Apr 22, 2010 20:27
14 yrs ago
Czech term
či nedojde k vymáhání pohledávky
Czech to English
Finance (general)
Je niže uvedena věta správná? Pokud je to možné, prosím o překlad celé věty do angličtiny, protože nemůžu najít smysl této věty. Předem děkuji.
Smluvní strany považují tuto smlouvu za důvěrný dokument a zavazují se neinformovat o její existenci třetí osoby bez písemného souhlasu druhé strany. Toto ustanovení neplatí pro případ, kdy zveřejnění či zpřístupnění je vyžadováno platnými právními předpisy, či nedojde k vymáhání pohledávky.
Smluvní strany považují tuto smlouvu za důvěrný dokument a zavazují se neinformovat o její existenci třetí osoby bez písemného souhlasu druhé strany. Toto ustanovení neplatí pro případ, kdy zveřejnění či zpřístupnění je vyžadováno platnými právními předpisy, či nedojde k vymáhání pohledávky.
Proposed translations
3 +2 | or if the claim is not enforced | Charles Stanford |
4 | enforcement is not demanded. | mashak (X) |
4 | or if there is a debt | lingua chick |
Proposed translations
9 hrs
or if the claim is not enforced
I am not sure that the last bit makes sense....
The Contracting Parties hereby acknowledge that this Agreement is a confidential document and undertake not to disclose its existence to a third party without written permission from the other Contracting Party. This provision shall not apply where legal regulations applicable require the present Agreement to be published or made available or if the claim is not enforced.
Perhaps "or if the claim is not enforced" will make sense to you from the context... It does not make sense as it is.
The Contracting Parties hereby acknowledge that this Agreement is a confidential document and undertake not to disclose its existence to a third party without written permission from the other Contracting Party. This provision shall not apply where legal regulations applicable require the present Agreement to be published or made available or if the claim is not enforced.
Perhaps "or if the claim is not enforced" will make sense to you from the context... It does not make sense as it is.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
4 hrs
enforcement is not demanded.
The parties to this agreement accept that this agreement is a confidential document and each party pledge not to disclose any information about the existence of this agreement to a third party without a written permission of the other party. This agreement is invalid if and when the disclosure and declassification of this agreement is required by a valid legal regulations or if enforcement of this agreenent is not demanded.
can use classified = confidential and agreement = contract
can use classified = confidential and agreement = contract
15 hrs
or if there is a debt
I think what's actually meant here by "pohledavka" is "debt", seems to make more sense in the context.
Something went wrong...