Aug 21, 2002 10:38
22 yrs ago
Danish term

til forskelig tid

Non-PRO Danish to Swedish Other
Vi har
bevis for at områderne med gamle monumenter som fx pyramiderne også var
vældige industriområder, der til forskellig tid fungerede som
forsyningspunkter for arbejderne og som fundament for gravtemplerne

Proposed translations

14 hrs

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Tycks vara det korrekta i ovanstående sammanhang, vid olika tidpunkter, mao.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Låter mest naturligt, tack!"
9 mins

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From reference (see item 5):

forskellig adj. (se også forskelligt)
1. (ikke ens)
different (fx two different people of the same name; the two scientists used different methods);
dissimilar (fx the intonation systems of the two languages are slightly dissimilar);
unlike (fx they are so unlike (each other) that one would not suppose them to be sisters);
differing (fx have differing tastes (, views));
diverse (fx people from diverse cultures);
2. (tydeligt adskilt) distinct (fx there are two distinct species of this bird, besides various subspecies; Old English and Old Frisian are closely related, but perfectly distinct dialects);
3. (afvekslende) varying (fx with varying success);
4. (respektive)
respective (fx they looked after their respective interests);
several (fx they went back to their several jobs, they went their several ways);
5. forskellige (adskillige)
various (fx various people have said so; his various works);
several (fx there are several objections to this);
sundry (fx talk about sundry matters);
(glds., bibl.) divers;
6. forskelligt (på regnskab)
sundries (fx the hotels charge considerable sums for what they call sundries);
miscellaneous (expenses);
• alle mulige forskellige mennesker all sorts (and conditions) of people (NB it takes all sorts to make a world);
alle mulige forskellige ting all sorts (el. a great variety) of things;
forskellige arter
(1) different kinds;
(5) various kinds;
forskellige gange
(5) on various occasions;
several times;
tre forskellige gange on three separate occasions;
i forskellig grad
(1) in different degrees;
to different extents;
(5) in varying degrees;
in various degrees;
af forskellige grunde
(1) for different reasons;
(5) for various (el. several) reasons;
på forskellig måde
(1) in different ways, differently (fx they behave differently);
(5) in various ways, variously (fx they are variously employed);
fra forskellig side (dvs. hold)
(1) from different quarters (el. sources);
(5) from various quarters (el. sources);
vidt forskellig
widely different;
quite different;
de er vidt forskellige (også)
they differ widely;
they are worlds (el. poles) apart;
they are quite (el. completely) unlike one another;
there is a world of difference between them;
hvornår plejer han at komme?, Det er forskelligt
when does he usually come?, It varies;
(= det afhænger af forholdene) that (el. it) depends;
smag og behag er forskellig
tastes differ;
there is no accounting for tastes;
one man's meat is another man's poison;
[forb. med præp.]
være af forskellig mening (, vægt etc.) differ in opinion (, weight, etc.) (NB let us agree to differ);
skatten er forskellig efter indtægten tax varies with income;
kosten er forskellig for de forskellige patienter the diet varies with the type of patient;
forskellig fra
(1) different from (fx he is different from other people);
dissimilar to, unlike (fx he is entirely unlike you);
(2) distinct from;
være forskellig fra (også) differ from;
forskellige med hensyn til farve (,længde etc.) different in colour (, length, etc.);
* I heard the story from several different people;
they charge you differently in the West End and Soho.
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4 days

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"Dinosaurerne forsvandt til forskellig tid forskellige steder." -> vid olika tider på olika platser
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