International Translation Day 2024

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Sep 2, 2021 04:48
3 yrs ago
14 viewers *
English term

Captain We Oughta

English to Chinese Tech/Engineering IT (Information Technology) IT processes
But that would constitute a proclamation of inadequacy on your part. Also, it would divide IT leadership in two, with the CDO becoming 【Captain We Oughta】 while you become Dr. No. And so “CIO” would become a statement of your retirement plan (“Career Is Over”).
注: CDO指chief digital officer
Proposed translations (Chinese)
3 指手画脚/提出各种要求的人


clearwater (asker) Sep 3, 2021:
Xuling Wu Sep 3, 2021:
@ClearWater 您也是一个非常勤奋的人啊。您所言极是。翻译是一个高强度的脑力劳动。您出的这道题,我得找到万年雪碧后方能解开了。所以只能在讨论中提供些参谋了,不好意思,没能帮上什么忙 :)
clearwater (asker) Sep 3, 2021:
Xuling Wu Sep 3, 2021:
今天把这段文字让一个母语是英语的人解读,他同意我最开始的理解,Captain We Oughta 提出公司创新应当采取的各种措施,而 Dr. No 资深、富有经验,却一再否定 Captain We Oughta 提出的建议。他不认为 Dr. No 指 007 人物,这里 Dr. 应该是 Ph.D 里面的 doctor,一个广闻博见的人。如果有时间可以细琢磨,建议 Captain We Oughta 翻译体现源语中幽默、口语话的风格。
Xuling Wu Sep 2, 2021:
@ClearWater 感谢分享更多的段落,这下子明白了,CDO 是 Captain We Oughta, CIO 是 Dr. No. 这么看,CDO 不仅仅唱反调,简直就是拆你台来的。你请他/她来帮忙,结果 CDO 喧宾夺主,成了人们推崇的革命小将,认为他/她倡导的方针和措施就是我们应该跟从的。相比之下,你沦落为 Dr. No., 不被看好,做了一次职业自杀。我不确定 Dr. No 是否指007 电影中的反面人物。 第一次看这段文字,我感觉 Dr. No 得其名,是指CIO 总否定 CDO 的创新方案不可行。但这次看到更多的段落,又感觉 Dr. No 指不被看好,业绩或能力遭到怀疑或否定。

hmm. 我觉得 "Captain We Oughta" 比我原先想象的更杠杠的,把 CIO 的职业革了命。我很喜欢 Frank Zou 使用的马首是瞻这个词,很形象地勾画出 CDO 喧宾夺主的气势。 "Captain We Oughta," 指引公司走向创新康庄路的大队长。
clearwater (asker) Sep 2, 2021:
Addressing IT innovation (aka ‘digital’)
Look at where business opportunities for innovation are happening, and you’ll find that information technology is, if not the top contender, certainly among the top three.

As CIO, your choices here are to either take charge of IT innovation or to embrace the idea of adding a chief digital officer to the executive leadership team.

But that would constitute a proclamation of inadequacy on your part. Also, it would divide IT leadership in two, with the CDO becoming Captain We Oughta while you become Dr. No. And so “CIO” would become a statement of your retirement plan (“Career Is Over”).

Let’s not do that.

Instead, fold IT innovation into the IT architecture practice as well. Doing so not only gives innovation an organizational home so that it doesn’t fragment your attention, it also places responsibility for innovation in the same place as the long-term need to integrate IT innovations into the rest of the IT architecture. You don’t, after all, want IT innovations to become future islands of automation.
Frank Zou Sep 2, 2021:
老大 CDO成了大家为马首是瞻的队长,你自己却成了坏人“诺博士”。最后CDO当了家,就没CIO(chief information officer)什么事了,所以chief information office (CIO) 就变成了CIO Career is over.
Xuling Wu Sep 2, 2021:
@ClearWater 我看不到整片文章,所以只能说从你引文中的这句话感觉 Captain We Oughta 和 Dr. No 像是唱对台戏的。你的连线我得要注册账号才能看到全文,而且设置隐私保护很麻烦,变着方强行出卖你的个人信息,这种网站不进也罢。所以,bro, 对不起,回答不了你的问题,我要知道更多的背景,才比较清楚 Captain We Oughta 和 Dr. No 到底指的谁是谁,还有两者是什么关系。 不管怎样,这是一篇翻译起来很有意思的文章。
clearwater (asker) Sep 2, 2021:
Xuling Wu Sep 2, 2021:
可以多给些背景么?怎么感觉 Capitan We Oughta 和 Dr. No 两个是对着干的?Captain We Oughta 说我们应该 【这么这么做】,但 Dr. No 就会给否掉,说 ‘不’?

这篇文章行文幽默,口语话,Captain We Oughta 的绰号让我联想起国内老一辈的作家赵树理笔下的 “二诸葛“ 和 “三仙姑”,以人物行为特点来起绰号。还有不知道为什么,看到 "Captain We Oughta" 我就想到 "杠杠的”,自我感觉特别好,总喜欢告诉别人应当怎么做。“杠杠队长”,嘴边总挂着 ”我们应当.. "


Proposed translations

2 hrs
English term (edited): Captain we oughta



意思应该就是这个意思。只是对于“Captain we oughta”和“Dr. No”,怎么能更有创意地变成中文,目前还没有好想法。
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