Glossary entry

Czech term or phrase:

Výše uvedený závazek informovat zástupce však neplatí, pokud s ohledem na charak

English translation:

However, the obligation above to notify the agent does not apply if ...

    The asker opted for community grading. The question was closed on 2011-12-21 02:54:07 based on peer agreement (or, if there were too few peer comments, asker preference.)
Dec 17, 2011 03:20
12 yrs ago
Czech term

Výše uvedený závazek informovat zástupce však neplatí, pokud s ohledem na charak

Czech to English Other Other commercial agency contract
Výše uvedený závazek informovat zástupce však neplatí, pokud s ohledem na charakteristiku nových výroků a na specializaci zástupce se nedá očekávat, že by takové výrobky mohl zástupce zastupovat.

i don't know what the above sentence means. Could any one explain it to me? any help appreciated.


Lenka Mandryszová Dec 18, 2011:
Asker: no form, just misreading :-) "Výroky" and "výrobky" are both used in the sentence, and what made it even more prone to misreading, was "takové výrobky" as referring to the same in the first part of the sentence. Actually, is it really OK or your typo in the second part?
kivnding (asker) Dec 18, 2011:
in addition, what is the most proper translation for the workd 'zastoupený' ? 'the represented'?
kivnding (asker) Dec 18, 2011:
thank you, lenka, but the word 'výroků ' means products? i looked it up on the internet but no useful results to me, so what form is it of the word 'výrobky'?

Proposed translations

4 hrs

However, the obligation above to notify the agent does not apply if ...

However, the obligation above to notify the agent does not apply if it cannot be expected with regards to the character of the new products and the agent's specialization that the agent could represent such products.

Skutečný význam vyplyne z vašeho kontextu - tedy jaké výrobky zástupce zastupuje, jakou roli zástupce má - to se bohužel z jedné věty vyčíst nedá, ale ta věta smysl dává...

Note added at 3 days23 hrs (2011-12-21 02:56:20 GMT) Post-grading

"výroky" = "claims"
Peer comment(s):

agree marek tesina
1 hr
agree Vladimír Hoffman : Suhlas, aj ked radsej takto "However, the above-mentioned obligation shall not" - mam pocit ze ide o pravny text, a tam sa to shall pouziva intenzivne. Ale inak super.
8 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thank you, Lenka, I know the word 'výrobky' means products, but I'm not sure what the word 'výroků' means, so what form is the word 'výroků'?"
2 hrs

However, the above mantioned ...

Just suggestion:
Howeber, the above mentioned oblogation to inform the representative is not valid, as far as with regard to ...
Something went wrong...
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