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English to Spanish: Distribution Agreement / Contrato de Distribución General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - English BREACH
Should either Party ("the defaulting Party") commit a breach of the provisions hereof, then the other Party ("the aggrieved Party") shall, if it wishes to enforce its rights hereunder, be obliged to give the defaulting Party 14 (fourteen) days written notice to remedy the breach. If the defaulting Party fails to comply with such notice, the aggrieved Party shall be entitled to cancel this Agreement against the defaulting Party or to claim immediate repayment and/or performance by the defaulting Party of all the defaulting Party's obligations whether or not the due date for and/or performance shall have arrived, in either event without prejudice to the aggrieved Party's rights to claim damages. The aforegoing is without prejudice to such other rights as the aggrieved Party may have at law.
If either the Manufacturer for the one part or the Distributor for the other part is prevented or restricted directly or indirectly from carrying out all or any of its obligations under this Agreement from any cause beyond the reasonable control of that Party (including without limiting the generality of the aforegoing, war, civil commotion, riot, insurrection, strikes, lock-out, fire, explosion, floods, acts of God, sanctions, legislation or other governmental intervention) the Party so affected shall be relieved of its obligations hereunder during the period that such event and its consequences continue but only to the extent so prevented and shall not be liable for any delay or failure in the performance of any obligations hereunder or loss or damages either general, special or consequential which the other Party may suffer due to or resulting from such delay or failure: Provided always that written notice shall within 48 (forty-eight) hours of the occurrence constituting force majeure be given of any such inability to perform by the affected
Party and provided further that the obligation to give such notice shall be suspended to the extent necessitated by such force majeure.
21.1 The Manufacturer grants the Distributor the right to use the trade marks, trade names, design, copyright and all other intellectual property used in relation to or appearing upon the Products for the purposes and during the subsistence of this Agreement. The Distributor shall be entitled to refer to itself as the exclusive distributor of the Products in the Territory on its stationery, in its marketing material and in any other manner.
Translation - Spanish INCUMPLIMIENTO
En caso de que alguna de las Partes («Parte infractora») incumpla las condiciones aquí previstas, la otra Parte («Parte agraviada»), en su empeño por ejecutar los derechos adquiridos en virtud del presente, deberá notificar por escrito a la Parte infractora para que en un plazo de 14 (catorce) días remedie su incumplimiento. Si aún así la Parte infractora no cumpliera con este requerimiento, la Parte agraviada podrá cancelar este Contrato o reclamar la devolución inmediata de los pagos y/o el cumplimiento por parte de la Parte infractora de todas sus obligaciones contractuales, independientemente de si ha pasado o no la fecha de vencimiento o la fecha en que deberían haberse cumplido las obligaciones, sin perjuicio de que la Parte agraviada pueda reclamar daños y perjuicios. Todo ello sin perjuicio además de cualquier otro derecho al que esté facultada la Parte agraviada por ley.
Si el Fabricante, por un lado, o el Distribuidor, por otro, se vieran impedidos o limitados directa o indirectamente para desempeñar sus obligaciones contractuales por alguna razón fuera del control razonable de ellos mismos (incluyendo sin limitarse a ello: guerras, revueltas civiles, disturbios, sublevaciones, huelgas, cierres patronales, incendios, explosiones, inundaciones, actos fortuitos, sanciones, intervenciones legislativas o gubernamentales), la Parte afectada quedará liberada de sus obligaciones en tanto en cuanto continúen estos hechos y sus consecuencias pero sólo respecto a las obligaciones limitadas por estos acontecimientos, no siendo responsable de posibles retrasos, del incumplimiento en sus obligaciones o de las posibles pérdidas o daños generales, especiales o emergentes que la otra Parte pueda sufrir a causa de estos retrasos o incumplimientos siempre y cuando se notifique por escrito en el plazo de 48 (cuarenta y ocho) horas la ocurrencia de estos acontecimientos de fuerza mayor que impiden a la Parte afectada desempeñar sus obligaciones y que la obligación de emitir esta notificación se suspenda conforme a las exigencias de esta fuerza mayor.
El Fabricante concede al Distribuidor el derecho a poder utilizar las marcas registradas, nombres comerciales, diseño, derechos de autor y demás propiedad intelectual relativa o que aparezca en los Productos para los propósitos y durante la vigencia del presente Contrato. El Distribuidor tendrá derecho a referirse a sí mismo como Distribuidor exclusivo de los Productos en el Territorio en su material de papelería, publicidad o de otra forma.
English to Spanish: Company Bylaws / Estatutos General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - English Subject to a request for the issue of bearer shares and to the payment of the appropriate consideration for the shares to be issued, the Company may, to the extent authorized by the Memorandum, issue bearer shares to, and at the expense of, such person as shall be specified in the request. The Company may also, upon receiving a request in writing accompanied by the share certificate for the shares in question, exchange registered shares for bearer shares or may exchange bearer shares for registered shares. Such request served on the Company by the holder of bearer shares shall specify the name and address of the person to be registered and unless the request is delivered in person by the bearer shall be authenticated as hereinafter provided. Such request served on the Company by the holder of bearer shares shall also be accompanied by any coupons or talons which at the date of such delivery have not become due for payment of dividends or any other distribution by the Company to the holders of such shares. Following such exchange the share certificate relating to the exchanged shares shall be delivered as directed by the member requesting the exchange.
Translation - Spanish En respuesta a una solicitud de emisión de acciones al portador y previo pago de la cantidad establecida por las acciones a emitir, la Sociedad podrá, dentro de los límites fijados por la Escritura, emitir acciones al portador a la persona que exprese dicha solicitud según los términos especificados en ésta y a su propio coste. En caso de recibir una solicitud por escrito acompañada de un certificado de las acciones en cuestión, la Sociedad también podrá cambiar tales acciones nominativas por acciones al portador o viceversa. Dicha solicitud, que deberá comunicar a la Sociedad el titular de las acciones al portador, deberá especificar el nombre y domicilio de la persona que quedará registrada como titular de tales acciones y, salvo que la solicitud sea entregada en persona por el portador, deberá autenticarse en la forma que se indica más adelante. Esta solicitud, comunicada a la Sociedad por el titular de las acciones al portador, deberá venir acompañada además de los cupones o matrices cuyo pago de dividendos o de cualquier otra distribución por parte de la Sociedad a los titulares de tales acciones no hayan vencido a la fecha de la entrega. Una vez hecho este cambio de acciones, la Sociedad expedirá un certificado donde conste dicho cambio de acciones en respuesta a la solicitud expresada por alguno de los socios.
English to Spanish: Product Characteristics / Características de Producto General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - English Systemic rheumatic disease is characterized by the presence of circulating autoantibodies that are widely reactive with both nuclear and cytoplasmic antigens. Antibodies to SSA (Ro) are present in approximately 60 to 70% of patients with Sjogren’s Syndrome and 30 to 40% of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). In addition, the presence of antibody to the SSA (Ro) antigen strongly correlates with distinguishable subsets of SLE and Sjogren’s Syndrome. Antibody to SSA (Ro) occurs in about 60% of patients with “ANA Negative” SLE, 63% of patients with subacute cutaneous erythematosus and in 75% of the homozygous C2-deficient patients with an SLE-like presentation. The existence of this autoantibody in pregnant women has been closely associated with the development of neonatal congenital heart block and neonatal lupus.
Until recently, many laboratories used Immunodiffusion (ID) to detect anti-SSA antibodies. However, ID is time-consuming to perform and is relatively insensitive compared to newer methods. Enzyme immunoassay (EIA) has advantages over the ID method in sensitivity, simplicity, ease of automation and testing turnaround time.
Translation - Spanish La enfermedad reumática sistémica se caracteriza por la presencia de autoanticuerpos circulantes altamente reactivos frente a antígenos nucleares y citoplasmáticos. Los anticuerpos anti SSA (Ro) están presentes en aproximadamente el 60-70% de los pacientes que sufren el Síndrome de Sjögren y en el 30-40% de los pacientes con lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES). Además, la presencia del anticuerpo frente al antígeno SSA (Ro) está muy correlacionada con variantes diferenciadas del LES y del Síndrome de Sjögren. El anticuerpo anti SSA (Ro) se da en aproximadamente el 60% de los pacientes con LES “ANA Negativo”, el 63% de los pacientes con lupus eritematoso cutáneo subagudo y el 75% de los pacientes homocigóticos con carencia de C2 y cuya presentación es similar a la del LES. La existencia de este autoanticuerpo en mujeres embarazadas se ha asociado mucho al desarrollo del bloqueo cardíaco congénito neonatal y del lupus neonatal.
Hasta hace poco, muchos laboratorios utilizaban la prueba de la inmunodifusión (ID) para detectar anticuerpos anti SSA, sin embargo, la ID requiere mucho tiempo y es relativamente insensible en comparación a otros métodos más novedosos. El enzimoinmunoensayo (EIA) presenta más ventajas que el método de la ID en cuanto a la sensibilidad, sencillez, fácil automatización y tiempo de respuesta de la prueba.
English to Spanish (University of Granada, verified) English to Spanish (Sworn translator (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), verified) English to Spanish (University of Castilla La Mancha, verified)
!I hold a double degree in English Studies and Translation and Interpreting and my urge to carry on learning, improving and perfecting my knowledge and skills is constant. I am currently studying a Master’s programme in Institutional Translation.
In 1999 I was appointed Sworn English Translator-Interpreter by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. Soon after, in 2001, I started my professional translation and interpreting services company in Granada, Babel Traducciones.
My main specialty fields include law, marketing and business, human resources, commerce, education and training, tourism, health, nutrition and social issues.
Among my areas of interest I would like to highlight institutional translation, catering to institutions and international organisations. Cooperation and development, inequality, international policies and relations, environment and climate change, poverty, armed conflicts, children’s and underprivileged group’s rights… are the main sources of motivation in my work and professional practice.
passion, dedication, motivation
üContracts &
üPowers of
üDeeds and
notarial certificates
üCorporate and
financial documents
proceedings and judgments
üTerms and
policies, data protection and confidentiality agreements
fraud and money laundering prevention policies
üCodes of
rules and regulations
International organizations
üCooperation &
üInequality &
climate change, sustainable development
üMigration and
üFight against
& poverty
üChildren’s and
underprivileged groups’ rights
perspective in peacekeeping operations
operation command training
üCorruption, ethics
& transparency policies in public entities;
road transport: promotion, cooperation agreements and conventions
Business, marketing &
human resources
performance and compliance assessment
courses and handbooks for workers
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Keywords: Spanish translator, English translator, sworn translator, English sworn translator, Spanish sworn translator, sworn translations, English sworn translations, Spanish sworn translations, pharmaceutical translator, pharmaceutical translations. See more.Spanish translator, English translator, sworn translator, English sworn translator, Spanish sworn translator, sworn translations, English sworn translations, Spanish sworn translations, pharmaceutical translator, pharmaceutical translations, legal texts, legal documents, pharmaceutical texts, tourism, marketing, European projects, European programmes, European programs, international organizations, international organisations, public bodies, translation of certificates, official documents, contracts, Andalusia. See less.
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