What translators are working on

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What translation project are you working on right now?

Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Tourisme - naturisme - naturisme familial - FRA>ITA. 35k mots.


I Do That

Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Certificat de grossesse. FR-IT


I Do That

  • French to Italian
  • 500 words
  • Medico, Medical
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:



I Do That

Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

ENG-ITA translation. Training for a multinational pharmaceutical company.


1 userI Do That

Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

ENG-ITA online tutorial. Software. IT


1 userI Do That

Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Superintendent Registrar's certificates of no impediment to the marriage. ENG-ITA


I Do That

  • English to Italian
  • Marriage certificates, Sworn, Legal
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Legal documents. Sworn translations. ENG-ITA


I Do That

  • English to Italian
  • 5000 words
  • Legale (generale)
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

ENG-ITA. Legal translation. Craft sector.


1 userI Do That

  • English to Italian
  • 6000 words
  • Craft sector, Legal
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

CRM (Customer relationship management) field. Translation ENG-ITa.


I Do That

  • English to Italian
  • 3500 words
  • CRM-IT, Marketing/Ricerche di mercato, Website
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

French-Italian translation project. Tourism. Campings.


1 userI Do That

  • French to Italian
  • 30000 words
  • Viaggi e Turismo, Tourism, Camping
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Legal documents. Sworn translations. ENG-ITA. Just finished.


I Do That

  • English to Italian
  • 7000 words
  • Legal, Medical, Sworn
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

ENG-ITA translation project. Agriculture field. Crops, fertilizers.


I Do That

Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

French-Italian translation project. Tourism.


1 userI Do That

  • French to Italian
  • Viaggi e Turismo, Tourism, Tourisme
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Ongoing project: ENG-ITA translation. Training course - equal opportunity in the workplace.


1 userI Do That

Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

EN-IT. BIM translation project. 4000 words. Completed!


I Do That

Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translation project: Capping systems - pharmaceutical field. FRA-ITA.


I Do That

Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Tourism translation project (Camping - mobil home - glamping) - FR-IT. Around 14K words


1 userI Do That

Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

EN-IT sub. Multinational cybersecurity company. 3000 words.


I Do That

Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

AI image generator. EN-IT. 400 words


I Do That

Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

EN-IT. BIM translation project. 4000 words. Just completed!


I Do That

Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Fixture/Solar protection catalogue. SPA-ITA, 14K words.


I Do That

Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

French-Italian translation project. Tourism.


I Do That

  • French to Italian
  • 8000 words
  • Tourisme, Tourism, Camping
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

IT-Data Center project.


I Do That

  • English to Italian
  • 9000 words
  • IT (Tecnologia dell',informazione), Data center, Informatica
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just completed a big translation project. ENGLISH>ITALIAN. Irrigation systems.


1 userI Do That

  • English to Italian
  • 35000 words
  • Agriculture, Irrigation systems
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

French-Italian translation. Training online in corruption/whistleblowing field.


I Do That

  • French to Italian
  • 5000 words
  • Corruption, Whistleblowing, E-learning
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

FERTIGATION MANAGEMENT. New translation project.

Agricoltura, Irrigazione, Fertirrigazione, Tecnico, Tecnologie agricole


I Do That

  • English to Italian
  • 35000 words
  • Agricoltura, Fertirrigazione, Tecnico-Manualistica
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Je vais commencer un nouveau projet de traduction. Formation en matière de sécurité sur le lieu de travail.


I Do That

  • French to Italian
  • 7000 words
  • Sicurezza, Lavoro, Formazione
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translation project - Conflict of interest. Business course.


I Do That

  • English to Italian
  • 6000 words
  • Finanza, Gestione aziendale, Sicurezza
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just completed a webinar about pulmonary fibrosis. English-Italian.


I Do That

  • English to Italian
  • 3000 words
  • Medicina (generale)
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

French-Italian translation. Maison de Champagne.


I Do That

  • 6000 words
  • champagne, maison de champagne, wine, viticolture
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

French-Italian translation. Maison de Champagne.

champagne, maison de champagne, wine, viticolture, enology


I Do That

  • French to Italian
  • 3000 words
  • Vino/Enologia/Viticoltura
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

ENG-ITA Translation. Products and systems for winemakers and beverage producers.


I Do That

  • English to Italian
  • 5000 words
  • Agricoltura, Vino/Enologia/Viticoltura, Ingegneria (generale)
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Course about Unconscious bias.


1 userI Do That

  • English to Italian
  • 6000 words
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Spanish-Italian translation. Hemp products.


I Do That

  • Spanish to Italian
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just completed a big translation project. ENGLISH>ITALIAN. Electronic components


I Do That

  • English to Italian
  • 500000 words
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Energy & Utilities translation project.


I Do That

  • Spanish to Italian
  • 4000 words
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Distribution of cultivation products for technical horticulture (irrigation systems, substrates, fertilisers, insecticides, etc.)


I Do That

  • Spanish to Italian
  • 130000 words
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Big project in Agricultural field. Spanish to Italian


I Do That

  • Spanish to Italian
  • 100000 words
  • Agricoltura
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Proyecto Español-Italiano sobre electrolitos.


I Do That

Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Medical-cosmetic field. French to Italian translation project.


I Do That

  • French to Italian
  • 6000 words
  • Medicina: Strumentazione, Medicina: Sieri, Cosmetica
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just completed an interview/webinar about clinical trials. English-Italian.


I Do That

  • English to Italian
  • 5000 words
  • Medical, Clinical trials
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just completed a big project about Sustainable, Regenerative, Subsistence Agriculture. Intercropping and monoculture systems. Crop rotation, Till-farming and Syncropic farming. Sections about Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA), Rotational Grazing and Adaptive multi-paddock grazing. Carbon footprint, agriculture resilience and Biocyclic Vegan Agriculture.


I Do That

  • English to Italian
  • 50000 words
  • Agriculture, Environmental sustainability, Carbon footprint
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just completed a 15k words Spanish-Italian translation. High technical performance clothing for outdoor activities.


I Do That

  • Spanish to Italian
  • 15000 words
  • Montagna / Outdoor
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just completed an osseointegration-implant translation project. 2500 words.


I Do That

  • English to Italian
  • 2500 words
  • Medico: Odontoiatria
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Bim architecture software. ENG>ITA translation. 4.000 words


I Do That

Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translation for food services and facilities management company.


I Do That

  • English to Italian
  • 2000 words
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Code of ethics.


I Do That

  • English to Italian
  • 6000 words
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Subtitling project for a french multinational retail company. 2000 words.


I Do That

  • French to Italian
  • 2000 words
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just completed an interview/webinar about pulmonary fibrosis. English-Italian translation.


I Do That

  • English to Italian
  • 2000 words
Simone Giovannini posting from ProZ.com shared:

Organization of event. EN-IT. 4000 words.


I Do That