travel
Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Computers (general)
Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion
Energy / Power Generation
Electronics / Elect Eng
Government / Politics
Advertising / Public Relations
Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
Medical: Instruments
Media / Multimedia
Environment & Ecology
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Internet, e-Commerce
Sports / Fitness / Recreation
Medical: Health Care
International Org/Dev/Coop
Other fields
Keywords: banking, finance, software, localization, localisation, trados, information technology, European Union, acquis, telecommunication. See more.banking, finance, software, localization, localisation, trados, information technology, European Union, acquis, telecommunication, environment, environmental technology, waste treatment, patents, patent specification, marketing, aviation, navigation technology, airport management, aircraft technology, GSM phones, satellite systems, networks, legal translation, law, SAP, MSDS documents, geology, mining, physics, chemistry, mathematics, economics, finance, business, engineering, government, industry, research, culture, United Nations, international, proofreading, advertising * botany * company acquisition * company newsletters * company reports & financial statements * construction * contracts * corporate universities * environmental regulations * geology & geophysics * Holocaust memoirs * industrial safety & quality assurance * journalism * legal documents * marketing * medical & pharmaceutical research *metallurgy * mining * movies * nursing & child care * patent applications * personal résumés & correspondence * petroleum processing economics (500-page textbook, see below) * physics * political science * power plant specifications * publicity * tax legislation * tender documents * urban development planning * websites. See less.
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