Apr 5, 2010 16:58
14 yrs ago
Dutch term


Dutch to English Medical Medical (general) dialysis patients - plasm
abbreviation or bad punctuation?
Serum Kreatine; serum ureum; serum Kalium; Alat; alkfof; asat; albumine; crp; calcium; ery’s; folium; ferritine; gammaGT; hb; ht; serum leuco (NB de gewone leuco’s zijn pd leuco’s); mch; mchc; mcv; fosfaat; **pth**; reticulo’s; serumTE; trombo’s; transferrin; vit b12; vit b6; IJzerverzadiging en indien bepaald in je centrum de hydrochrome erythrocyten. Deze ook aan bijhorend labonderzoek koppelen.

Proposed translations (English)
3 +1 PTH
4 parathyroïd hormoon

Proposed translations

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agree Lianne Wouters
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parathyroïd hormoon

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