Glossary entry

Dutch term or phrase:


English translation:

road / road system

Added to glossary by bgranger
Apr 13, 2005 11:57
19 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Dutch term


Dutch to English Bus/Financial Business/Commerce (general) contract language
Would anyone know what this word means? Is it a misspelling of 'wegens'? Or would it have to do with the word 'weg' in some other way? Thanks!

Afspraak met BIAC voor mogelijke betrokkenheid in renovatie wegenis sector 8 (uitvoering in 2003).

This is the only context for it.
Proposed translations (English)
3 +4 road / road system
3 +2 wegen in

Proposed translations

11 mins

road / road system

"wegenis" is the wegenis in wegeniswerken (Google gives quite a few hits (4100) for wegenis as such)but can be used on its own. Very old word, probably only used in legal docs and in "wegeniswerken"
Peer comment(s):

agree Els Thant, M.A., B.Tr. (X) : wegenis is - voor de verandering - niet echt een verouderde, wel een courant gebruikte term in België...
44 mins
weet ik wel Els want ik ben Belgische, maar het blijft een verouderd woord in mijn oren
agree writeaway
1 hr
agree Paul Peeraerts
2 hrs
agree Meturgan
5 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you!"
5 mins

wegen in

Could be a typo indeed.
renovatie wegen in sector 8 --> road(s) renovation/reconstruction in sector 8

Or get in touch with your customer.

Note added at 11 mins (2005-04-13 12:08:58 GMT)

Sorry, it\'s roads (wegen in) in sector but not because of a typo. Just remembered our \'wegeniswerken...
Peer comment(s):

agree Deborah do Carmo
2 mins
disagree Pierre Grabowski (X) : no typo. wegenis = roads, collection of all roads or paved ways
3 mins
euh, yes indeed! Your comment apparently came first but I had not yet changed my screen view
agree Iris70 : seems to be a Belgian word
8 mins
yes, and as such used quite often
agree Siobhan Schoonhoff-Reilly
25 mins
neutral Els Thant, M.A., B.Tr. (X) : used very often in Belgium, indeed**er is geen probleem - dit was enkel de bevestiging van Iris' vermoeden en jouw bevestiging daarvan ;-)
51 mins
euh ja, dus wat is het probleem?
agree writeaway : with roads
1 hr
disagree Paul Peeraerts : no typo
2 hrs
inderdaad, misschien eerst het volledige antwoord lezen?
Something went wrong...
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