Mar 18, 2008 09:56
16 yrs ago
Danish term


Danish to English Social Sciences Religion Birth Certificate
These initials follow the officiating priest's name on a birth certificate. What do they stand for.
Proposed translations (English)
2 Kirke & Borger / Church & Citizen
5 kirkebogsfører/kirkebogsførende
2 Kirke og Sogn
1 kirkebogsførende


William [Bill] Gray (asker) Mar 18, 2008:
Not K&B Sorry, Diarmuid. It is definitely a "B" on the form!

Proposed translations

4 days

Kirke & Borger / Church & Citizen

Bill, it could also be Kirke & Barn/Børn, but Kirke & Borger sounds more reasonable.

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks, Nanna. I think this is likely, since it indicates a civil function as well as the religious."
9 mins

Kirke og Sogn

Just a guess that it may say K&S
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3 hrs


Each parish has a kirkebogsførende minister (unless it is a 'præst' from a Catholic church who would be a priest).
The minister is -as the word says- responsible for entering all births and deaths occurring to and among the people living in the parish, be they baptized in Folkekirken or not.
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7 days


Today, I contacted the parish office to ask for a qualified answer and here it goes:
"Der vil normalt stå sognepræst eller kordegn under en underskrift. Hvis der efter sognepræst står KB er det et meget kvalificeret bud at det står for kirkebogsførende ( i slang kaldes den kirkebogsførende for KBeren)"
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