The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

angol - kínai Oktatás / pedagógia Translation Glossary

angol term kínai translation
they are not considered disorders 這些都不能視之為(語言)障礙
Entered by: Julia Zou
to be accompanied/represented in the disciplinary procedure 由别人代表或由代表人陪同出席惩诫程序
toy specialization 玩具专门化
transferable 可转移...
Trinity 圣三一
tuition units ~{Q'7V~}
underdifferentiation of 不太能分清楚 " f " 與 " th " 之間在發音上的差異
Entered by: Julia Zou
Uniprep Full-time 大学预备课程
Entered by: Jiang Xia
University of East India 东印度大学
University Taster 大学试读课程或大学体验课程
Entered by: Jiang Xia
unusual enough and normal 见下面。。。
Entered by: Jiang Xia
Unwelcome sexual advances 性冒犯
Use the Stairs, Lose-To-Win programme 爬楼梯,瘦身健康计划
varsity athletics to intramurals 校际赛事 / 校内赛事
Vice Chancellor & President 校长
Vice Chancellor & President (in a university) 校長
vision referrals 推荐去找医生做视力测试
VMI 视觉-运动整合(评测)
Entered by: Julia Zou
Wellness Zone Spinning Gym : Movie-Robics 保健区动感单车健身房:电影播放+有氧健身操
whole sentence 应该继续使用社交预设情景语言(脚本)来加强其总体语言驾驭能力
with contact guard to supervision 有人贴身看护
Entered by: Julia Zou
with no games 不含电脑游戏
WJ3 伍德科克-约翰逊心理教育测验库第三版的测试
Entered by: Julia Zou
WS 冬季学期
Entered by: Frank Feng
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