Feb 23, 2001 01:14
23 yrs ago
5 viewers *
Dutch term


Non-PRO Dutch to English Bus/Financial
Aangezien de salarissen nog niet definitief berekend waren is een stelpost opgenomen in het operationele budget voor 1998.

AMERICAN financial jargon only please
Proposed translations (English)
0 estimated item / provisional item
0 subdivision
0 provisional sum

Proposed translations

1 hr

estimated item / provisional item

post = item
stel = estimated or provisional

"provision" alone will not do, because this is usually is a sum of a number of items, which can be included in a budget under one heading.

"estimated" is better than "provisional", because stellen = assume.

VanDale / Van Hoof

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Maybe even "assumed" or virtual "item"."
19 mins


according to eurodicautom financial section
hope it helps
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45 mins

provisional sum

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