Sep 19, 2002 09:13
22 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Dutch term

openstaande vorderingen

Dutch to English Bus/Financial Accounting Annual report
die voornamelijk te wijten is aan de inning van openstaande vorderingen waarvoor vroeger reeds provisies waren geboekt.

Does this mean previous advances that were written off have been recovered?

Discussion Sep 19, 2002:
From an Annual report Section heading is: geconsolideerde cijfers Sep 19, 2002:
The rest of the sentence This refers to consolidated figures: Ondanks de uitzonderljike lasten met betrekking tot _____, werd er een uitzonderljijke winst behaald van ____ Eur, die voornameljik.....

Proposed translations

1 hr

outstanding debts/receivables

Literally, the sentence reads '...are largely attributable to the fact that outstanding receivables were collected subsequent to a provision being made for them'.

Which in plain English means that certain receivables, which had been written off as bad debt, were in fact later later paid by the debtor.
Peer comment(s):

agree Elisabeth van der Fluit
5 mins
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Perfect! Thanks for helping put my very incoherent thoughts in to legible English."
16 mins

accounts receivable

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18 mins

accounts receivable

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