Powwow Report for United States - Rutherford (May 16 2015)

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Report from  Tatyana Van Loo
I am very glad Proz gives this opportunity to organize events like powwows. This powwow held in my house in New Jersey was smaller than expected but the people who came are absolutely incredible professionals with amazing personalities, so it was definitely worth attending the powwow and connect with fellow freelancers.
It was very interesting to hear each other's background stories, share experience, and ask questions. In a way, it was great that it was small as we had time to get to know each other. I am sure we'll keep in touch for long.
Let's do it again!

Photos from  Tatyana Van Loo

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Tatyana Van Loo
Miguel R.

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