Glossary entry

Norwegian term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Mats Wiman
Jun 10, 2002 17:26
22 yrs ago
Norwegian term


Non-PRO Norwegian to English Other
Hei, hva fortsetter? jeg er akkurat sitte rundt, venting gå til sengs, og jeg trodde at jeg skriver De litt anmerkning:. Da vi akkurat så den filmen, jeg trodde også at det er morsom for det være i et fremmedspråk også. Likevel er hvordan ting på Deres ydmyk bolig? Utmerket jeg er sikker. Forhåpentligvis kommet Deres mamma seg til seng på en punkt. Godt da dette er i et tilfeldig språk som De vet ikke, jeg beregner jeg kan akkurat ramble på om ingenting, og De De' ll vet aldri forskjellen. Min katt er type av dum, men vi visste allerede det. Arbeid suger, folket er vakkert kjølig skjønt, bortsett fra at en ny person som stirrer alltid på folk. Jeg får sannsynlig draing nå, har morolesning dette, jeg håper at De fanger minst noe av det. Jeg snakke med De senere.

Proposed translations

13 mins

This is a translation job

Go to 'Receiv bids' to the left
Peer comment(s):

agree Andy Bell : ....this is a translation, and Norglish at that!
7 hrs
agree Alasdair Graham-Brown : Isn't it possible to make sure that people who abuse ProZ, are barred accesss
15 hrs
In most cases there is no abuse, it is simply ignorance or naivité.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Graded automatically based on peer agreement. KudoZ."
16 mins

goes on

fortsetter means verbatim "continues"


Something went wrong...
16 mins


Sorry, Maureen, your question violates the conditions set for this service, as it\'s supposed to be just a help service for translators to find alternatives for one term or phrase. You may, however, find lots of qualified translators on this site who would be more than willing to translate this text as a paid job, I\'m sure. Please be sure to read the FAQ for this service the next time you want to use it.
Peer comment(s):

agree Lars Finsen : Moreover, the text is most surely an automatic translation from English, and I suspect the asker is not too far separated from the English original.
3 hrs
Ja, enig!
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3 hrs


as in 'what's happening' or 'what's going on. This is as hilarious an example as I've ever seen of the absolute futility of computer translation. Ydmyk bolig? Our abodes in Norway may have a number of qualities going for them, but humble they are most definitely not. Humble is a personality trait, not a properties property, at least in Norwegian. Thanks for a good laugh, and do you mind if I use this as an example? Would you care to identify the translating (ho-hum) software used?
Something went wrong...
16 hrs


The rest of it might well come out and make some sense if you run it through a translation program such as Tolken99 - which you can find a trial version of at the below link.
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