Glossary entry

Dutch term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Albert Stufkens
Jul 5, 2007 19:58
17 yrs ago
6 viewers *
Dutch term


Dutch to English Bus/Financial Law (general) vonnis
"In geval X zal de rechtbank ter comparitie niet aan een inhoudelijke behandeling kunnen toekomen. Als partijen er in onderling overleg de voorkeur aan geven dat de rechtbank direct uitspraak doet zonder dat eerst de comparitie plaats vindt, dienen zij dat binnen Y weken na de datum van dit vonnis aan de griffie te berichten."

The entry for this under Wikiwords is "pre-trial review," yet when I back translate this in Van den End, "regiezitting" is given. Can anyone confirm this solution as being accurate or come up with something more appropriate? TIA. Cheers, R.
Proposed translations (English)
4 appearance
Change log

Jul 10, 2007 13:13: Albert Stufkens Created KOG entry


Deborah do Carmo Jul 5, 2007:
it's where parties are ordered to personally appear before court at a hearing in order to a) reach a settlement and/or b) provide further information (sometimes even after the statement of defence). HTH
Robert Kleemaier (asker) Jul 5, 2007:
@ Kate now that's unfair... searched under NL>EN but not the other way around... (*grrr/blush*)... Thx, Kate! Cheers, R.
Robert Kleemaier (asker) Jul 5, 2007:
@ Deborah reference is made earlier in the judgment to 'Art. 93'. HTH.
Kate Hudson (X) Jul 5, 2007:
Deborah do Carmo Jul 5, 2007:
Erratum: make it easier TO determine which one
Deborah do Carmo Jul 5, 2007:
Is reference made close to this in the text at all to article 87, 88 or 131 of the Dutch Civil Procedure Code (Rv)? These are forms of hearings or personal appearances but reference to an article will make it easier
determine which one.

Proposed translations

1 hr


The Court, in fact, informs that the matter cannot be thoroughly discussed when the parties appear before the Court. They can, however, by mutual agreement, indicate to the Court that it can proceed with giving a ruling without the parties' appearance taking place.

Note added at 12 hrs (2007-07-06 08:18:27 GMT)

NL comparitie van partijen 3 Ref.
EN personal appearance of the parties
Peer comment(s):

neutral Ken Cox : JurLex also gives 'personal appearance' and a number of related formulations. As a non-expert (and thus subject to correction), in my view this does not seem to have any necessary relationship to a pre-trial hearing.
1 hr
I was not at all thinking of a pre-trial. In any trial the parties may be required or wishing to appear. Jacqueline van der Spek gave an excellent explanation of "comparitie" in Kudoz term 365835 but this is not exclusively connected to a pre-trial.
Something went wrong...
3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "This will do nicely, Albert, thank you. Re 'pre-trial review,' I've reviewed various definitions and am not convinced that it's the best (or only) solution. Cheers, R."
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