Glossary entry

Dutch term or phrase:

tergend en roekeloos geding

English translation:

provocative and reckless proceedings/case

Added to glossary by Adam Dean
Feb 26, 2007 11:25
18 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Dutch term

tergend en roekeloos geding

Dutch to English Law/Patents Law (general)
This is from a Belgian letter explaining a ruling on benefit payments. The sentence in question reads:

"Indien de rechtbank echter oordeelt dat het om een "tergend en roekloos geding" gaat, zullen de kosten van de rechtsprocedure door u moeten betaald worden."

I can understand what the text wants to say, I am just unsure whether there is a standard translation that I could use or an equivalent common phrase in English. I haven't been able to find anything suitable yet.

Proposed translations

5 mins

provocative and reckless proceedings/case

See case presentation from Belgian appellate court
Example sentence:

CASE HISTORY: 1st instance Rb van Koophandel Veurne 15 January 2003 ... A provocative and reckless character of the appeal has not been proven. ...

Peer comment(s):

agree Andre de Vries : maybe vexatious and reckless case
19 mins
agree Chris Hopley : agree with Andre, there could be some mileage in 'vexatious action' (cf.
21 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks - I'll go with this."
1484 days

vexatious and reckless proceedings

provocative is not the right word, moreover vexatious and reckless is a more or less established phrase.
geding is pretty much always proceedings, but depending on the context action or suit may be preferred.
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